Buy property in Indonesia mixed couple


Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
just my vision, or rather said my opinion on things....Why or how could one care about some law or prenup, if your wife just died?? I think I would have other things on my mind then some right to some patch of land.......

Of course... but should Made die and I lost our business & home somehow, it would be devasting for both me & my son. Where would we live? How would we live? What would happen to the buisness that we built up over many years? I didn't worry so much about it the last 12 years but now with a son's future to think of and as we get older it is more of a concern.

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
Yep, your right mimpimanis.
My post wasn't meant especially for your situation, and I do understand what you mean.
I am no specialist in Indonesian Law, so I can't and won't give you any legal advice...I can only say how I would try to set things up if I were you...and maybe I am repeating what Kabim already wrote, but in simpler terms maybe :) .
If Made dies before you do, he can state in his will that everything goes to your son and you as his parent will act as his legal guardian till he reaches the age that he is allowed to make his own decisions and sign legal papers(licenses, taxes, etcetc..). I think this is possible in Indonesia, and I don't see any risks or possible problems...
Another option is if I understood right, "sell" the place within a year...again I think, this can be on paper only..I mean for example, "sell" the place to your brother-in-law, who then signs all the rights over to you..
Sorry if I am repeating previous posts from members...but hell I got confused with all the Hak's flying around :lol: :lol:
Anyways Mimpimanis....let's just hope Made is around for a long time, so you both together can raise your son.
Friendly greetings.....Gilbert.


New Member
Nov 1, 2010
Feedback from Lars

Hi Lars
Could you please give a feedback to this case. Very interesting for me.

hallo forum members !
I would like to get information about property rules in Bali concerning court system. The story is stort : My wife (balinese) have land in Singaraja bought 1996 in her name. 1998 she got married with a mann from Holland and keept the original certificate in house in Holland. She got divorced 2004 in Holland and forgot certificate there. She rapport certificate missing in Holland, ex-husbond said he dont know where it is. December 2007 she suddenly have to be in court in Singaraja, because ex-husbond make court-case that she borrowed money from him. Thats not true and no proof but he bring the original certificate and use that to start the case, even thought he said to law in Holland he dont have it. Situation in court Singaraja is know that nothing really happens, only cost lot of money. The marriage agreement 1998 by deutch notary stats that both parts owe what they bring into marriage, meaning land belong to her acording to international rules. What is normally rules/tradition in case like this in Bali ? Actually the court case started without she got oficial invitation to meet in court