gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
Hello balipodders,

I hope to get some tips from people who know some good places for a 10-day (or so) wintersports vacation in Asia/Australia.
I long for some snow, good pistes, wooden chalets, gluhwein, cheesefondue, but will settle for snow, good pistes, hotel, pepsi, burger&fries...
So if you have skied in Asia/Australia, please share the "where, why there, what was positive/negative about that destination"
Thanks in advance for taking the time and trouble of replying
friendly greets,


Jul 21, 2006
Western Australia

I can only speak second hand as I personally cannot grasp the idea of holidaying in a destination that is colder than where you live (and coming from the midwest of WA, there aint to may places that aren't colder than where I'm from) but I do have quite a few sick friends that love the cold stuff. After experimenting with various places such as the East Aussie alps and New Zealand they all invariably head to Japan nowadays. I can't recall specifically where, but I'm sure you will be able to start a search from there. I think Australia's snow fields are pretty poor in the grand scheme of things, New Zealand is better and in particular Queenstown if you like other adrenaline type stuff but Japan appears to be the ducks nuts and a wonderful 'different' holiday destination to go with it. I must add that my mates are snowboarders rather than skiers and surf addicts to go with it, hence they like the chance to snowboard over Aussie summer when the surf is generally poor. I'll speak to them and try and dig out some more info for you.


Active Member
May 23, 2011
If you are prepared to go to New Zealand Queenstown and Taupo offer a couple really good options.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Niseko in Japan is probably the place Adam is talking about. Very popular with Aussies.

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
thanks so much for the tips, really appreciated guys.
Somehow Queensland sounds very inviting (less of a language-barrier), but I will definitely do some 'research' into all the destinations mentioned above.


Oct 12, 2010
Hi Gilbert.

I'm sure it was a simple mistake due to the locations holding similar names....but just to clarify.
Queensland is a state in Austrlaia - subtropical in the south & tropical in the north. You won't find snow there...well at least you shouldn't and if you did it sure would wake up the climate change sceptics.
Queenstown is a town in Otago on the South Island of New Zealand. You should have much more luck finding snow there and I tend to think better ski options than Oz too.

For Australian snow fields, you'd want to look at Victoria & NSW.
Victorian Ski fields are probably easier to access than the NSW fields with the slopes being closer to Melbourne. Perhaps have a look at Mt Buller, Falls Creek & Hotham. I used to ski at Buller a fair bit. It's fun, you can ski to the door and it would meet your criteria above. I'm not as familiar with the other Vic fields.

NSW fields are further from Sydney...quite a distance. Have a look at Thredbo, Perisher & nearby slopes.

I'm from NSW but would usually fly to Melb & then drive to Buller instead of skiing in NSW. My uncle owned an apt there but I might have done this anyway as flying to Melb & driving to Buller was prob still quicker than driving from Sydney to Thredbo in those days and I preferred the vibe. Long ago so I can't say what it's like now.

Regardless...I'd be inclined to do some research on Queenstown in New Zealand if I were you. Guess it also depends on flights and logistics and whether you want to visit Oz or NZ.

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
Thanks Latah,
yeah stupid mistake on my part, I did mean brain was thinking in dutch "wich country to go to" , country = land in dutch so I guess that's what caused my mistake. Thanks a lot for sharing your experiences, will definitely keep them in mind. From what I've read so far, Queenstown sounds very promissing.

Adam, thanks for checking with your buddies..from what I've read, Nagano is more of a base city, and to get to actual ski-area's takes between 30min-60min, depending on the area one wants to go to. Maybe (probably) there's accomodation in each of the actual area's surrounding Nagano, will look in to that next :)


Active Member
May 23, 2011
Yeah absolutely if you are after a Winter Sports Holiday you can't go past Queenstown.

Beautiful part of the country and it is a town that peaks for Winter. Everyone who goes their loves it.