Me and the wife are looking at going to Gold Coast this Christmas to stay with my folks. We'll then travel to NZ after that for a bit and then back to Gold Coast for a few days before we fly home. We went to the Australian embassy today and picked up some Visa papers for my wife and noticed a few things.

On the form it requires my wife to supply proof of current employment and proof of personal funds for the last three months. CASH IS NOT ACCEPTABLE as evidence of funds.

My wife does not have a job and the 1 million plus RP cost for just having her visa looked at has me scratching my head as its not a given that she will get it. The people in the Visa department haven't got a clue as to whether you definitely need to supply this info as well.

I know its a long shot but has anyone had any experience with this before?.

I'm from NZ by the way

happened to me too last year in the end we canceled our trip, will try 1 more time next year....

Sorry can´t help but will follow this with interest

You could try sending an email:

To discuss visa or citizenship matters with an officer from the Consulate Immigration Section in Bali please contact:

Email: [email protected] (preferred)
Telephone: +62 361 241118
I will be putting in regular monthly payments into my wifes bank account for the three months previous to our applying for a visa [ totaling around 45 juta in all.] Maybe get a friend or hotel owner to write a letter saying she has employment and the job is open on your return. Give support letters from family at home. Show ownership of house or property in Bali. Show ownership papers of accomadation out of bali, photos, wedding cert, and a pleading letter. then I'm going to keep my fingers crossed say my prayers and be prepared to go for an interview in Jakarta. [I'm British.]
Still hear it's very tricky.
Heres a few answers I got on Living In Indonesia Expat Forum

Not having a job should not affect matters but she needs to have a bank account in her name with more than enough in it to cover the period in Australia. They can also ask for a returnable deposit of a few thousand, depending on your circumstances. If she has land or a house in her name it would be helpful also. They want to be certain she will return to Indonesia, so the more assets there the better.

My Indonesian wife has been geeting and maintaining an Aussie tourist Visa for the last four years without any problems. Actually, each renewal gets easier and the visa comes with less restrictions each time. She does not work and has minimal funds in her account.

You need to write a letter supporting her application, stating that you are taking care of all costs etc while she is there and that you are taking responsibility for her leaving Australia on the due date. Enclude proof of your own funds (bank statements etc.)

You also need to proof you are coming back to Indonesia yourself. get a letter from your employer stating how long you have been employed with them, your salary and that you are going on annual leave and are expected to return to Indonesia on this date etc.

The key is the supporting documentation for the application. They don't tell you what to provide but if it's your first application, every little thing helps. I remember that our first one was tedious, but has virtually become a formality now.

PM me direct if you want to know anything else.

I'll keep you guys informed on how it goes.
Open a bank account in her name and deposit some funds over a few months. Write a letter stating that you are responsible for her during her stay and enclose a copy of your own bank statement. All they are really interested in is some evidence that she has a reason to return to Bali so anything that reinforces this will be useful. The more information you supply, the easier it will be. My philosophy was to swamp them with every bit of information I could think of, including forgeries. Thank goodness I don't have to deal with them any more, but I never had any problems.
Open a bank account in her name and deposit some funds over a few months. Write a letter stating that you are responsible for her during her stay and enclose a copy of your own bank statement. All they are really interested in is some evidence that she has a reason to return to Bali so anything that reinforces this will be useful. The more information you supply, the easier it will be. My philosophy was to swamp them with every bit of information I could think of, including forgeries. Thank goodness I don't have to deal with them any more, but I never had any problems.
This is the best advice so far. I did all of the above for my partner to come to Australia and the visa was granted in 4 days.

I also suggest that in your letter, you state that you will be responsible for any medical costs if she should become ill or have an accident.
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Your wife will need a bank account & you will need to show your bank account. You need a letter saying you will cover all costs for her trip. Most visa to Aussie is one entry & one exit so you will need to supply tickets & itinerary because you will need muilty entry/exit visa. I have never had any trouble getting Australian visa. But then again you are a Kiwi :icon_mrgreen:
good luck
We ended up going for the single entry, my wife has a bank account with enough money in it, I was more worried the job part than anything. We sent away for her NZ visa today, hopefully by the time we get both visas back flight tickets will still be the same price.

Also if anyone is traveling from Bali to Gold Coast its cheaper to go to KL in the morning, spend the day there and catch a late flight out instead of flying Bali to Brisbane and catching a train down.
They never asked my wife about her job, just asked about bank account.
If you fly back from NZ are you just transit in Aust?