2014, and it's still possible to read that?
How is it possible to honestly not doing legal? Can someone explain me what interest I have to go for the non-legal?
I'm a foreigner, I choose to live here, and how am I suppose to accept to participate to detroy this nation.

You sound like you've just been here for a short time.
2014, and it's still possible to read that?
How is it possible to honestly not doing legal? Can someone explain me what interest I have to go for the non-legal?
I'm a foreigner, I choose to live here, and how am I suppose to accept to participate to detroy this nation.

And if you're so concerned about being legal how come you're driving your car / motorbike without a valid drivers license??
Goodness me, I have been driving here for the last 15 years without a licence and have never been stopped. Maybe the fact I have a head that resembles a Bull Mastiff chewing gravel is my savior.
I have gone into Denpasar to get a licence on two occasions but they make what should be a simple system bloody awkward. I even drove a policeman back to Sanur from there.
I have gone into Denpasar to get a licence on two occasions but they make what should be a simple system bloody awkward.

It's pretty much impossible to get an Indonesian car drivers license doing it the legal way in Denpasar. They make it ridiculously difficult so you pay the bribe.
I had no difficulty getting a driver's license. But as I said earlier my wife's cousin is a district attorney, and she set up the appointment for me. I think she let them know not to screw with me. I was in and out super quick. It took me longer to drive there than I spent in the building.

I will also add that while yes I agree that the country is horrible corrupt it is a severe over simplification to say that the Indonesian people do not want it to change. Many including the police are forced into it by their superiors so that they cannot turn them in without facing consequences themselves. I have seen the process with several people who entered the system full of ideals only to be transformed. They are not proud of what they are forced to do but have come to accept that it is simply the way it is here.
I had no difficulty getting a driver's license. But as I said earlier my wife's cousin is a district attorney, and she set up the appointment for me. I think she let them know not to screw with me. I was in and out super quick. It took me longer to drive there than I spent in the building.

Lucky you!

Did they ask for your medical attest signed by a doctor? Did they make you do the 30 question theory exam where you can make no more than three mistakes? And after you did manage to successfully pass the "makes-no-sense-at-all" theory exam did they make you do the practical exam as well?
No, I didn't even know any of that was a part of it. I sat down and the only questions they asked me where clarifications on who I was and where I was from. As I said it was super easy. The hardest part was understanding his English.
The answer to the original question:
If you miss the court day for your Lalu Lintas, after 7 days, you have to pay it at the Kejaksaan Negeri Denpasar (office of the district attorney), the address is: Jl. PB Sudirman No. 3 Denpasar
For the traffic ticket, the room is on ground floor, at the end of the left corridor.

Might the information be useful to anyone
The full process took me less than 20 minutes, today at 12:10 (lunch time)
No penalty, no bribe, no extra costs, payment cash.
I got my STNK back, and a receipt for my payment.

But I suppose, it's because I'm only the youngest over here, don't live here for a while.
And also, it's certainly because Indonesia runs and thrives on corruption, it will never change nor do the Indonesian people want it to change.
Well, since you are 7 days late I guess it took you 7+ days, not 20 minutes.

20 minutes would be closer to how long it takes to give a donation with spare time left for a beer with the police officer :eagerness:
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It looks like your original question has been answered. You found the place to pay your fine. Where was it, again?

I found your original scan of the ticket because I was curious to see what it looked like. Anyway, here is a re-sized version in case anybody's still interested.
(And for that other poster who reckoned it would be number 0000001, it's 0500308.)


Moving along...

"It's pretty much impossible to get an Indonesian car drivers license doing it the legal way in Denpasar."
The salient adjective here is "legal". Just like it's a fine line between pleasure and pain, what's legal and illegal in this country is more or less notional, (as in vague, nebulous or created on-the-spot-at-the-time).
Unless you get caught doing something, or allegedly doing something. Then you're in "trouble", (how serious is often "negotiable", unless somebody was killed or injured).

I went to renew my local car driver's licence a couple of weeks ago. I arrived reasonably early and the front gates were shut (couldn't drive in like I've usually done). Parked on the street outside and wandered in.
I ignored the "visitors must report here" booth - a few cops there sitting around and smoking (I almost asked them about the "Anti-smoking laws" that were put in place from January 1, 2014, but thought better of it).

I've heard and read some stories recently about how the licensing police have now "cracked down". You supposedly get plonked in front of a computer, (running an illegal copy of Windows XP), and try to answer a string of questions that flash by so fast you can't read them (even if your native language is Indonesian). Basically, nobody passes - but you can try again next week, the week after, etc, indefinitely.

The only "practical test" I've ever done was way back in the 1970s for a motorbike licence. In those days, you were shown a bunch of photos of mangled accident victims, then ushered out the front to do your "test".
This involved riding through a course of plastic hats, one way and back again, without knocking any of them down. I will never forget seeing an Australian girl trying it, knocking down several hats and guess what happened?
The police moved the hats further apart.

My recent licence-renewal day was a bad day. On my way to where you usually go, I met a "friendly policeman", who asked me all the usual questions. (Where you from, where you live, how long, etc.)
I told him I wanted to renew my licence, have a KITAS (retirement), copy of my passport, police report. He then wanted to know if I'd like to buy land in his village or rent a house there for 15 million rupiah/year.

He then hand-phoned somebody and I was told that today's process was finished (closed). But - he would help me. (Maybe after I agreed that he could visit me sometime with his family when they go to Sanur on a Sunday.)

Off we go to the main processing area. I am introduced to a rather savage-looking female cop who agrees to help me. I ask how much is it going to cost? She wants Rp 500,000.
But I usually pay between Rp 200-300,000. She wouldn't budge. Getting to that place, for me, is a pain in the arse.
There was no way in the world I was going to come back the next day, or after the weekend, to save myself $20, or so.

Now, what happened next was quite impressive, (although sickening at the same time). I was treated like a VIP. Didn't have to line up for anything (like the photo/fingerprint stuff).
I was suddenly priority one. Everything was done in "lightning time" (for Indonesia), and off I went with my new licence.

I guess the point here is that even if you want to go by the rules, it's not always the best way (unless you have endless patience).
I have never wanted to beat-the-system, as such. However, my new licence took a total of 45 minutes to complete.
The full process took me less than 20 minutes, today at 12:10 (lunch)
Great, can you get me a licence next time you are in there? I will happily pay. Just take a photo of someone bald or the neighbours dog they will wack it on the licence. Apparently we all look the same.
Thank you for the assistance.
How many idiots are answering a serious question here?! Was there any doc taken by the police (STNK etc.)? If not, really forget it.If yes, see the (only) serious answer you got from Gilbert
hadodi...according to you...on this thread alone all other members are idiots or dummkopf...never mind the names you have called members on other threads.....and now you have resorted to yelling!!!

Maybe it is you that needs to get out of the kindergarten!