Work sucks in a western country


New Member
Jul 22, 2005
Perth, Australia
Once agian i come to work today. It's cold, rainy, it's only 9 o'clock in the morning and it looks and feels like the middle of the night.

Peolpe here are boring, never traveled and single minded...terribly dull.

To be back in Bali again would be fantastic. I spend my days dreaming of warm weather and friendly smiles.

Wish i could win the lottery and get me out of here!


New Member
May 17, 2004
Victoria Aust
We must work in the same field. Here in dry rural victoria, the lure of bali is almost a phyiscal pain and your right about narrow minded non travellers who have an opinion on everything. Still 4 long weeks to go before we are back


New Member
Jul 22, 2005
Perth, Australia
To be back in Bali were it's warm and carefree...

I look at the bali advertiser and the jakarta post on the net everday.

Being here is slowly driving me nuts.


Jun 9, 2006
I couldnt agree with you more Nief,Im trying to wonder what illness people have in WA ........why ???? because they seem to have lost the reason to smile and interact as normal human beings.
Regards CAP


New Member
Jul 22, 2005
Perth, Australia
Yes Perth is a funny place. Everyone seems to be in bed by 7.30. I think the problem is that there are no maids or pembantu's here. I know cause i have 3 kids.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Believe me you want to see where I work. Do a google search on the Rub-al-khali and then tell me you want to change. The middle east is far worse than West Oz :)

As for going to bed at 19.30....well thats part of the reason I have 6 children.


Aug 19, 2004
Well guys I live in Brisbane where the sun shines and shines and it gets as hot and sticky as in Bali and I can still sympthaise with you.

I am sick of people saying 'why Bali'. Only a couple of months till I go again (3rd time this year) and I'll be taking my son ( his second time this year) and my great niece ( a newbie to Bali).


Jun 18, 2005
There is reason they call it "work" ....get a grip and get with the program ! Work gets you the MONEY to travel and later to enjoy retirement. Unless your in the lucky sp m club, and are inheriting money from your family be grateful you have a job. Sock away the funds you need to do the things you most enjoy. Lifes Short ! :lol:


Mar 26, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
I work too, every day it's the same old thing!!!

I work to give myself, my kids & my hubby (he also works) the things we want & to enjoy life...

But often I wonder is it not better to ENJOY every moment of your life & NOT be here working & instead having less & really LIVING in Bali!!!

As we save , we discuss what we will do in the 10-15yrs time when we hope/plan to retire back to Bali...

So for now I work to pay bills & to educate, feed my kids... I dont enjoy it, I just do it for our/their future.....


Oct 5, 2003
i am working in the construction field. Dirt, sweat and rednecks six days a week. I am working in order to get back to Bali and enjoy my second home in the mountains. Everyday i save at least 25 percent of earnings in order to return asap..... MMMMMM Mis that babi guling and cold Bintang..


Nov 28, 2005
Well, I must be in the minority, I actually enjoy my job. :? and whilst I really look forward to all my returns to Bali, I don't dwell on not being there. :roll:


Jun 18, 2005
"Well, I must be in the minority, I actually enjoy my job. and whilst I really look forward to all my returns to Bali, I don't dwell on not being there. "
Here, here ! I also like my job. Life is a package deal....full of problems and things that make me feel groundless, and full of unbelievable experiences. Life is great, and while I love Bali and Asia in general, I try to dwell in the moment, wherever it is I find myself.
One of the things I can clearly see when I travel is how lucky I am to be able to travel around the globe and see this planet. Life is short ,and "what a long strange trip its been and I'm not even a dead head." Dont forget to be where you are. Life is precious. :lol:


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Work sucks in a western country

I’ve been reading this string with no small amount of interest and mixed recollections of my own past corporate life.

Well before I ever decided to move to Bali, I left corporate America and became an entrepreneur. Indeed, “work” if defined as time, and a 100% effort for the gain of stock holders, indeed “sucks.”

Towards the end of my corporate career, I began to resent my situation (hopes of a gold watch at retirement and a pension), and abhor the morning train commute into 42nd street with the morning rush hour “living dead.” I knew fully well that I just had to be in business for myself...and eventually I “bit the bullet” and threw myself off of the WTC once and for all. Once doing that, there is no going back.

Now in business for myself for twenty years, I often reflect on those corporate days and realize that I learned a great deal there...all the while being paid...and eventually becoming fully vested in a retirement plan without growing too old! The lessons I learned while working for someone else were, and still are, invaluable to me in running my own business.

An odd thing though, is that unless one is incredibly wealthy, living on a never ending trust fund’s interest, or retired with a generous in Bali is also a very real reality.

In many ways, working in Bali, especially as an entrepreneur, requires much greater discipline than it takes to hop on that morning 6:30 AM train to 42nd street. There are a billion daily distractions here, each and every day...(including this forum), all of which can take you from your work in a heartbeat, and without any feeling of guilt...and certainly no BS from your “boss” as hell...YOU are the boss! Managing these distractions and other demands on one’s time clearly becomes the greatest challenge of balancing your productive time at make money...and time to enjoy, prosper, and maybe make a difference...which is why one is here.

I will be the first to admit that I do not own one neck tie, one white dress shirt, a pair of dress shoes, and God forbid, anymore Brooks Brothers suits. I am very happy to be free of those fashion icons that designate corporate business. I work bare footed, in shorts or a sarong, and a tee shirt, and I shave when I damn well feel like it, or when Eri says “it’s time” or threatens me with my razor.

But, I will say this. There is NO escape from the feelings of responsibility and the knowledge that your immediate family, your extended family, your village and to some extent the whole of Bali relies on you. The fact that they never give any pressure, sometimes makes me wish that they did.

Much more can be discussed on this topic. excellent string in my opinion, so many thanks for starting it off.

Jimbo, not many of us would be willing to “punch a time clock” in hell. As I have said in the past, you have all my respect for your decision to work there. I think we will all be relieved when soon we learn you are out of there, and in Bali.


Apr 20, 2005
Boy oh Boy , Roy you just put my whole life in your last post , I feel like a rat on a wheel . The only thing that keeps me going are the weekends and the small vaction time that i have each year . Id love to pull the plug and move onto a differant chapter in my life . With the kids , collage , ect. it seems a far off dream , ...but to dream the impossible dream...


Mar 26, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Mine too...

But for now I guess I am happy that I have a decent paying, secure job, so for that I am grateful...
But one day we will pull the so called plug & close the chapter on this part of our lives & I will be thankful....


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
"Jimbo, not many of us would be willing to “punch a time clock” in hell. As I have said in the past, you have all my respect for your decision to work there. I think we will all be relieved when soon we learn you are out of there, and in Bali"

Not for much longer. I am soon to be taking on a new role according to my boss. However he has to get my replacement first which is somewhat of a difficult thing due to the amount of construction work here.

I am to be made a non voting director responsible for safety within the comapany. The good news is that I have insited in 2 months off next year to look for houses in Bali and Makkassar. The bad news is that I may have to work for an extra couple of years because my boss is so good.

Maria and I have spent 15 hours on Skype discussing what to do.