I have a kid's picture book being published in Oz next month and wanted to get 50 or so copies over here for friends etc. I'm worried that if my publisher sends by regular post they'll get snaffled by customs and I'll have to pay some ridiculous fee to liberate them. Is courier the way to go? If so, what do people think is the best company? DHL?

thanks in advance

I have a kid's picture book being published in Oz next month and wanted to get 50 or so copies over here for friends etc. I'm worried that if my publisher sends by regular post they'll get snaffled by customs and I'll have to pay some ridiculous fee to liberate them. Is courier the way to go? If so, what do people think is the best company? DHL?

thanks in advance


Unless there are some secrets I don’t know about customs is just as likely to hit you through a courier company such as DHL as they are through the post.
I'm going to be back in Oz after April then back to Bali beginning of June if you would like me to bring some up for you. Assuming you can get then to me here and they don't weigh too much! As we have a fair bit to bring back then.
Customs on post and courier

For what its worth, I have had a lot of elctronic parts and old aircraft instruments sent in from overseas mainly by post.

My experience with post was items under $90 were rarely intercepted. If so one gets a note in the mail to pick it up from customs in the main Post office at Renon. When you go and see the customs guys they normally have not opened the delivery and an friendly explanation of what is and what is for normally gets the OK, then its passed over from the lockup unopened with out cost. Items up in the hundreds may require some skilled negotiations,the duty rate I was told was 29% but I don't remember ever made to fork out that much. Pickups are a job for an astute local, keeping the paperwork to a minimums saves on the costs.

On the other hand I have had many courier items of free electronic samples arrive by courier without issue. But ANY other item brought by a courier has been dutied at a crazy rate in Jakarta on arrival, and the couriers turn up wanting the cash and rarely have convincing supporting paperwork and rates of upto 100% declared value.

We found priority parcel post from Hong Kong, Singapore and the US all arrived within 7 to 10 days, avoided the ridiculous fees couriers charge and I'd rather nego with the customs in the Post office at Renon than take cold hits from Jakarta.

However I cant comment on what happens with printed materials or consumer goods, I have heard horror stories of expats landing goods in Surabaya also..
wow thanks for that - great advice. Maybe I will just try to find friends etc coming here and ask them to carry ten or so books and hope they get through customs ok. 5 friends = 50 books!

cheers, phil
how heavy?

How heavy are your books Phil? I will be heading back here in 4 weeks time, but I only have the 7 kg hand carry so it may not be feasible.
I have a kid's picture book being published in Oz next month and wanted to get 50 or so copies over here for friends etc. I'm worried that if my publisher sends by regular post they'll get snaffled by customs and I'll have to pay some ridiculous fee to liberate them. Is courier the way to go? If so, what do people think is the best company? DHL?

thanks in advance


Hi Phil, The Best courier, in my experience, has been DHL on the Sanur By-pass. They answered the phone; gave very good directions on how to find them; explained clearly about customs issues (and where they did not apply); and most importantly actually delivered the parcels within the days they said, and to the right address. In Bali, again in my experience, little of this could be said of Fed-Ex or the Indonesian POS. Maybe others have better experience with these companies.
Good luck with the book. Barekarma
I've only used DHL and yes, the service was excellent. I ordered a new Visa Card from my bank, the bank took 3 days to process the request and the card arrived the day after that.
I’ve mostly been happy with DHL but just had a terrible experience with JNE. I ordered some books from Bukabuka. They said they shipped them by JNE on 13 December. I still don’t have them. JNE said they were in their Sukawati office. That “office” consists of an beaten up old desk with nothing on it and no parcels in the room, manned by an elderly man sitting outside smoking with his mates. I went up there three times after calls from JNE but still no package. I think they lost it. So now no books and no refund. I won’t send anything by JNE.