exactly my point :) NPOP and NJOP
and then depending if it's Hak Milik or Hak Guna Bangunan.

before this turns into a pile of math examples, taxrules and alot of abbreviations...abbreviations get confusing at least for me it does, so I can only imagine how confusing it gets for someone who just wants to buy a house and enjoy living on Bali.
For those people, take the simple 5% + 5% + 2,5%....
Thats 5% for the nominee, 5% for all taxes, 2,5% for the services of a good notary.
sorry I don't agree, what you wrote is the best example why all the notaris in the south driving mercedes or alphards...
a good notary is 1 %, nominee 5 % ok why not, taxes: I tried to explain how to save money, of course we were talking about Hak Milik!

You cannot own HGB as a foreigner (a company as a PMA can of course but than you don't need a nominee), Indo can.
For Hak Sewa / Pakai you don't need a nominee too....so if this thread is "nominee notary questions" it's Hak Milik of course

and in this case you can ask for a 60 million deduction from the purchase price (5 % buyer tax), I wish somebody told me this years ago but nevermind
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hahaha...you're funny.
It's okey that you don't agree, different people-different experiences.

But it's clear you don't like people who are succesful, drive nice cars or bikes, and make money work for them instead of work to get money.
(wonder why, but that's besides the point)

the op questions were asked and answered to his likings.
then sunnycoast asks something wich is quite simple to answer, you instead choose to over-complicate things, to show how smart you are?? but by doing so, you make mistakes.

I call you out on statements in previous post to get things clear, wich you answer with I'm not a native speaker and a mathematical 'copy-paste'..
the copy paste is between two indonesian people, that's why I said it differs for HM or HGB.

you keep paying your 1% to your notary, and keep ending up with expensive agreements between you and your nominee (percentage on sale price not on net profit).
you're about saving money and that's good, just 1 tip I learned years ago..."sometimes saving money today, will cost you alot tomorrow"
hahaha...you're funny.
But it's clear you don't like people who are succesful, drive nice cars or bikes, and make money work for them instead of work to get money.
(wonder why, but that's besides the point)

All I wanted is avoiding that people who are not experienced as us pay the usual "harga bule", regarding your quotation above: you could not be any wronger ;-)
In case you don't believe me send me a PM and come & visit, really don't want to do the "rich kids on instagram" crap here online but as i can see on your pics I wonder you drive as me a 200.000 USD car...I live in a Villa in South Bali come & visit dude

P.S. I sent you the address via PM already

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like I said there's nothing wrong with trying to save money...it's where to save money that's important, or better yet where to spend money on.

I am not going to indulge into a 'mine is bigger then yours, no mine is bigger then yours'.
By the way, that thought of mine came because of some comments made on other threads too.
Maybe I was wrong in coming to that conclusion, sorry for that.

Thanks for the invite..will check in a minute
like I said there's nothing wrong with trying to save money...it's where to save money that's important, or better yet where to spend money on.

Hi Gilbert,

you should meet Sakumabali, then you can compare whatever you want and make up your mind :)

I´m thankful for discussions like these, as I hope it saves a lot of guys giving money to the wrong people. And from talking with Sakumabali I had the impression that this is what he wants to achieve. And if you want to find out what is wrong and what is right in Bali then you´ve already lost ;-)

Have a beer together ...

P.S. I think 1% for the Notaris should be enough, if everything is already prepared and straightforward. But if the work and the consulting is really good, everyone is free to pay more.
Hi Gilbert,

you should meet Sakumabali, then you can compare whatever you want and make up your mind :)

I´m thankful for discussions like these, as I hope it saves a lot of guys giving money to the wrong people. And from talking with Sakumabali I had the impression that this is what he wants to achieve. And if you want to find out what is wrong and what is right in Bali then you´ve already lost ;-)

Have a beer together ...

P.S. I think 1% for the Notaris should be enough, if everything is already prepared and straightforward. But if the work and the consulting is really good, everyone is free to pay more.

Sakumabali and I have "kissed and made up" sort o speak via PM :)
both sakumabali and I have the same objective, helping people...somewhere down the thread there was some miscommunication, misreading and misconcluding and it spiraled from there..hell we are humans right :)
Anyways, all is good and I hope we'll have a beer together in the near future..

Off topic :
Like you Andrew, I like discussions that lead somewhere too...I am no oldtimer on the forum (not many of the real 'oldies' left here), but in the days before I became a member there was a whole lot more communication going on between the members, asking-answering-asking again-sharing opinions and explaining why an opinion has formed in that way..When reading through the archives, some discussions could heat up quite a bit but I see nothing wrong with that.
Hi Gilbert, I am glad to hear that you and Sakumabali have become friends again. I really enjoy following the treads in this Forum, and learning from the wide range of experiences people have.

As for Notaris and their associates, finding a good one is like finding a Mayan Crystal Skull... if you find one, you may not want to share that knowledge! But, as I have said before in other posts, I am certain it is more to do with the profession rather than Indonesian lawyers per se. In my experience, the UK property lawyers and agents can be just as annoying and slow as those in Indonesia. And just like the UK ones, Indonesian Notarises appear to make money regardless of how useless they are!

There, that me, now getting down from my soap box, and heading to the fridge for a welcome cold beer!
yes you're right. I'm not a native speaker. NJOP - land tax (the 1 you have to pay every year), this of course still exists but getting more & more every year (like f.e. in Jimbaran / Puri Gading). I went to a notary there and insisted on paying her 1 % of the NJOP as a notary fee (was always a good deal til then) she smiled and said ok. Than I found out that the NJOP value of the land was much higher than the purchase price.
For the buyer / seller taxes they use Dispenda now. How to calculate:BPHTB = (NJOP-NJOPTKP) x Tarif Pajak
I got my 60 million every time in the last 2 years....

Here we go:

Contoh Perhitungan BPHTB

Seorang ayah menghibahkan sebidang tanah seluas 1.500m2 kepada anaknya. Harga pasaran tanah di daerah lokasi tanah tersebut adalah Rp. 82.000 per m2. Maka BPHTB yang harus dibayar adalah:
- NPOP : 1.500m2 x Rp. 82.000 = Rp. 123.000.000
- NPOPTKP : = Rp. 60.000.000 –
- NPOPKP : = Rp. 63.000.000
- BPHTB : 5% x 63.000.000 = Rp. 3.150.000
- Pengurangan : 50% (krn segaris) = Rp. 1.575.000 –
- BPHTB yang harus dibayar = Rp. 1.575.000

Thanks Sukumabali

We just bought HGB, I like seeing figures that others have paid, sometimes you feel as though they just make S%^t up.

In case you don't believe me send me a PM and come & visit, really don't want to do the "rich kids on instagram" crap here online but as i can see on your pics I wonder you drive as me a 200.000 USD car...I live in a Villa in South Bali come & visit dude

I am turning up. I want to see this 200.000 USD car.
Saturday? You have to come to my place though....not in the mood to go through traffic just for that
I will happily come to your place. I have never seen a car worth that much money. Can I sit in the car and have my photo taken?
I happily get around in my 2 year old Terios that only cost me $20,000 when new. A car with a value of $200,000 is worth driving to see.
Don't know what you up to ("I have never seen a car worth that much money", where do you live @Rockabout Creeks?) but i sent you a PM