Thanks pollyAnna,

I think I worded my post badly. I was just wondering if there was any specific info on buying a villa and tips from those who have been through the process. E.g. Avoid realestate agents as prices are inflated.....that type of general info. Of course location, size and condition will influence the price.

When we move to Bali I'd be looking at living on around 60k Australian for my wife and I excluding cost of housing. From what I can gather that would be a pretty comfortable lifestyle, I was wondering if that type of thing was discussed at the get together.

Our move has been delayed until next year but I'd certainly take you up on the offer of referring us to a trusted guide to help look for a place to live. Nothing beats local knowledge I these things.


We are coming
Hi Werecoming,
I would recommend that you come to stay on Bali for 3 months, living in a rental place in an area that you were thinking of moving to. That way you get to see the real Bali, get to know what the 'real prices' are likely to be (they really to vary a lot... as they appear to be based on what people are told by relatives or nieghbours are likely to get, rather than realistic prices you would find quoted in Ozz.)

Also, you can use the rental place as a base to find out exactly what you are looking for. Bali is much bigger than Kuta Beach, and just looking around can be a joy (and also a reminder of how rapid building sites appear).

I am sure the Balipod members would be happy to give you advice on what to expect. For example, a 'rice view' is not likely to last long unless the rice fields belong to the Provisional Government (and are therefore not likely for further building development).

My final advice is ... if it looks too good to be true, it IS too good to be true. The tales of dirty dealing, when money in involved, are many and (unfortunately) too true.

But, I can confirm Bali is a relaxing place provided that you are willing to be relaxed too.

Happy hunting.
Avoid realestate agents as prices are inflated

I can tell you I know of at least one case where someone bought a house directly from the owner and they paid more for it than what it was listed on some agents' websites. So while this might be true sometimes, it is not always the case.

You just have to expect that anyone who shows you property for sale they will be making their cut, whether it is your driver, best friend or even family. Even though you might be only dealing with one person, there could be several others also looking to get their share.

I think good advice from Barekarma. The longer you can stay in an area before buying, the more people you will get to know and the more you will learn about prices and learn which properties could potentially be "lemons".
SORRY ALL, we Spent another week after the hook-up in Bali in Cepaka with little to no "WIFI" then when we got home we were down south in W.A with again Little to no "WIFI",, this is the first time we have had to reply.We had a great time social,informative,just being in "Bali" as every states you learn so much about prices,locals,where to shop where not to,looking around Canguu or Cepaka we found alot of rentals,"again my wife is less keen than me" as she will be the one livivng in Bali while I "fly-in/fly-out",, anyone wants to PM me to find out more pelase do,

A big thanks to "NO.IDEA" and the german guy, and the awesome Aussie guy we met with his wife., and of course RON.B

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