
New Member
Jun 20, 2011
no nastiness intended misty ben, just stressing the importance of having it.

95% of expats i know in Bali dont bother with it and think thet they can pick up a policy for a few hundred bucks.

im yet to talk to anyone whos got a solid policy for under about a grand (who is permanently domiciled in Asia)

mine also doesnt cover me for USA.

Thank you :icon_biggrin: and yes it is so important and I to know expats here with no insurance and its crazy but its their choice if they want to take the risk.

We are not interested in going to the USA so that works well for us.

Many Thanks:icon_biggrin:


New Member
Jan 20, 2012
Canggu Asri
Allright, so i'm gonna take my changes on wednesday, and will go on my insurance-hunt. Where to start? Googled a bit, bur only found a lot of stuff for Aussie's, but i'm Dutch.
Who can give me a little push to get started with?


New Member
Jun 20, 2011
Allright, so i'm gonna take my changes on wednesday, and will go on my insurance-hunt. Where to start? Googled a bit, bur only found a lot of stuff for Aussie's, but i'm Dutch.
Who can give me a little push to get started with?

If your an expat then go to Bali Medical Insurance its on the bypass in Sanur and ask for Sue or Laurie and tell them Misty sent you, they are amazing!!!!

Their number is 08123858341


New Member
Oct 14, 2012
I am considering applying for an Indonesion retirement visa and understand that I require health insurance, life insurance and 3rd party public liability insurance.

Checking the websites of Australian health insurance providers it would appear that the insurance cover offered is actually a travel insurance which requires a return to Australia, which is not my intention.

Is it possible to obtain cover in Indonesia (Bali), similar to "local" insurance cover offered in Thailand?
If so, I would greatly appreciate any information regarding the name and contact details of such insurance provider(s) and an indication of the costs involved.


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
There have been several threads on this topic previously:

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New Member
Oct 14, 2012
Hi Matsaleh

I have read these threads but they do not appear to address my enquiry.

I am not planning to return to Australia and will not have an address to qualify for the travel insurance.

Therefore my interest in obtaining contain details and costs of insurance policies issued in Bali/Indonesia.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
Ubud, Bali
I am considering applying for an Indonesion retirement visa and understand that I require health insurance, life insurance and 3rd party public liability insurance.

I used an agent (Bali IDE) and took their advice for insurance. Life insurance has never been mentioned and I doubt it is needed. Liability insurance is available locally and is not expensive. Only once in many years have they asked about health insurance, and at the time I had one of those Aussie travel insurances which was fine. But no one has asked about that again.

So you ask for contact details for the insurance provider - but I only contacted Bali IDE. Bali Visa - Indonesia Visa Consultants Denpasar - PT Bali IDE, for Retirement Visa, Business, Work and Travel Visa - Denpasar


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
I know this thread goes back some but wondered if anyone had found an answer to CeeBee's question on health insurance.
I'm in my mid 70's and permanently reside in Indonesia on a retirement visa. I'm looking for health insurance but most are in US$10,000 range because of age and are world-wide, excluding USA.

I've tried all the major brokers but they only suggest world-wide policies. I even went to Siloam to see if they have a recommendation but they work with all insurance Co's...well maybe not all.

I'm looking for simple hospitalisation insurance in Indonesia. I reckon if I leave I can get travel insurance for the short-term.

Any ideas please?


Feb 11, 2012
Don't know if this helps anyone but I have a worldwide insurance from Allianz which runs at about 170eur per month (I'm 28 and in good health tho). You can choose your depth of coverage and pay accordingly when signing up with them. Never gave me any trouble and payments were quick (used them for minor stuff/checkups in Europe and two relatively cheap hospital episodes in BKK, about 1000eur twice)

Edit: more info, this is in- and out patient and even includes stuff like infertility or psychiatric treatments. No US coverage per se, but covered in the US for either 30 or 60 days a year.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Thanks QM but I already tried Allianz on-line...when it came to enter age the scale stops at 69. :dejection:
Woe is growing old.....but I recall when I was a young fit 28 year old.....aghhh memories! But my best time of life was around 50ish......so keep fit QM and good hunting! if you know what I mean....:icon_twisted:


Dec 17, 2010
I was working on an insurance plan with Covermore, but with having a hundred and one things to deal with before leaving oz, I never got round to finalizing it. I thought I would just be able to contact them from Bali and get it started, only to find they wont do it unless I'm back in oz.


Jun 16, 2013

I was working on an insurance plan with Covermore, but with having a hundred and one things to deal with before leaving oz, I never got round to finalizing it. I thought I would just be able to contact them from Bali and get it started, only to find they wont do it unless I'm back in oz.
Yes I had to start mine in Aus..as it is a travel insurance..but good value..but don't want to return every 3 months..but some1 said $600..and some, for a year...which is about the best u'll get..over here..there
bout..1,900...up to $10,000....I don't have any..but when i go to a hospital I get Inonesian bill,,,as I have a Kitas.cheers..


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Thanks QM but I already tried Allianz on-line...when it came to enter age the scale stops at 69. :dejection:
Woe is growing old.....but I recall when I was a young fit 28 year old.....aghhh memories! But my best time of life was around 50ish......so keep fit QM and good hunting! if you know what I mean....:icon_twisted:
If you're an Australian citizen, fly to Darwin for a couple of days and then buy a one year policy with 1Cover. I just checked online and for someone aged 76 (for example), their comprehensive cover for the Pacific region is $1527.00 for 12 months. Much less if you're under 60. Mine was $591 for 12 months.
Travel Insurance Specialists | 1Cover - Travel Insurance you can count on


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
It may be worth mentioning that there are a number of differences between health insurance and travel health insurance other than price.

A Danish friend of mine has been "covered" by travel health insurance for the last 25 years here and recently suffered a number of age related complications (gall stones, bladder stones, etc.) which required an "emergency" operation here. That all went well and then his TRAVEL health insurance company insisted that he has to come home to be looked at in Denmark which, to say the least, was very inconvenient for a recovering sick person but they would have cancelled his policy had he refused.

His major worry now is that they will not cover him for any preexisting conditions which, unfortunately is standard for travel insurances but not HEALTH insurances (for those of us lucky enough not to live in the LOFHOB).

The whole issue of sickness and health here in Indonesia is fraught with problems - surprise, surprise!


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
I was working on an insurance plan with Covermore, but with having a hundred and one things to deal with before leaving oz, I never got round to finalizing it. I thought I would just be able to contact them from Bali and get it started, only to find they wont do it unless I'm back in oz.
I just noticed on 1Cover's site that it's possible to take travel insurance, even if you're already out of the country.

If you are already overseas and have forgotten to purchase travel insurance, don't worry, it is not too late. 1Cover can now cover residents of Australia who are overseas and intend to travel back to Australia at the end of their trip. There are a couple of things that you need to know before purchasing this policy:

  • There is a waiting period of 7 days that applies from the start date on the Certificate of Insurance to all claims arising from, related to or associated with any injury or sickness.
  • You cannot apply for or purchase cover for a pre-existing medical condition.
Travel Insurance for Australians Already Overseas