
I've always been involved with imaging in some way or another so it was a bit of a natural progression to get somewhat hooked on 'iPhoneography' or taking photos with the iPhone. I've recently been sponsored by a company based out of California with cinematic lenses for a movie project I have in the works. One of their smaller offerings is a kit of three lenses that are intended for the iPhone. A wide angle, a zoom and a fisheye lens allow for a whole range of artistic possibilities with the smart camera so am currently pounding the streets down here snapping all kinds of imagery.

Certainly is a lot less obtrusive than slamming a full on DSLR camera into someone's face. It's also a kit that I may be looking to introduce commercially.



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Sep 20, 2011
Hi Mark,
Your photography is obviously at a much higher level, but I love taking photos on my iphone. I mainly use Instagram and I enjoy searching the various hashtags and looking at other peoples photos.. There are a lot of good photos of Bali/Indonesia (and of almost anywhere in the world) on Instagram. I agree - it is much easier to take a less intrusive photo with your phone and these days the iphone takes a pretty good photo. I still use my SLR and my point-and-shoot but I am finding that I am taking more and more photos on my iphone. The "kit of three lenses" that you mentioned.. is the idea to eventually release them in the app store? I would be interested to hear more about it one day when it is tested and ready for the public..


Hi there, thinking_about_it, the lens kit already exists, I am shooting with them. They are not an App they are physical lenses that fit on to the iPhone. I also have an Instagram but the since it got bought by facebook it's being driven into the ground. I still post to it but not that often, it's just a bit of fun.

I love all forms of photography with one main drive to get people to share that. If you're on twitter maybe use #doyouinspire with your images even when you send them to Instagram and the account I have for photography willpick them up and retweet them out to over 15k followers. Really cool images will also be retweeted to my mainstream account with over 110k followers.


Beagles have more fun...


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Nov 28, 2011
How 'fiddly' are the lenses - the advantage of a small compact is that there's minimum 'fiddling' (changing lenses etc)

How high rez can you get?

But generally for 'on-the-hoof' unobtrusive photography a phone is a lot less obvious for candid shots than a DSLR


The lenses have a quarter twist bayonet fitting to the case that fits over the face of the phone, and remains in place thus acting also as a protector. The Lenses pack away into a small handle type deal which can also screw into the protective case for added stability.

You can check out more info on the product website. It is certainly compact and way less obtrusive than a DSLR and the rez is that of the iPhone although cropping is required when shooting the fisheye. Loss of resolution only happens when / if you try shooting video through the system as the iPhone traditionally uses a small sensor for its video acquisition than it does for its still imaging.



New Member
Jan 17, 2013
Looks good.. I wish they'd bring out something similar for the Samsung Galaxy which is a superior phone.

Just noticed you also run photography classes so I'll bring my 550D next trip and book your 4hr lesson. Do you still run it if there's less than 6 people booked?


Hi shazam,
No idea if they are intending to create a similar product for the Samsung range of phones. With the whole social sharing side of things going through the rooof these days I would imagine it would be a smart move to create such a product. I know for a fact these guys are doing very well with theirs for the iPhone range.

For the classes, one to one or six to one, all the same. Just contact when you're on the island and we'll get something sorted.



Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
This whole Iphone thing is getting a bit too Lord of the Rings for me.... where is my preeeciiouuus?

I'm amazed that a professional photographer would stoop to the quality loss embodied in using this gizmo that attaches to the preeeeciouuuus. I find the cameras in mobile phones terrible quality and cause young people to walk around posing most of the time - just in case someone takes a photo.

If you watch people that have one in a bar or resto they are always fumbling with the damn thing and paying way more attention to it than the people they are with. Makes me want to chop off the offending hand frankly, just like in the film.

By the way I have one of the damn things too. Now where is my preeeciiouuus?


Hey mate, it's not about the quality loss. Photography is about rendering a scene with artistic intent, it's not a battle of Megapixels otherwise it would be called Megapixography instead of photography. The word Photography basically translates as 'Painting with Light' and as with all forms of painting one has different grades of brush, simple.

Smart phone cameras with editing applications allow anyone these days a way to offer their view of the World or their surroundings by expressing their artistic intent. I see no wrong with that. There is also the commercial options too and coin to be made with that. You'd be surprised....



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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Whether you start with an image that has 36Gb or with one that has 36kb is a world of difference - the Gb photo can be "degraded" to fit whatever artistic premiss you want where as the 36kb shot is pretty much all you are going to get.

Don't get me wrong please I'm not from the Gb crazy crowd (my Pentax K100D Super only does 6mb pix) but I do come from a computer image analysis background where quality was and is stage one. From there we would capture whatever was wanted from the original, that is after doing the computer magic on it.

That there's money in Tham Thar Hills is without a doubt a motivating factor.


This is true if you are specifically looking to go to print. The smart photography element of society these days tends to be to satisfy the sharing option to social media platforms and for this it fits right in. I've seen some incredible shots achieved with iPhones and Androids, they would never make a magazine article but if that is not the desire from the outset then all's well and good. These devices are not meant to offer a competitive edge to the more professional standard DSLR's so they should not be classed as such.

Horses for courses.


New Member
Feb 19, 2011
I love this pic.....so cute! I recently bought the lenses for my iphone and love them!! although my pics still dont look as good as yours....perhaps i need lessons haha
Hi there, thinking_about_it, the lens kit already exists, I am shooting with them. They are not an App they are physical lenses that fit on to the iPhone. I also have an Instagram but the since it got bought by facebook it's being driven into the ground. I still post to it but not that often, it's just a bit of fun.

I love all forms of photography with one main drive to get people to share that. If you're on twitter maybe use #doyouinspire with your images even when you send them to Instagram and the account I have for photography willpick them up and retweet them out to over 15k followers. Really cool images will also be retweeted to my mainstream account with over 110k followers.


Beagles have more fun...


Hi belleh,
I am actually thinking of starting an iPhoneography club here in Bali. I think there are massive amounts of folks who clould be enticed to try imaging with their smart phone, if just for giggles and something to do. People can get as deep into it as they like, or not as the case may be. There are huge amounts of Apps and support accessories for this without it breaking the bank as a pro DSLR system costs.

From the recent festivities.



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