
New Member
Jan 14, 2014
The random street dogs you see if they are by themselves doesn't really worry me. It's when you see them in packs I walk a bit quicker. I had a friend that got bitten after a group of several dogs had a go at him, probably one of the last things I'd ever want to experiance.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
When I walk in my area there are gangs of dogs...I usually pick up a stick and brandish it and they cower...but not always!

I used to have a small handy-size dog repellent pepper-spray, which I brought from Canada, but it has lost its function. Does anyone know where to buy dog repellent spray in Bali?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Thanks smoke...can you direct me a little closer to where I can buy the pepper spray...Kuta is pretty big area.

I just looked at my is sold as a dog repellent but the active ingredient is capsicum. I think that is a pepper so maybe any pepper will do.

I used it once on a gang of dogs that started to attack...they were still at least 5 metres so I sprayed more in panic than direction but the breeze took it to them. The leader yelped and turned back and his gang did the same. They are still in my neighborhood but they have never again approached. I'm hoping they remember me coz I still brandish my spray tube, but it has lost its propellant and now comes out like a small boy peeing!

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
must be an attitude thing,
dogs sense fear or insecurity...notice strange or irregular behaviour....
starting to walk quicker or just the opposite, slowing down ones pace or picking up a stick are perfect examples of what not to do, if you do not want them to come and check things out.
Don't get me wrong, dogs can be frightening...but I very much doubt they will go for a "no holds barred full-out attack" without a reason, because I am sure for those streetdogs we humans are pretty frightening too :icon_eek:


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
So Gilbert....what do you suggest I do when a horde of snarling, lunging mangy dogs come running, barking and yelping from a gang....and I'm walking innocently with piss running down my leg and the feeling of something warm spreading in the back of my shorts...trying to be composed and collected.:tranquillity:


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
I have always found that it is enough here on Bali when presented with a single or pack of snarling fleabags to simple bend down as if picking up a stone. I sometimes actually get to the stage of drawing back my arm to pretend to throw something and the critters are all gone - always!


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Coming from Canada where dogs are not so much a problem...we have control laws where dogs are only permitted to be off-leash in prescribed areas...but brown bears can, and do, roam free. I believe not too many people keep brown bears as house pets.

The RSCPA recommends, when approached by a bear, to do what Markit recommends for dogs...stand as tall as one can and raise one's arms and brandish and flail as many sticks or rocks as no fear and stare the bear in the eye as if to's you or me mate!
Popular psychology say that the bear will be the Bali dogs...and run away.

Unfortunately, there isn't too much evidence that this logic a half-eaten body generally doesn't talk. :ghost:

What does work is a shotgun blasted at least once, but better twice, into the bear's torso....that fact is well communicated by survivors! :icon_e_biggrin:

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
So Gilbert....what do you suggest I do when a horde of snarling, lunging mangy dogs come running, barking and yelping from a gang....and I'm walking innocently with piss running down my leg and the feeling of something warm spreading in the back of my shorts...trying to be composed and collected.:tranquillity:

maybe change your aftershave :hopelessness: , but for sure start wearing those diapers for older people...

markit "attitude" is right I wrote "we humans can be pretty frightening"...some people just have that natural dominance and some just don't


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
When confronted by snarling slavering dogs a visit from the Doc is recomended ...... Doc Marten

I would guess that you have a spare pair or do you throw yours at them?

When my aunt had her knee replaced my kind and sensitive uncle asked to have the knee that they took out. When queried by the medical staff on this he replied "oh, it's for the dog".

Perhaps the dogs down your way have acquired the taste too?

Joe Writeson

Jul 30, 2013
I would guess that you have a spare pair or do you throw yours at them?

When my aunt had her knee replaced my kind and sensitive uncle asked to have the knee that they took out. When queried by the medical staff on this he replied "oh, it's for the dog".

Perhaps the dogs down your way have acquired the taste too?

That is the most sickening thing I have ever heard... you are truly disgusting... why on Earth would we feed my worn out bones/joints to the dogs when we can make soup?