Is it normal for local people to jump in front of you in a queue?


New Member
Ive tried a search on here and im unable to find anything about this. However, its happened a few times now where im waiting in line in a store.. (I try to find local(ish) stores for the cheaper prices) and a local will cut straight in front of me and get served. Ive never said anything as ive just thought as a westerner i need to take this on the chin. Is this normal here?? :icon_e_sad:
Yes, it's normal, but you don't have to put up with it.

Just cut in front of them again, SMILE and say, "permissi... tunggu sebentar, ya?" and proceed as if they hadn't been so rude.
Try not to give anyone any room to push in front and if that doesn't work cough as hard as you can on the back of their head and wipe your nose as if you have the flu. It might not get you your position back but they'll twice before cutting in line next time. :icon_evil:
Manners are manners, rudeness is rudeness and passiveness is passiveness - no matter where in the world. Some just have different details. Don't put up with rudeness, anywhere.
Ah... but the Balinese are MASTERS of passive-aggression! Very rarely a confrontation, just the cold stone-wall! You may as well be talking to a brick wall. :icon_razz:
Ah... but the Balinese are MASTERS of passive-aggression! Very rarely a confrontation, just the cold stone-wall! You may as well be talking to a brick wall

ah not only the Balinese.....

Oh my.... I just reread the "passive aggressive" and realized my friend always said I was passive aggressive. And while snow boarding I used to cut the queues all the time.... I think Indonesia left a mark on me when I was in my early teens! The more I read what westerners say about Indonesians the more I realize I might look western but.....
Seems to happen in nearly all S.E.Asian countries. Most locals don't no what lines are for, when in vietnam as you go to get your baggage it's about the same as the running of the bulls, little old ladies pushing you out the way, then you head for customs forget it, all the westerners wait quietly for there turn but the locals just push in any place, it really is annoying. I sometimes go to a vietnamese shop here in perth, I will be at the check out and some local vietnamese will just talk over you like you are invisible, just seems to be the way they are, they don't think they are being rude.:icon_rolleyes: