
Oct 28, 2010
Bali, Nusa Dua
Another blog with questions concerning PMA

Dear Members, I am really happy to find this board, seem to be so difficult to find proper information concerning:
1) Setting up a Company
2) VISA, KITAS, etc
3) TAX, Non Tax, and so on.
So now my requirement (not to say problem)
I am married to an indonesian and have 2 kids, I quit my job in Germany preparing for move to indonesia. My wife already in Bali and did the dual citizenship for my son (1 year) my daughter (4 years) seem to be more problematic but with some flights from Denpasar to Singapore problem seem to be solved.
Now my case.
I want open a PMA and hand over 5% to my wife. Two more Sharholder from Germany will be in the company. I understaood - PMA can provide up to 5 KITAS for the directors? Correct? Price is 1200 US Dollar per years plus the fee for Multiple entry right (how much this fee?)?
Than my 2 Partner and me allowed to work 1 years in Indonesia right?

So many post here say: take an agent to help you, this agent want up to 5 mio rups per person, if i do this myself i can save this money right?
How about i hire a assistant in my company for 1 year, as Translator and doing this things, If i pay 2-4 mio per month its its 48 MIo per year, minus the visa things for 5 People its 23 Mio left, but i have full time employee who can assist me with nego with goverment, majors, other companies, prepare contracts etc. Does it not sound much better?
Do you have any information how to find qualified employees?

Is there anything i need to care about if my company is set up in Bali ( we live in bali) but i want work in Bogor, Lombok and Bali? At the moment we need to investigate first were is best to start the business.
Last question: is it possible to work with one company in two business field e.g. Build a hotel and start a production company


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
This is not the place to get answers to such specific questions. For such important matters you need to speak with a lawyer as advice given in here may be wrong.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
What you are saying sounds like a good idea, but I think would be difficult to do in practice. What you are proposing is basically becoming a visa agency yourself. Setting up a PMA is not cheap whichever way you look at it.

It's probably a better idea to let the professionals handle all of the paperwork and concentrate on starting a business that is going to pay for it all :icon_biggrin:


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
sorry folks just a short answer in german...

Hi Chris,

habe gerade meine PMA durch und kann dir vielleicht die eine oder andere Frage beantworten, also entweder im deutschen Forum hier oder via PM, grundsätzlich ist es aber nicht schlecht wenn deine Frau die ja schon auf Bali ist mal herumfährt, Informationen sammelt und Preise vergleicht.

I also think there is one forumite Atlantis who knows almost everything about all this stuff, good luck!


Oct 28, 2010
Bali, Nusa Dua
sorry for german answer

Hallo he cool...schon lauter deutsche da..:)heheh
ja ich bin im Dezember in bali, könnten wir uns sehen? Meine frau kämpft noch mit dem Visum für meine Tochter.
english version: Hi cool many germans in bali already:) heheh
i will be in Bali in Dezemebr, maybe we can meet? , my wife still fighting with visa for my daughter to get this double citizenship
Yes altlantis is sucha n agency as far as i understood, but the question is if i really need such a thing.
I will meet the indonesian "Botschafter" on friday and ask him, on the german website of embasssy is written pma you need 25000 Euro cash to start. we will see
would be nice to get in touch with you sakumbali


New Member
Nov 19, 2010
in general PMA companies are aloud only a percentage iof shares to be owned by foreiners, i beleive if i recall a hotel stands at 48 % at the moment.
1200$ ids a direct payment to the government it does not cover the cost in applying for a work permit.
the multiple entry exit is another extra that is needed to enter and exit the country this is allocated after the work permit and of course is a further cost.
you can have more than one 'license' as it were under 1 PMA . It does sometimes require a separate Acte which will also be an additional cost if it is needed
you will also need business premises , if you want the hotel to be the office , you can use a temporary premises during construction, but when you change guess what , more expense.

if you are looking to do this on a shoe string i honestly believe you will find your self in a night mare situation


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Hi Chris,

No offence there but you are going at this in a totally German way in trying to dot all the i's and cross all the t's before you get here. This is Indonesia not Wolfenbüttel (the only city in the world named after a wolf's testicles :icon_mrgreen: by Hanover).

From the sound of things you have this big plan that you have spent lotsa time thinking about and now you're gonna push it through?

Might I suggest maybe turning it around a bit? What is it you want to do actually? Live and work in Bali?

No problem you have a Balinese wife.

You need a work permit for 3 other Germans? Get them married off too - problem solved.

I may be being a bit sarcastic but I think if you really want some good advice here you need to start from what it is you want to do and ask how best to go about it.

Not from what you're gonna do and if that will work. Since you don't say what it is.

You've set up a very complex situation to fulfil some requirement you don't or won't say. That, of course, is your good right but without knowing what you want to do it is difficult if not impossible to say the best way to get through the bureaucratic maze you are trying to find.

Trust me, the Indonesians maybe be from the developing world but their acts and paragraph legalese is second to none.

But good luck.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
Hi Chris,

sure let's meet....

a "consulting" PMA can be owned 100 % legally by foreigners, but a "constructor / developer" PMA can' t do it, indonesian have to own about 35 % of his shares, there are much more variations....

It´s confusing as it´s almost impossible to find these information online :icon_rolleyes:

Cheers Marc