
The government is currently revising a regulation that would enable foreigners to own property in Indonesia, says an official.

The regulation, Government Regulation No. 41/1996 on residential property ownership by foreigners, as of now only enables a non-national to occupy a building or land for 25 years.

“The decision on the draft bill will have to wait for approval from the House of Representatives and the Coordinating Economic Ministry,” Deputy for area development at the Public Housing Ministry Agus Sumargiarto said on Thursday, as quoted by

To acquire property ownership rights, however, according to Agus, foreigners will have to comply with tough requirements. For example, they would have to own a

business in Indonesia and should they want to sell their property, they would only be allowed to sell it to the government.

The government expects the bill to boost economic growth when the ASEAN single market is implemented in 2015.

Agus added that the kind of property that could be owned by foreigners, according to the draft bill, would be premium housing with a maximum of 50 to 60 years occupancy.

The draft bill, however, has the potential of breaking Law No. 5/1960 on agrarian issues. Therefore, Agus said that the government would let the National Land Agency

(BPN) and the House handle the matter as the two institutions were currently revising the law.

Association of Housing Development in Indonesia (Apersi) chairman Eddy Ganefo said the decision to allow foreigners to own property clearly violated the Agrarian Law as it states that land in Indonesia can only be owned by Indonesian nationals.

Expatriates to get property ownership rights in Indonesia | The Jakarta Post
This isn't "ownership" - just some kind of leasing (..... with a maximum of 50 to 60 years occupancy. .....)

Pointless waste of time!
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Wrong - this isn't law either, it's aspirational.

Wait, wait, wait - slowly, slowly catchee mockeey.

In my humble it is bound to come. The only question is will many of us presently here be still alive ?
As an eternal optimist I think this will turn out well for us. Why? Well, just remember the usual governmental way of providing new information is drip, drip, drip to see how it "plays" - for both good and bad legislation. Think of the gas price increase, for example. First it's going up to 9000, then it's not. Then its going up to 6000, then it is. Or the airport renovation. Rabies suppression, beachfront property setback - the list is endless really.

If this case plays true to form then it will be "run it up the flag and see what happens". Now if nobody expresses serious issues with foreign ownership then the final result could well look quite different than this initial "feeler". Of course no one would be interested in it in it's present form for the obvious reasons. But it is a move in the right direction.

Slowly, slowly catchee money.

Now if this forum were a group of like minded people that had foreign property ownership as a shared interest then we might all club together and donate a little money to see this "pushed". But of course this is a ridiculous thought. Isn't it???
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Now if this forum were a group of like minded people that had foreign property ownership as a shared interest then we might all club together and donate a little money to see this "pushed". But of course this is a ridiculous thought. Isn't it???

I awaiting more info and am interested as I want to "own" property to build my estate on !
there is a very good reason why foreigners cannot own property in Indonesia and why it was implemented so long ago......
so that the Chinese and Arabs would not buy up Indonesia!
Slowly, slowly catchee money.

Now if this forum were a group of like minded people that had foreign property ownership as a shared interest then we might all club together and donate a little money to see this "pushed". But of course this is a ridiculous thought. Isn't it???

With the KPK sniffing around everywhere... it may not be the right thing to
club together and donate a little money to see this "pushed"
but if the forum began making well publicised donations to very newsworthy causes, it may show that
a group of like minded people that had foreign property ownership as a shared interest
do have feelings towards their lesser well off brothers and sisters, and why not show some sympathy to their cause by pushing the foreign ownership thingy through parliament.
What are the majority of the Balinese peoples thoughts about the foreigners buying up their land? Are they favourably or unfavourably inclined? It would help to get them on your side.

I know it is not as direct as the proposal above, but can you imagine the fallout if the "donation" was apprehended?

I am with Markit, he has been pushing forming a more formal sort of union of forum members. But it seems to be falling on deaf ears.... or is it a case of "elu elu, gue gue" or loosely translated "each for him/her self?

It will take time for things to happen concerning foreign land ownership, but it is in the works. Why not start to show that the foreigners in Indonesia can also contribute to the general wellbeing, not just to the tax man's coffers.

Start by forming a more formal group.
Selling back to government?? How to evaluate the cost of the house at the end?? And most importantly, how much money should be given to the government under t in order to get the house sold?
It will never happen in my life time, Agrarian Law (in the constitution) will be very hard to change. The best we can hope for is a long lease.