
Happy to announce our little one arrived safe and sound after a water birth in the Harapan Bunda clinic in Renon last Wednesday.

Weighed in at 3.2Kg and 51cm tall. Healthy and complete. Mother and toddler doing fine. In the past five days have been crapped on, peed on and bathed in puke and I'm loving it.


Oops, forgot to mention. Joshua Masuo Thorpe was born on November 14th at 6.25pm. Healthy young boy.

Congratulations Mark, best of luck and wishes to all 3 of you! The best christmas present you could have hoped for! Kind regards, Adam
Congratulations Mark, best of luck and wishes to all 3 of you! The best christmas present you could have hoped for! Kind regards, Adam
Cheer Adam, yeah I never thought I would extoll the joys of being covered in all forms of human waste liquids but in some ways it's quite funky :icon_e_smile:
Cheers Kiwi, that it does my man. Long rethinks and refocusing going on at this time.

Dive safe,
Thanks for all the kind words, much appreciated.

I'm sure there must be some weird hormon that kicks in because any rational human would immediately batter the kid against a wall.

As you say - covered in dung, spew and whizz.

Money gone for the next 20 years, ditto freedom, ditto partnership with the missus, ditto sex, ditto piece and quiet, etc. etc. ad infinitum.

If we thought about it for just a second then the human race would have died out centuries ago.

Here's to not thinking.

Congratulations and wishing you both nerves of carbon fiber.

Oh, you can say goodbye to the photography too.
I guess some people are into the whole body fluid thing, and I'm getting it for free. Reckon I'll be able to decide if it floats my boat or not within a few months. Except for parenthood strapping one's cash resources I can't say I'd go along with any of the other deficiencies you mention, above all those relating to my relationship with the missus or the photography. Pembantu's are great aspects of life here so my photography continues, so much so I'm also now starting courses for beginners. All good.

Ahh the wonders of Bali and pembantus - forgot about them.

Wish we could export them like they do cruise ship staff.