
Feb 14, 2010
A British former war correspondent and an Australian man have faced court in Indonesia on charges of possessing hashish.

David Fox, an ex-Reuters reporter, and Giuseppe Serafino, a bar owner, were arrested in Bali on 8 October.

The pair could face up to 12 years in prison if convicted of drug possession, transportation and use, or four years if found guilty of use alone.

Indonesia has some of the world's toughest drug laws.

Police allege they confiscated 10.09 grams of hashish from Mr Fox's house and clothing in a sting operation.

"We will convince the judges with witnesses that he's an addict," Mr Fox's lawyer, Haposan Sihombing, told the Australian Associated Press outside Denpasar District Court on Thursday.

"He saw lots of horrible incidents so that every night, he couldn't sleep and started using drugs to calm himself."

British journalist, Australian bar owner face court in Bali - BBC News


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Although I have great empathy for the above mentioned I wonder at the veracity of their intent.
Anyone with intelligence knows Indonesian Law on drugs is ridiculously severe and yet they appear to have ignored those facts.
They could easily sit on the steps of False Creek, watching the boats, in my home town of Vancouver and smoke that crap to their hearts content...only I might need to cough, passing by, as I inhale!

If true......It's stupid and ridiculous but a lesson for us all....don't **** with authority in RI.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
On On I think

Shamed be he who thinks evil of it :icon_rolleyes:

What a name for a bar!

Remind me a bit of these clowns at the german / dutch border in jamaica colored cars, dread locks and sunglasses and now wondering why the border guards chose to search them "what are the odds it'll be us man?"
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