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"The Buleleng administration stated that this health checkup was part of its program to commemorate Mother’s Day, as well as from its concern for the health of women and children.
Overall, 6,000 women from 148 villages across the regency, as well as local authority employees took part."

:confused: how the hell did they do 6000 colposcopy procedures (on the frontyard of the Bupati's residence) ??? :hopelessness:
Being a specialist on almost everything (as you know) I think that in this case Gil that the whole "yodel up the canyon" procedure was substituted for a cervical swab, which is considerable quicker.

But I will happily defer to someone with a vagina on this one.
We women are led to believe that a pap smear is enough to diagnose cervical cancer. I myself have had pre cancerous cells removed following a smear. Hope that is not TMI ;)
I'm told they use a thingy kinda like an apple - corer?

From my point of view there can really never be TMI where vaginas are concerned, but that's perhaps just me?