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    A new son!

    Here's a link to some pic's!!!! Nappy change time, man it's weird having had 2 girls....!
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    A new son!

    :shock: I Nyoman Zyon Jaya, arrived safely into the world at 12:37am on 26th July, weighing 7lb12o. He is feeding really well & both his big sisters are in awe of him, especially at nappy change time! :roll: Life has been busy with 2 girls, I guess it's gonna be more full on now with a...
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    Any suggestions for a Boys Middle name....

    I have a name chosen if we have a boy (the 12ish wk scan suggested boy, but I will wait til the 20wk one to confirm it!) I have chosen a girls name, but having a bit of trouble with a boys name I want it to be/mean something in Balinese! Dede has said it's up to me whatever I like, but...
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    Too Proud to be quiet

    I agree Gem, he is a spunky little man...
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    It's been a long time & I have been busy but!!

    This is (well 90% sure) the last one to join our family!!!! I think I finally worked out what causes it & I'll be sure to refrain in the future... :wink: The new Harley will also be joining our family soon too... I am thrilled to pieces about the expensive chrome noisy thing!!! :roll...
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    It's been a long time & I have been busy but!!

    We are expecting baby #3 in July 2007!!!! I thought it was time to share our news & also we have just spent a wiscked 3 wks with the Inlaws here in melbourne with us showing them all the sites etc!!! It was an awesome time had by all & I can see them now watching the disc I burnt of all...
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    Ma’af, Just a Bragging Dad

    Congratulations to Bima for being such a studious young man...
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    Home Delivery

    put it back on Jimbo before your head gets cold!! LOL!!!
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    Home Delivery

    Ouch Jimbo , that hurts! But really as a Mum am I ever off duty??? hee hee
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    Work sucks in a western country

    Mine too... But for now I guess I am happy that I have a decent paying, secure job, so for that I am grateful... But one day we will pull the so called plug & close the chapter on this part of our lives & I will be thankful....
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    Home Delivery

    Roy, I am jealous.... You sleep in every day... Here Mon-Fri I am up at 5:45am, to get myself ready for work & kids ready for school, or baby going to my Mum's/sisters!!! Out of the door by 7:30am to start work at 8am... MMM, your making me hungry, will the deliver to Melb????
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    Work sucks in a western country

    I work too, every day it's the same old thing!!! I work to give myself, my kids & my hubby (he also works) the things we want & to enjoy life... But often I wonder is it not better to ENJOY every moment of your life & NOT be here working & instead having less & really LIVING in Bali...
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    Dual citizenship.

    I will wait to see what happens here.... But recently a close friend gave birth to her baby boy in OZ, her hubby is Balinese, they have applied for an Indonesian passport, it will come with Permanent residency status visa stamped in it for Oz, but will entitle the young man to be in Bali with...
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    TRUE LOVE....?

    Very cute & romantic.... Here's to many more years of happiness!
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    Looking for a gynaecologist in Bali

    Kiran, Are you certain you are able to travel back to Austria (or am I just assuming if baby isnt born in Bali you are returning to Austria?) As I am pretty sure airlines have strong rules about flying with pregnant women, you may need a letter from your own Ob/Gynaeo.. Either way I hope...
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    Bringing a infant to Bali

    I took my oldest daughter (now almost 8!) top Bali at 9wks for 3 months & she was perfectly fine... There were no car seats & I held her in a sling on the motorbike, or oon my lap in the car, as we were never travelling far or fast it was nothing to worry about! Plenty of insect repellant &...
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    Wedding Announcement

    Congratulations Liam & Karin... May there be many happy days ahead... Best wishes..
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    Bert, New Idea, and, What Do Others Think?

    Well done Davo.... Bloody New Yorkers, dopesnt surprise me!!!!
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    Ayam Goreng

    OMG Brigadel Jagung... I had some at the Indo Fest in Box Hill (Melb) the other week & grabbed some to take home! Silly hubby gave them to my parents to eat!!! Sate' kambing.... mmmmm yummy!!!! Padang, OOOH Padang, yummy delicious Padang!!! Nasi Jengo... OOOH yummy I am so hubgry... I just...
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    Baby Girl Names

    We have 2 daughters: Maddison Latifah & Indah Rose.... I also like Yuli, Ayu, Anik..... But whatever name you choose will be special for your daughter Katherine.... Pooochie... I am excited that you are wanting a baby.... hee hee I love being pregnant & having to not make up any...