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  1. B

    Australia allows tax deductions for donations to Bali peace park association

    Apa apa Who owns the land? Do they really want to sell?Who else will profit from the sale of the land ? Does the Peace PArk Assoc have legal entity in Indonesia? So many questions and so few answers. :icon_rolleyes:
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    New hopes for memorial garden to be built on bomb site

    A walk in the park Not sure who is behind the development of this park, but I would like to know how and where they are getting their funding from. Have they negotiated with the Balinese people regarding the development of the land?Surely the Balinese have a sovereign right to determine the use...
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    school for 4yr old

    Hi Jadebecca. Wow what a minefield private education is in Bali. Here are some tips and questions to ask before you hand over enrolment fees etc. 1)Choose a school whose philosophy aligns with your core values. 2)Ask to see a copy of their curriculum ...even for pre-school. 3) Check that their...
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    Bali being marred by druken Aussie bogans

    A bogan is to Bali as a tosser is to Mojorca/Ibiza and trailer park trash is to Mexico.We all have citizens that we wished would just stay at home.