New hopes for memorial garden to be built on bomb site


There are new hopes that a memorial garden will be built on the site of the 2002 Bali bombings. The Sydney Morning Herald reports that Terry Fitzgerald, a Perth property agent is now in Bali to lead negotiations in buying the site from the elusive owner of the land.

Terry's son died in the 2005 Bali bombings and he was left with injuries making him wheelchair bound.

''Not a minute goes by when I don't think of Brendan,'' he said. ''It's extremely emotional being here. If it wasn't for the Bali Peace Park, I doubt I would ever come back. I certainly wouldn't be here right now.''

Ceremonies were held on the Sari Club site but the priest, I Pedanda Gede Tarukan Manuaba, said they were not sufficient.

''The souls of the dead may still be there,'' he told The Bali Times this year, speaking in support of the Bali peace park concept. ''If they are, there will be a disaster at that site in the future if a nightspot is built.

''For instance, ceremonies have been performed at the site for the souls of the Balinese. But for the souls of non-Balinese, such as from Java, ceremonies for them may not have been performed, and they may still be there.''
A walk in the park

Not sure who is behind the development of this park, but I would like to know how and where they are getting their funding from. Have they negotiated with the Balinese people regarding the development of the land?Surely the Balinese have a sovereign right to determine the use of this land.