
Active Member
Aug 13, 2013
I had a strange experience yesterday while trying to go to a small Balinese waterpark. It's called Gumuh Sari Futsal & Waterpark.

Here's their Facebook page, they don't have a website (no surprise there):

I drive in and the Satpam looks decidedly uncomfortable to see me but I ask him in Indonesian where to park and seems to be fine after that. The family and I walk up to the entrance and there's a staff member there to greet us. He sheepishly tells my wife that foreigners aren't allowed to come in, I laughed because I thought he was joking, but he then explained that a bule had fallen on the water slide and the ensuing chaos had caused the owner so much trauma that he just decided to ban all foreigners. There's a sign on the front window that says "Local Tourism Only".

I wasn't really pissed off as I'm pretty sure calling the place a waterpark was a typical Indonesian marketing exaggeration, but I'd kill to know the story behind it. Anyone know?

There is a certain logic to it though. If you don't want to deal with complaints, simply ban the people most likely to complain.

Pretty weird experience being refused service because of the colour of my skin. What's next? Signs that say "No Irish, No Bule, No Dogs"? Am I the new Martin Luther King Jr.? . . . of bules?


Oct 10, 2007
Typical Indonesian aptitude, instead to learning from the bad experience and improve theirs standards of security, they become defensive.............I hate this and I found these kind of situations show sometimes how ignorant people are.
I saw an amazing beautiful place which was long time ago a swimming pool, I asked the people why was not working and open and they told me somebody died on the swimming pool so they decided to close it..............It seems like people don't learning from their mistakes, they seems to choose an easy way.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Typical Indonesian aptitude, instead to learning from the bad experience and improve theirs standards of security, they become defensive.............I hate this and I found these kind of situations show sometimes how ignorant people are.
I saw an amazing beautiful place which was long time ago a swimming pool, I asked the people why was not working and open and they told me somebody died on the swimming pool so they decided to close it..............It seems like people don't learning from their mistakes, they seems to choose an easy way.

Depending upon who that person was and how many snuffed it, it could have been closed because it had "bad karma" or bad luck. Might have been just really badly built? I've not found that Indonesians to be as stupid as many say they are. We just look at stuff with our "western" eyes and not with theirs.

Just saying...


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
How about we start counting all the clubs and bars in the South that ban Indonesians from entering.

I count myself inordinately lucky not to have known that before.

That's appalling if true.

Can't imagine how pissed I'd get if I was banned because of nationality in my own fecking country.