Abuse of freedom in Bali Restaurants!


Jan 12, 2006
All I can say is, it is not unknown but rarely in any restaurants I frequent. Seen it in other places though, and not always local kids either! :roll: :roll:


Aug 19, 2004
Re: RE: Abuse of freedom in Bali Restaurants!

Kadek said:
Hi Colin,

From my experience and observation, the children in Bali/Indonesia, I think, have better manner and discipline compared to children in Western upbringing e.g. in Australia.



Unfortunately it is true what you said in your post. When I was growing up it was very much like Bali. We went from house to house playing with friends, over to the park playing on the swings, walking to the shop for Mum to buy milk or bread or whatever. Getting buses into to town. Walking to and from school. :cry:


Dec 6, 2005
Sergio Wrote:
No kidding! (no pun intended... ok maybe a little... lol)……..

Yep, sometimes one has to be pedantic and states what seems to be obvious…… :oops: ..it is never wise to assume things……….!! :shock:

Dyah wrote:
Dear Kadek, about the game...i think three warriors is better than two...
So i have other warrior candidate for you: german, in your age (one or two years older), love bali very-very-very much, is hindu, a good man and good looking too...can speak good bahasa Indonesia (he is my student ). He is since 2 years singel and looking for hindu woman... I think he know this forum...maybe he read this post...

Hurray………another candidate…… :p …First, it is excellent that I finally got some possibilities of a future bliss :p . But, well………we might be in trouble with Om Bert for turning his Forum into an internet matchmaking arena. :( It would be nice and certainly would be much fun to see fights amongst warriors……… :p .but I must be discreet………..and also I think it is time to stop “pinning” on Warrior Thorsten. :( He might not find it as funny as me. :lol:

But the back door is open…………!! :shock: :lol: :lol:

My only question is , are the kids of Bali smoking in the resurants to ?

Hi Jamie,

Well to be honest I don’t really know the answer in relation to restaurants frequented by tourists, expatriates or foreigners. As I would think not many Balinese frequents these establishments. I certainly very rarely go to restaurants when I visit home, preferring instead local ones as I like to enjoy as much of the local Balinese food as I can while in Bali. But, apparently, the young people now increasingly visit cafes in Ubud……….my guess would be they will certainly smoke if there is no prohibition in place??? (they smoke everywhere else…..so it wouldn’t be a surprise). :shock:

But the young people, mostly boys (girls rarely smoke…….especially in public, don’t know now) they do smoke in warungs and other local eateries. I have to admit that Balinese men (smokers) are perhaps less courteous when they light up compared to tourists "bule.......sorry for using this term". Maybe this is just my interpretation……others might disagree with me. :oops:

Hi Tina,
Unfortunately it is true what you said in your post. When I was growing up it was very much like Bali. We went from house to house playing with friends, over to the park playing on the swings, walking to the shop for Mum to buy milk or bread or whatever. Getting buses into to town. Walking to and from school.

Yes, it is very sad……. I wish it will never turn like this in Bali. Maybe this is naïve. :cry:
