
Nov 16, 2006
Warwick Qld Australia
Off topic and onto mozzies (sorry)

I don't want to highjack your thread but gosh, Gabby be ultra diligent with the insect repellent :!: It's my best friend too.

I really feel for your kids and what they went through...I had dengue fever in Townsville back in 1992 and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I remember laying in my hospital bed (for 2 weeks!) thinking "Geez just kill me now and get it over with!" The bone crushing ache and fever along with 50% of liver function lost temporarily (for over 6 months) and a physical wreck for 12 months later. I was told by the Tropical Disease Specialist treating me at the time that I had contracted a strain of the virus that was particularly scary; if ever I contract any strain of dengue in future it again it CAN be fatal because I WILL develop the hemorrhagic fever.

You cannot be too careful with those little blood suckers. They can take too much away from you with one little drink.



Aug 17, 2008
Geez Shaz - that's pretty full-on! How on earth did you get it in Townsville? It's not supposed to be an Aussie mozzie!

Looking back I'm surprised that just the kids got it - we were all in the same hotel room together. But this time I took aeroguard with us and bought fly spray when we got there. I almost killed us on fly spray before bed every night! (Little suckers like to live under the bed!)

Now I'm a bit worried about taking the kids back! Our doctor told us that they now have immunity to the strain they picked up just like you would if you had measles. And I was of the understanding that you can only get hemorrhagic fever if you get two strains at the same time ie be bitten by two mozzies with two different strains at the same time. Hmmm back to do some more research!


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
There are several expat groups in Bali trying to do something about Bali street dogs since it seems pretty clear no one else is.

I wonder why there's a need for more than one? Surely people with the same or similar agendas would unite rather than compete with each other for scarce funding, donations and help.

One that hasn't been mentioned in this string is BARC (Bali Adoption and Rehabilitation Centre) It was started by a no-nonsense Australian expat who is also an Indonesian citizen (Linda Buller, based in Ubud).

BARC's contact details are as follows:

TEL: +62 (0)361 790 4579
MOBILE: +62 81855 0947



Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
A now, a few running comments to what some people have said in this string (no particular order).

...I was also informed that many dogs get stolen or picked up at night, and are used as food. whether this is true or not, I don't know - but it was said by locals!! I do believe some menus will have dog on them...
It's true. Any warung showing the "RW" logo serves dog meat. (Most popular in Denpasar but there are many other localities, eg, certain parts of the Karangasem district.)

Black dogs are particularly prized for their alleged sexual-enhancing properties. Good-looking brown dogs, (like the pseudo dingo variety), are popular for religious sacrifices. Black dogs were fetching Rp 30,000/kilo not long ago.
...Well (sic) be seeing our high priest again over the coming weekend, and I’m just going to explain to her that in my culture, this is not acceptable, and we’ll just have to find another way to appease the Gods...
Well, this poster's original culture is not Balinese. The statement suggests to me that he wants to interfere with the local culture. Good luck, especially since he's maintained for many years he mixes with the various elite on Bali. Hope something useful comes out of it all. Interested to see some result "after the weekend".
...I personally never witnessed that Balinese would treat animals worse than anywhere else in the world...
Just lucky, I guess. I see it everyday where I am, but maybe I'm living in a bad Balinese neighbourhood.

Only yesterday I was sitting happily typing away and sensed a new "presence" in the same room. It was a very sick, twisted, bleeding dog trying to get shelter from the storm, (in the dry season). This wasn't the first time. My Indonesian wife has had similar encounters and they've made her physically vomit. I have no idea whose dog it is and the others, but it's disgusting, inhumane, etc. I don't want to blame anybody, but it's about time local Balinese take some responsibility and do something.
...dengue fever...
A very nasty affliction. They don't call it break-bone fever for nothing. I'm not up with the current statistics but there have been many and more cases than usual in 2008.

Despite what the WHO reckons, it's inconceivable that Bali is rabies-free. As far as publicly reporting or acknowledging stuff like that, anything deemed to have a negative effect upon the money-making potential of Bali, one of Indonesia's major cash-cows, is hidden, not reported or reported inaccurately. The same applies to the real number of HIV positive people, those with full-blown AIDS, bird-flu, underage or any age abortions, you name it.



Aug 17, 2008
Great info Sanurian! Thanks!

I had heard of BARC and had emailed Linda to get some information but that poor lady is so flat out that she's still working at 1.00am!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
...Well (sic) be seeing our high priest again over the coming weekend, and I’m just going to explain to her that in my culture, this is not acceptable, and we’ll just have to find another way to appease the Gods...

Well, this poster's original culture is not Balinese. The statement suggests to me that he wants to interfere with the local culture. Good luck, especially since he's maintained for many years he mixes with the various elite on Bali. Hope something useful comes out of it all. Interested to see some result "after the weekend".


My marriage is to a Balinese, and so it has been now for over nine years. In my efforts, weak or incomplete as they might have been, I sought to touch on the aspects of the cultural differences that are a daily reality of life within marriage to a Balinese.

You chose to suggest that my decision was based on a proactive decision to “interfere with the local culture” when in fact, it should have been very clear in what I wrote that I was seeking compromise.

The idea that I want to “interfere with the local culture” is ludicrous.

I challenge you, or anyone else to find just ONE Balinese in the Ubud area who knows me, and who wouldn’t simply laugh at that suggestion.

As scheduled, we did meet with our high priest this past Sunday, the 28th. We started with purification, then prayer, and then discussion. Cleaned, (purified) minds clear (by prayer), we were all ready to engage in this important discussion. Our talk went on for over two hours.

In the end, we all found total agreement and acceptance. Our Melaspas will proceed on schedule, and the ceremony will be totally complete, fulfilling my extreme desires...based on my own cultural roots, and at the same time fulfilling each and every requirement for a “full on” Melaspas ceremony.

I never doubted for a “nano second” this would happen, as I intensely understand the Balinese mind, psyche, and personality. I know the Balinese to be incredibly open minded, free thinking, non dogmatic, non partisan, and most of all, completely willing to listen to just about anything.

While some will say, or suggest, any change had to be brought on by money, or some other incentives, I say to them, they are very wrong, and they are in fact, very ignorant.

Surely, my words are going to “piss off” some people, but you know what? They won’t piss off the vast majority of anyone who has been living here for any measurable length of time.


Apr 24, 2008
Roy said:
You chose to suggest that my decision was based on a proactive decision to “interfere with the local culture” when in fact, it should have been very clear in what I wrote that I was seeking compromise.

In the end, we all found total agreement and acceptance. Our Melaspas will proceed on schedule, and the ceremony will be totally complete, fulfilling my extreme desires...based on my own cultural roots, and at the same time fulfilling each and every requirement for a “full on” Melaspas ceremony.

"the seeking compromise" very elegant and respectful on all sides. god speed to you Roy.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Many thanks Chili.

I would be a liar if I didn’t reconfirm my concern for the integrity of this forum.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Self-aggrandizement is a common form of self-defence.
Most men lie and distort what they do.
Many believe their own rhetoric.

But this takes the cake for me:
...I intensely understand the Balinese mind, psyche, and personality...
Are you serious?



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Yes Phil, I am serious. The logic is simple, it comes from my marriage and my association with her entire family on a daily basis and for some ten years now.

Your assertion that I am interfering with the local culture by way of my discussing options to puppy sacrifice with our high priest is way off base, entirely inappropriate and wrong! :x

As head of my compound, a Hindu, a member of our banjar and adat, I have every right to discuss the melaspas ceremony to be conducted at our compound with our high priest.

If you want to call that self-aggrandizement, then be my guest. :evil:


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Sorry, Amigo, if I've offended you.
...The logic is simple, it comes from my marriage and my association with her entire family on a daily basis and for some ten years now...
So, in your experience, you've managed to get right into the Bali psyche, etc, and have access to and understanding of their arcane knowledge. Bravo! (I only lasted 7 years and, of course, that must mean I was never one of the "chosen ones", like yourself.)
...As head of my compound, a Hindu, a member of our banjar and adat, I have every right to discuss the melaspas ceremony to be conducted at our compound with our high priest...
No one said you didn't. And you don't even speak their language(s), or Bahasa Indonesia, for that matter. If nothing else, I find that pretty impressive.

You've done well. If you've got a rocking chair made out of bricks or stone, at least consider an emergency one from wood or bamboo.



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Phil, what can I say? For some folks a good marriage is defined beyond companionship and a bed fellow. :wink:

Eri, by all measure, exemplifies the Balinese, so the extent to which we each have immersed ourselves into understanding each other’s mind, psyche, and personality, we each have become aware of our disparate cultural backgrounds as well.

Eri’s English is excellent, far better than my bahasa Indonesia will ever be, so that is the language in which we communicate at home. Eri’s English skills were already excellent when I first met her, so it was most logical for us to communicate in that language.

This is important for us in another critical consideration, specifically our commitment that our three boys learn English as a primary language. At home, we both use English almost exclusively with our boys. At Dadong’s and around the village, it’s normally bahasa Bali, and at school, it’s primarily bahasa Indonesia. As a result, our three boys are each proficient at their grade levels in all three of these languages. Not coincidentally, they each also consistently score higher in their English lessons at school than their fellow students.

“Curious Roy if you speak bahasa Indonesia or bahasa Bali with locals?”

Bahasa Indonesia, which generally comes out in what has been called around here, “Indolish.” :p Interestingly enough, many “locals” (by which I am inferring to mean our villagers) prefer English, as they love opportunities to learn that language.


Aug 17, 2008
Thanks Dash! On the website? Simpleviewer. It runs a script out of Photoshop CS3 - really easy (and when I say it's easy it must be!). When the page is open you should see a SimpleViewer logo in the bottom right hand corner - I think it does it when you right click over a photo too. It will take you to the link/website - it's free! Check it out!


Aug 9, 2006
Mornington Peninsula Melbourne
Ah yes no fanfare there Mimpi .. it’s hard to stay under the radar although I have been lurking for a few weeks now. I thought it interesting last week (or the week before) to log in and see Markit allowed back off the leash only to run straight into the jaws of a waiting Roy T. I followed the thread for a while and thought … oh yes.. nothing’s changed.

Roy, he is so passionate about architecture and things being Bali, without him on this site, as I have always said, it would not be the same! Geday Bert – loved your final warning to RT too. Without you too the place would not be the same – steering the big ship.

Not so sure about Thorsten (big hello) though … getting a little towie on Markit early there in the conversation there . But again that’s what makes this place.

Where’s big Al? Can’t find him what happened .. did he jump or did some one push him too far this time. Hello Jimbo – did you quit that job and live happily in Singarja bro? I know you like it there.

Anyways – Gab. I am a big CS3 user and have had a bit of a fiddle but can’t seem to workout are you pointing me to. The way your site works in low res is what I am looking for. BTW your portraits are splendid – is that the result of a the Canon 400D and a master on the back of it? I think so.

Great images of the local too speshly that low dark sleepy image at Nusa Dua – nice work old gal! If it means doing 32 sets if instructions to work this problem then would you mind PMing me so we don’t bore the punters here otherwise reply accordingly here. Ta in advance.

And Mimp we are returning to Meno later this year and wanna come down to Kuta and stay with ya’s. Maybe get Freo and Dumpsia (not sure on the spelling darl ) along. Is she still alive too?

Now where is that Frog and Sunarian?



Aug 17, 2008
Thanks Dasha! Okay will keep it simple:
Go to
Check out the demos and download the free version.
In CS3 go to File / Scripts / Simple Viewer. Choose a folder to source your pics (you can use high res here). Choose a folder to put your newly created webpage into (includes resized images and thumbnails). There's options for background colour and font colour, etc. Keep the resolutions around 500 pixels and click GO! Creates a whole working gallery webpage ready to ftp! PM me if you get stuck.