Search results

  1. J

    Sanur house for rent

    Well, all 'joking' aside, I'm looking for something similar myself - seems to be I'm always looking with not a lot of 'finding' happening for me! We're after a 2-3 bedroom home in central Sanur (Jl Bumi Ayu or north is our preference, and beachside of the bypass for sure). We have a severely...
  2. J

    Sanur Villa Beachside Resort Complex - 1-2 Year Lease

    Looks perfect for us - except the price...
  3. J

    2 questions. Meds and Ecigs

    Yeah, sure, you can get most things there (and though it hasn't been my experience, see Markit's warning) and mostly without a prescription - basic antibiotics, painkillers etc. Not likely steriodal injectables though... Surely for 2 weeks you can just bring what you need? As for the 50 ml...
  4. J

    2 questions. Meds and Ecigs

    I only went for 2 months and so only had replacement cartridges as oppossed to a bottle of the "juice". How much are you thinking of taking? 500ml or so? And is the bottle labelled and sealed? 'Cos if it is I doubt they'll give you a problem if it is packed in your checked luggage. The Ecig...
  5. J

    2 questions. Meds and Ecigs

    1. We have a severely disabled daughter and recently spent 2 months in Bali. We had to bring in 2 months supply of all her medications, including Morphine Elixar, a classified drug. No-one even looked in the bag. Take Drs letters etc and you will be fine. 2. No, it's not true. I carry one...
  6. J

    Eat Pray Love

    Late to the game here, I know, but for me the worst part of the movie *was* the Bali part. How can Julia R get practically fluent in Italian so quickly, yet still not manage to pronounce "Ketut" correctly? I kinda felt the movie was a bit disrespectful in that regard, but I guess that's mainly...
  7. J

    Drivers License

    Apparently the monthly Bali license for those without Kitas is 250,000 per month. Definitely sounds like getting a license at home then an International Driver's Permit is the most sensible way to go (though we are yet to go down that route ourselves - will start on getting our motorbike...
  8. J

    Sanur or Canggu...??

    Kesuma's restaurant is right on the beach, just south of the Hyatt. It's grilled fish (pick your own off the ice) is cooked in such a way that you can take big chunks of flesh off without bones being annoying - all for around 9,000 Rp/100grams. So an great sized snapper will cost less than...
  9. J

    Looking for more serene places

    Not far from Ubud, in the area of Tampak Siring is a gorgeous place called Gunung Kawi. It is one of our favourite places to visit, and doesn't seem to be terribly well known in the tourist circuit. Be prepared to walk down (and, of course, back up) a couple of hundred steps to reach the bottom...
  10. J

    Sanur or Canggu...??

    Great to hear. Can you perhaps PM me? As I'm new here I am unable to PM others just yet...
  11. J

    Sanur or Canggu...??

    Hi no.idea - is that offer open to all? I certainly could do with a catch up with someone in-the-know. I leave Sanur for NZ on the 18th October (Thursday).
  12. J

    Sanur house rentals

    Thanks Craig - I emailed a bunch of them last night but haven't had many responses yet, and the ones I have are either full or extreme in price or far from where I need to be. We don't need flash, but we do need to stay very local to where we are now (northern end of Sanur). Walking distance...
  13. J

    Sanur house rentals

    Hi. I am looking for a 2 bdrm house to rent in the northern end of Sanur for 2 months next year, somewhere between May and August (dry season) - our dates are flexible at the moment, and if we were to find a good house at the right price we would consider a one year lease. We have 2 adults...
  14. J

    Villa House for rent in Sanur Bali.

    Hi. I am looking for a 2 bdrm house to rent in the northern end of Sanur for 2 months next year, somewhere between May and August (dry season) - our dates are flexible at the moment, and if we were to find a good house at the right price we would consider a one year lease. We have 2 adults...
  15. J

    Bali the best

    I feel the same way as Jimbo in the OP. Our first trip was in 1996 - a chance win of an awesome prize that literally changed my life! I feel more at home in Bali than I do in NZ. I speak Bahasa rather well these days too, which really helps get things done faster and with an even bigger smile on...