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    New Airport

    Bingo!! This island can't handle what its' attempting to accommodate currently. Bali needs wider roads and more of them, with sidewalks and parking spaces. Talk of a new airport is idiotic, until the transportation infrastructure issues are properly addressed first.
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    I hate children

    children Post natal psychosis will begin when they become smelly, mouthy, know-it-all, teenagers.
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    Anybody know of any Rottweiler puppies?

    Be wary of large guard dogs here. For some reason they're selectively bred for "off the hook" aggression, not something to be desired in a 52kg canine. Go with anjing kampung, they're wonderfully loyal and plenty aggressive enough to run off people who are nosing around where they shouldn't be.
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    Tourists bailing out of Kuta

    Bravo Johnny, well written! Freedom to worship god or gods in this case, should be universal. One thing you should never do is force feed it to the unwilling. By the same token all you expats, this is not your country and if you don't like being placed under "house arrest" for 24hrs, bail out...
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    CCTV cameras to ease traffic jams and crime

    Irrelevant. What they should be spending money on is infrastructure. It shouldn't take one hour to drive 5km. There is no sustainable industry on this island, tourism or otherwise in its' present condition, Bali is choking like a drunken glutton desperately in need of the "Heimlich" maneuver.
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    Power plant in paradise

    Not a chance. Jakarta is and will continue to throttle the goose who lays the golden eggs.....they will never relinquish their grip.
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    Bypass sting, all hapless Bule' invited. Sunset Rd. around Ripcurl area

    Developing? That may not be the correct term. It's seems as though things have been stopped cold since 1948. Accepting personal responsibility is a necessary component of evolution are you saying that eventual extinction is a better choice? The extinction part could be right around the corner...
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    What are the worst things about living in Bali?

    Holy Schnikeys! If Darwinism is your own personal rationalization, they could possibly become extinct before developing adequate driving skills. This is an interesting train of thought. Bones
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    Bypass sting, all hapless Bule' invited. Sunset Rd. around Ripcurl area

    The "Western stuff" you've so hastily dismissed is called PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and it should be universal. If your driver is licensed to drive in this province and he mows down a scooter in your vehicle, in the absence of insurance the responsibility should be his....he was in control of the...
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    Opinions on Seeking out Teaching Work in Bali?

    My son's English teacher complains vociferously during class time about his low rate of pay. It's a complaint oft repeated by many teachers but I've yet to hear an exact figure. I guess the well-heeled teachers of the west and other places are sort of shocked by the lack of enthusiasm and...
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    Bypass sting, all hapless Bule' invited. Sunset Rd. around Ripcurl area

    Thanks RonB. Does anyone know the exact law? Also, is this rationale applied to those who are passengers in taxi cabs and buses? Will you be singled out during razia and pulled over, even though you're in a cab or bus? I know this seems like a ridiculous question but the laws seem to be...
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    Six beaches in Bali polluted - lab tests show

    If it will not burn and cannot be buried under a villa, let the sea take it away briefly, then spit it back upon us.
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    The Great Wall of Kuta

    You're all making too much sense with talk of multi-tiered parking complexes and such. You need to view this situation from a nonsensical standpoint and then you would understand more completely why the great Kuta wall has been erected. Don't think outside the box, climb back into the great big...
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    What are the worst things about living in Bali?

    There seems to be an extreme resistance to the learning process, especially when it comes to overtaking and passing four wheeled vehicles during glaringly obvious left and right turns. I've read that three scooter riders a day get to meet their maker or maker's here in Bali. If this is true...
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    Bypass sting, all hapless Bule' invited. Sunset Rd. around Ripcurl area

    All drivers should watch it on the bypass today, they've been having a good old pocket picking time out there since yesterday. If one has a driver that violates a traffic law in Bali who's responsible, the driver or the owner of the vehicle? Bones
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    Yupper, Denpasar hands out a yellow pages book, it actually covers the whole island which isn't saying much, it's only about a centimeter thick. Bones
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    In south Bali, of course.
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    Hello, I'm hosting a party and wondering where I could pick up some helium balloons. A search of the yellow pages was fruitless. Thanks
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    Bali to issue bylaw to limit foreign workers

    Hello, I think you're seeking a level of evolved sophistication that doesn't necessarily exist for average Indonesians, nothing happening here can or should be viewed through the scope of Western standards. Book learning doesn't garner much respect here but knowledge passed down from one...