
New Member
Oct 27, 2015
Ages ago I made an Uckers board, thinking I would teach the ladies of the house the game. To the uninitiated UCKERS is an adult form of LUDO but cheating is allowed. It adds a touch of excitement to the game. However I find myself confused over the end game after many years of not playing it. Is there a chance there are any ex Army Air Corps or Navy types around who can help out?


New Member
Oct 27, 2015
Quote “Maybe I have seen an American version. Is this the game where your wife gets pissed off and goes home alone?”
I reckon that applies most time when you are having fun.
To give you a bit of a back ground of the game. Its LUDO but a big boys game with big boys rules. Devious moves, cheating as long as you are not caught and fights between friends with blood spilt is not uncommon.
That’s why I reckon the ladies of the house would like it. It has passion. They are all Balinese nieces in their 20's, four of them.
The game was probably an invention of British submarine crews. It moved to the Navy surface ships. When the British Army decided it needed an Air Corps, initially it was Navy people that took on the early roles and brought the game with them.
Most boards are 4 coloured lanes but one Australian ship in 1939 I think it was made the first and only 6 lane board.
The board occupies all NAAFI breaks (the snack van comes round at that time) and was often confiscated by senior people so work actually got done. The board was carefully carried so no bits moved from position. The board is also used for hitting people that pi*s you off.
It’s a game worth learning. There are Army Rules and Navy Rules to the game so players come to agreement first as to the rules and the type of end game is clarified. This saves much acrimony later on. Now what I need to sort out in my head is that bit of the game, the end game
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
An Oz mate always says "No Wuckers" when something doesn't work out. Is that any relation? He is an ex army/tank guy...


New Member
Oct 27, 2015
Maybe and maybe not. The Air Corps was supplied with people from every part of the service, I cannot say that's true for Australia mind. In the Brit Army the only permanent part of the Air Corps was an outfit called REME (Australia calls it RAEME) They are the technical people and they in turn are detached to odd jobs like the Paras, Marines, and Special Forces. Reason being all use helicopters. I never found out if the Australian Air Corps played UCKERS. When I was in the late part of my training in 68 several Australian Air Corps/RAEME passed through the centre at Middle Wallop. My only dealings with them was to swap my high strength home brew beer for their Australia stuff. Many years ago but the name ended in Perkins. It was good stuff.

Steve Rossell

Apr 18, 2015
"No Wuckers". Aussie slang which was originally "No Worries". Later on "No Worries" was extended to "No ****in' Worries".
In polite company the much loved term became "No Wuckin Furries" and finally was shortened to "No Wuckers".
We Antipodeans just love ****in' around with the Queens English.:icon_e_biggrin:

Steve Rossell

Apr 18, 2015
Not to mention the 300 or so years that Britain's 'official' language was French.
They used to refer to it as the Kings english but he died and Lizzy just inherited the mantle.
By the way, I reckon Phil the Greek is a funny guy, he's provided decades of laughs for us Aussies and that's why our former Prime Monster Tony Abbot a.k.a. 'The Mad Monk' used a little known provision to bestow a Knighthood on him via a recommendation to Ma'am.
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