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  1. begonia

    Long time Phuket resident moving to Bali,

    I like so much as well the east cost of Bali and all the things can offer, the traffic and mass tourist in south of Bali can be horrible, specially in summer!
  2. begonia

    Long time Phuket resident moving to Bali,

    tel522, I am just curious, where is a good snorkelling beach in the south of Bali? terimakasi
  3. begonia

    Paramount Pictures Proposes new theme park for Bali

  4. begonia

    Can we buy a luxury bamboo house in Bali?

    Juggler, I wonder if you have ever seen or visit the green school village, don't you think that is luxury for you? they are amazing and terrible expensive I think, and it seems they are durable! Bamboo is getting very popular day by day since the green school has been open, these days there is...
  5. begonia

    Visiting Tradional Bali [Hindu] Village

    Usually when I go to wedding o baby ceremonies I give 300.000 rp, I am not rich but I can afford it and for them means a lot. The things villagers are always short is money and they will know what to buy with that. Have you been already there?
  6. begonia

    Davita RIP

    I cannot talk for others but I will miss his posts for sure! RIP Davita
  7. begonia

    Pets moving

    Have you try Facebook groups? I send you a private message
  8. begonia

    Buffet breakfast in Sanur

    Finally I had a buffet breakfast in a “old” hotel right at the beach, I am not sure about the name, I think Sindhu beach, at least the hotel was on the street going to Shindu beach and was quite cheap for a buffet, if I am not wrong 100.000 rp and for a person who eats on rice, nasi campur...
  9. begonia

    Long time

    Hello Jimbo! How are you? I read many of your post for years in the old forum, I remember sometimes you was talking about to retire partially in Bali, between Bali and Makasar or Tana Toraja, even you was mention the possibility to make a house here if I am not wrong, what make you to decide...
  10. begonia

    Buffet breakfast in Sanur

    any recommendations for buffet breakfast in Sanur? Terimakasi
  11. begonia

    Jakarta goes to the polls

    Spicyayam, I heard yesterday there was elections in Singaraja isn't it? what elections where that? what for? terimakasi
  12. begonia

    Jakarta goes to the polls

    Doesn't make sense, it seems at the schools in Bali any excuse is good to have holidays. I wonder if it was schools holidays in the rest of Indonesia as well apart from Jakarta. Life in Indonesia never stops to surprise me.
  13. begonia

    Four people charged with extorting tourists in Kintamani

    Two years ago, two friends which I had recommend them a guide, told me that the guide very proud offered them some cheaper tickets to enter Taman Ayun in Bedugul, so reading this article I guess it was something like that, they end paying only one entrance tickets and someone with the guide got...
  14. begonia

    Uber launches UberTrip in Bali

    Match local demands? really? or match foreigners or tourists demands to pay as minimun as they want for trasportation? Because probably many of the people who uses these services are spending a lot money in villas and expensive hotels and expensive restaurants and drinking in the night but to go...
  15. begonia

    Uber launches UberTrip in Bali

    We are taking over their restaurants, their shops, their business, their island, their land, their rice fields, their water.............this makes me sick! 300.000 rp five hours one driver plus the car for a tour? what about the petrol? is included? This put tears in my eyes and feel sorry for...
  16. begonia

    Rainy Season Oh Yeah!

    I have been here 17 years and to me it is raining almost like the old days, of course not as much quantity in a short time as this year and this is more than what was usual for a rainy season. In theory the rainy season suppose to be from November to April and in the old days, usually rained...
  17. begonia

    What little thing irritates you the most?

    Sometimes I cannot copy anymore with the global state of apathy I have and I see around all the time, happy faces yes, smiling all the time yes, wonderful but.........
  18. begonia

    KITAP help?

    ok, clear now, thanks a lot for the explications! aduhhhh yap you are right, doesn't make sense, they are asking you for something you don't need to do, I guess they may not make difference and treat all the countries equal right? I mean like some countries you can registered your marriage like...
  19. begonia

    KITAP help?

    Sorry I don't really understand what means Canada or Australia don't register foreigners marriages, please could somebody explain this for me? so if you are legally married here and like in your case you are from Canada, that means you in Canada are single? I mean if they don't register your...
  20. begonia

    Bali Real Estate Market?

    In my personal case is not as much as hate my neighbors for screwing up the view but making a complex villa next to my house with a 50 cm between our house wall, which are open villas of course, because they have staffs 24 hours, so very often we have very noisy people next to our house and we...