Child predators threaten lives of Balinese youth


From the Jakarta Post:

A maroon-colored sedan entered the parking lot of a shopping mall on Jl Surapati in Singaraja, North Bali.

A fifty-something Caucasian-looking man came out of the car with five teens aged 12 to 15 years old.
The children rushed to the playground area.

The foreigner shopped at the supermarket on the first floor of the mall.

“I have been very curious. I saw him take these children to the mall for the last few weeks,” commented one of the mall’s security guards.

“I am afraid that man is a pedophile,” the guard said in nervous voice.

And he has reasons to worry.

Singaraja, the capital of Buleleng regency is a notorious haven for pedophiles. Buleleng’s poor villages have become fertile lands for child “hunters”.

The Caucasian man was reportedly staying at Giri Emas village, 15 kilometers east of Singaraja.
A number of villagers were also suspicious of the man’s activities in their village, as they noticed he was always surrounded by local teenagers.

The quiet and recluse Singaraja seems like the perfect hiding spot for pedophiles to carry out their activities away from the spotlight.

Many pedophiles impersonate Santa Claus showering children with gifts, toys, clothes and food their parents cannot afford to buy them.

Theo Zatman, a painter living at Lovina Beach, warns parents they should be more careful with their children.

A number of foreign pedophiles have already been sent to prison for sexually abusing local children. Max de Clerco, a Dutch citizen, has been detained in the Singaraja jail since 2006.

French citizen Marcial Jugler was also sentenced to seven years in prison, and Australian Philip S. Granfield received eight years.

Many of the perpetrators are allegedly linked to international pedophile rings who hunt for victims in developing countries like Indonesia, Thailand and Cambodia.
I am worried these sort of articles will encourage pedophiles to the area of Lovina/ Singaraja and am worried by the tone of such. So anyone who dresses as Santa Claus at Christmas to give to poor children is now under risk of being called a pedophile? Nasty.
By all means fight this evil, but I'm afraid this sort of media sensationalism may make thing worse.
How can making people aware make things worse?

It is good that the national press are taking notice rather than sweeping it under the carpet.

I imagine paedophiles make their decisions on where to base themselves from info in their own circles rather than the press.
I may make myself unpopular because of this post, but to be honest I don't care. I must have my say.
I believe action against these evil people would be preferable to more words. This area, [which I live in] has been advertised regularly as a "haven for paedophiles" in many publications over the years. Because of that, there is not only the risk that many people from this area will get "tarred from the same brush" but also that paedophiles will search out this area. I don't want them here! I believe this is not just a Buleleng problem,[ and certainly not just a crime perpetrated by westerners ] but a Bali and worldwide problem and we all have a duty to combat this evil. Not pretend it is a problem on someone else's doorstep. I would much prefer to read articles about the catching and prosecution of these evil people. It's not the publicity I'm against, it's the tone of it, the sensationalism. Pheadophilia sells papers, it's a fact, ask any journalist. I find that a little sick in itself.
We can help. It's up to all of us to keep alert and report suspicious activity to the police and to follow it up to make sure action has been taken.
after seeing this video , as a father of 3 children , it makes me sick.
sorry to say , i am a peace full person , but kill them all.
Me too Jokko, I forced myself to watch the video and I literally had to vomit. I am not strong or tall, but when I see one of them with a child, I just can't be held responsible for my actions.
What shocked me most is that it's happening almost next door and pretty openly. Bali & Lombok are small islands and people know who these rats are and where they live. It is very near.

Yeah Mat I agree, sensation is needed to get people's attention, but painfully it also gets the rat's attention.

And once again I think: Isn't the government (not only Indonesian btw) supposed to protect the most vaulnerable ones... What can be more important...?

Sorry Matt I have to disagree. I am sure that before you bought in that area you would have checked it out. I do understand where you are coming from. Association by just living in that area. It would be hard for you but I think the more 'out there' for all people to know and understand what is happening all the better. I had no idea because like other issues to hard to handle it has not been bought to the public's attention. I saw a special on some Australians who go into Thailand, Vietnam and other areas and try and get the children who unknown to the parents who think they are getting a real job are used in prostitution. That and now the video I saw that Mimpi recommended just has me thinking more and more 'what can I do'.

On western TV if there is a pedophile in the area you see the parents out objecting to that person living in their area. What about the Balinese parents. I would imagine if it is discovered that a local is one that they would deal with that themselves.

The video did not make me sick it made me angry.
Here is something worth viewing for anyone in any doubts about whether it should be publicised or not!

PAEDOPHILE'S PARADISE - INDONESIA | PlayYouTube - Reproduce videos restringidos de YouTube
Thank you, mimpimanis, for the very instructive and somewhat reassuring video. Reassuring in the sense that this repulsive problem has been recognized and things are being done about it, in Bali.

Dr. Luh Ketut Sutyani, appearing at the beginning of the video, is a real asset to the project of helping these innocent victims and combating this scourge. Dr. Suryani is a hell of a woman, kind, extremely intelligent, and well educated. She has the advantage of being a Balinese trained in the West.

And then, toward the end of the video, there is Gloria, of the Crisis Care clinic foundation, in Lovina (whom, to this day, I never had the pleasure of meeting): she is a legend, a legend of care and compassion, in the Lovina area. She knows everything that's need to be known, and from what I hear, there are not enough hours in a day for her to help people.
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Of course Tintin, people you name are doing a good job, no doubt. But this vid was from a couple of years ago and more effort (to prevent, hunt down and care) was promised. I googled about today's status, but I couldn't find info about it. If anyone can inform me/ us about this, please let me/us know.
Sorry Matt I have to disagree. I am sure that before you bought in that area you would have checked it out.

Sully, I would be grateful if you read my last post again and tell me what it is you disagree with.
The reason I live in this area is because my wife and family are from here.
I will repeat, I am not against bringing the subject to public attention.
Also, I have never seen any suspicious activity myself, however I have been offered sex by [obviously] under age boys [ which shocked me]. But that is another problem that needs addressing.
I may make myself unpopular because of this post, but to be honest I don't care. I must have my say.
I believe action against these evil people would be preferable to more words. This area, [which I live in] has been advertised regularly as a "haven for paedophiles" in many publications over the years. Because of that, there is not only the risk that many people from this area will get "tarred from the same brush" but also that paedophiles will search out this area. I don't want them here! I believe this is not just a Buleleng problem,[ and certainly not just a crime perpetrated by westerners ] but a Bali and worldwide problem and we all have a duty to combat this evil. Not pretend it is a problem on someone else's doorstep. I would much prefer to read articles about the catching and prosecution of these evil people. It's not the publicity I'm against, it's the tone of it, the sensationalism. Pheadophilia sells papers, it's a fact, ask any journalist. I find that a little sick in itself.
We can help. It's up to all of us to keep alert and report suspicious activity to the police and to follow it up to make sure action has been taken.

Sorry Matt if I did not make myself clear, sometimes I have a tendancy to do that. The ONLY part I disagree with is we do need publicity, as much as possible by the authorities or organisations that are fighting this so the public are informed.

I understand your wife is from the area but most tourists wouldn't have the faintest idea of the advertising the area as a 'haven' unless you are one and locals would know you. From my perspective and it is only mine, I would like as much publicity as possible to put pressure on the authorities to do as much as possible to stop it.

I watched the You Tube one which I think was from the ABC in Australia and the other one I saw was on Sky in Australia.

Sorry if I did not explain myself correctly.
5 years ago i was in the bali holiday resort (now named puri saron)and at the same floor was an 60 years old spanish man .
he had different young boys in his room , aged between 10 and 16 , he was walking arround with a camera all day . i got suspicious and talked with the young boys and asked them what was going on but they avoided my questions.
the next day he was playing in the pool with the young boys and i saw this was not harmless, i thought to myself what is going on here...?i asked the head of the satpams about this situation and he said the staff also thought he was a childmolestor but they were affraid to take action , but it made them sick too. he was coming in the hotel for years now and always brought young boys in his room . nobody took action because they were affraid to lose their job.coming back to the pool area i saw this old man talking to my 11 yr old son , and i became so affraid and i became so aggresive and attact him and kicked the sh.t out of him.
the satpam called the manager , the manager came and told me to leave the man alone. i was so angry and called the police ......
the police came and searched his room and found pornographic material.
what i am trying to tell , nobody is doing anything , they all think , its not my and having a job is so important.
this way these dirty people can get away with this actions.
i think there should be more publicity about this things whats going on and show the balinese people if they dont do nothing about it , we will not come again, sorry for my bad english , grtz jokko
Yeah...-sigh-... We protect nature, dying species, cultural inheritage...but ... well you guess what I'm trying to say.

Jokko, you mean you don't want to come to Bali in general or to this specific place (puri saron)?

For a long time I didn't want to go to Thailand for this reason. The police kind of accepting child prostitution by not taking action even though it was happening in front of them.
Then a travelmate said to me that I'd also miss beautiful things of this country. His words kept me busy for 16 years and a year ago I finally decided to visit Thailand. It was so worth it.
Things like this can be very frustrating, the only thing we can do is not to accept it and be proactive (and in this case hitting is allowed ;-)
miso , i didnt mean i dont want to go to bali anymore, i love bali and im going to move there sept/okt this year. i just thought that im staying in a nice , expensive hotel and have to watch a pedo doing his way . i just wanted to say we must show the balinese that is unacceptable that they keep their moth shut and do nothing , gtz jokko
It is obvious you have not read either of my two previous posts. I clearly state, [even in bold letters in the one you quote] that I am not against publicity. Also, what do you mean by " most tourists wouldn't have the faintest idea of the advertising the area as a 'haven' unless you are one and locals would know you." ?
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miso , i didnt mean i dont want to go to bali anymore, i love bali and im going to move there sept/okt this year. i just thought that im staying in a nice , expensive hotel and have to watch a pedo doing his way . i just wanted to say we must show the balinese that is unacceptable that they keep their mouth shut and do nothing , grtz jokko
Ok Jokko, good for you. People often don't know how to deal with situations like this. That's why an open discussion is needed. It's not easy, especially about a delicate subject like this.
I think it's not only the case mostly in Indonesia. They say that human trafficking is rampant now that other foreigners have free access to the village.