
After years of recovering from terrorists attacks, Bali is now dealing with rising crime that threatens to sully the image of the tourist-dependent resort island, Governor Made Mangku Pastika said on Tuesday.

“Pickpocketing, for example; in Jakarta it is a merely a petty crime, but in Bali it becomes amplified and sensitive. It has a substantial impact on tourism,” Pastika said.

Speaking at a meeting of the province’s police leaders, Pastika said that no matter how trivial a crime was, in Bali it had the potential to become big.

He said that another threat to tourism was conflicts between traditional villages. He cited the case of a recent dispute between two villages in Gianyar district that became big news after the international news channel CNN reported it.

Pastika also said that while terrorism continued to be a threat, narcotics had become an escalating crime.

Bali, Pastika said, was no longer just a transit point to traffic illegal narcotics from mainland Asia to Australia but was now a market of its own.

He said trust and security would be difficult to rebuild once it had been damaged, and therefore he asked the police to not only consider security as physical security but also incorporate aspects of safety, certainty, prosperity and peace.

Pastika said trust should be built from bottom up and not the other way around.

Bali’s Rising Violent Crime Rate Could Threaten Tourism Industry | The Jakarta Globe
Everything depends on your perspective...

Everything depends on your perspective...

In the Los Angeles California there has been 63 murders since January 1 2012 to February 6 2012.
I imagine other violent crime (rape assaults) have a far greater number.

I live in northern California and in my community we get a shooting murder about once a week. Along with that, rapes and violent crimes mirror SoCal numbers by proportion.

I still think I'm safer walking the streets of Kuta at 12am, than I would be in daytime in certain big cities in the U.S.

I'm happy officials want to solve problems in Bali, seems more effort than is put to the problems here.
Everything depends on your perspective...

In the Los Angeles California there has been 63 murders since January 1 2012 to February 6 2012.
I imagine other violent crime (rape assaults) have a far greater number.

I live in northern California and in my community we get a shooting murder about once a week. Along with that, rapes and violent crimes mirror SoCal numbers by proportion.

I still think I'm safer walking the streets of Kuta at 12am, than I would be in daytime in certain big cities in the U.S.

I'm happy officials want to solve problems in Bali, seems more effort than is put to the problems here.

Yes, perspective. And our perspective has changed. We were badly attacked and robbed in our home in December. The police know the two men who attacked and robbed us but the men have not been arrested. The police say they escaped. One of the policemen said they were afraid to go into the dangerous village in Java where the men live. Gil suggested money sometimes changes hands before suspects “escape” from the police. Perhaps when the police visited the mens’ houses within hours after the attack they found our valuables and kept them. An arrest now would bring that unsavory fact to the surface.

It would be interesting to know the per capita statistics of expats who’ve been robbed or attacked or both in Bali but my suspicion is that it could be higher per capita than in most other places.

So, except for political rhetoric our perspective is that the officials and the police don’t really care much about the crime so long as it isn’t internationally publicized. The men who attacked us were extremely dangerous and aggressive and we feel lucky to be alive. And the thugs are still free to keep on going with their chosen occupation. One the relatively few expats living on this island is the one who will next be attacked and robbed.
3 armed robberies in broad daylight within 1 hour on the Gold Coast in Australia yesterday.
Drunken brawls most Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights and it is still considered a tourist hotspot.:eek:
I think robberies seem to shock more in Bali as there is a perception among tourists that due to the Balinese religon they would never steal from you. While in most cases this is true there are more than Balinese people living on the island and for some desperate time make some turn to crime.
Drugs are another issue, while there are those willing to take the risk and pay for it there is a market and money to be made. Those selling on the street are only the end of the food chain it's the ones at the top making the real money who are never touched.
I still feel safe in Bali but I am aware that things have changed in the last 20 years and you just have to be more careful about your surroundings and decisions you make.
We don't go to Kuta, period. We're about to ramp up our production efforts on the island with our small company but that will be done in a environment without the need for a retail outlet. We were thinking of a shop in southern Bali but having to deal with the crap that is Kuta these days was far outweighed by our desire for a hassle free existence. It's where the crowds are, where the passing trade is but the nefarious elements there just make the whole prospect an unsavory one.

I was always taught to stay quiet, head down, dress down and go about your own business. People tend to notice you less that way. Its working so far.

We don't go to Kuta, period. We're about to ramp up our production efforts on the island with our small company but that will be done in a environment without the need for a retail outlet. We were thinking of a shop in southern Bali but having to deal with the crap that is Kuta these days was far outweighed by our desire for a hassle free existence. It's where the crowds are, where the passing trade is but the nefarious elements there just make the whole prospect an unsavory one.

I was always taught to stay quiet, head down, dress down and go about your own business. People tend to notice you less that way. Its working so far.


To be fair though kuta isnt really where the armed robberys are happening because of the constant poilci presence there but its more the people in their own homes out of kuta in which they talking about. . Of coarse there is always the risk of drunks getting into fights but i wouldnt exactly say kuta is where the "violent crimes" are happening although i am aware that the pickpocketing also happens in that area though .
I agree with kiwi aswell the goldcoast is experiencing far worse problems with arm robberies and violent crime than bali .
3 armed robberies in broad daylight within 1 hour on the Gold Coast in Australia yesterday.
Drunken brawls most Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights and it is still considered a tourist hotspot.:eek:

It must be pointed out however, that these robberies were on business premises not home invasions, and beating the crap out of the occupants. I agree all robberies are terrifying for the person being robbed but one should feel safe in their own home.
I guess the big question has to go to Pollyanna, after going through your what can only be decribed as a frightening and horrible experience how do you know feel about living in Bali as an expat?
Prior to this happening your post have been positive and informative, I know from being robbed in NZ when not at home was bad enough but what has happened to you I can not imagine. Add to that the people you would normally expect to help seem not to be interested (read police) and the lack of direct family and friend how do you going about your day to day life?
I have had two things go wrong which almost made me give up on Bali I am not sure how I would go if I went through what you just have:icon_evil:
To be fair though kuta isnt really where the armed robberys are happening because of the constant poilci presence there but its more the people in their own homes out of kuta in which they talking about. . Of coarse there is always the risk of drunks getting into fights but i wouldnt exactly say kuta is where the "violent crimes" are happening although i am aware that the pickpocketing also happens in that area though .
I agree with kiwi aswell the goldcoast is experiencing far worse problems with arm robberies and violent crime than bali .
Kuta because of its crowds and the elements it attracts is a vile and rotten place. The high presence of Polisi there is no deterrent, in fact many of the police team up with the dope and drug pushers on the street. Famous is the racket where a pusher works with a policemen when selling dope to tourist teens. The kids buy, the policeman tipped off, the kid stopped and fleeced of all his money in a 'fine' which the policeman pockets and the pusher is allowed to continue his trade. The police there are as much of a contribution to the problem as the criminals.

A mate wanted to return a Boogy Board bag that he bought just one hour before in a shop in the middle of Kuta. He went in with the receipt and was told no refund, no exchange. When he protested some heavies were called in and he pretty much had his life threatened if he didn't leave the store, all the time being watched by a couple of giggling policemen. The place is a bloody cess pit, period, the image and reputation of Bali is seriously tainted by it.

Just dropping my 2c
Kuta because of its crowds and the elements it attracts is a vile and rotten place. The high presence of Polisi there is no deterrent, in fact many of the police team up with the dope and drug pushers on the street. Famous is the racket where a pusher works with a policemen when selling dope to tourist teens. The kids buy, the policeman tipped off, the kid stopped and fleeced of all his money in a 'fine' which the policeman pockets and the pusher is allowed to continue his trade. The police there are as much of a contribution to the problem as the criminals. A mate wanted to return a Boogy Board bag that he bought just one hour before in a shop in the middle of Kuta. He went in with the receipt and was told no refund, no exchange. When he protested some heavies were called in and he pretty much had his life threatened if he didn't leave the store, all the time being watched by a couple of giggling policemen. The place is a bloody cess pit, period, the image and reputation of Bali is seriously tainted by it.

Just dropping my 2c

agree with you to a point but isnt it better to have all these people,scammers,whores,tourists,bintang singlet wearing bogans only confined to just the kuta area?

it means if we dont go near kuta we dont need to deal with them.

might be a blessing in disguise if a few people got the wrong idea and decided not to come back considering the influx in people lately
To be fair though kuta isnt really where the armed robberys are happening because of the constant poilci presence there but its more the people in their own homes out of kuta in which they talking about. . Of coarse there is always the risk of drunks getting into fights but i wouldnt exactly say kuta is where the "violent crimes" are happening although i am aware that the pickpocketing also happens in that area though .
I agree with kiwi aswell the goldcoast is experiencing far worse problems with arm robberies and violent crime than bali .

I agree with Rangi on this one. Ive lived in Legian for the last 10 years, and my house has never been broken into, nor has a pembantu or worker ever stolen anything from me.

People associate the south the scumbags, which is in part true due to the transient nature of the toursits and hangers on there, but theres another side to it too. Theres plenty of nice people in the area once you settle in.

You have a motorbike accident in Legian and the locals wont come out with sticks and beat the crap out of the ambulance and throw the driver from his seat until theyve ripped every cent from him and the severely injured bule victim in the back..........switch this scenario to some out of the way villages in the middle of bali and this does very well happen (actually did happen - and not the bule's fault either). The Banjars dont attack and kill each other in the south either as opposed to the more isolated parts of Bali.

Most criminals are smart and opportunistic. They carefully weigh the prospect of the reward versus the risk.

The risk of getting away with a home invasion in a built up area is pretty remote.

There's plenty of people who've tried to take to village life away from the vile nd horrible south who've had the very people they surround themsleves with end up making their lives miserable.

Pastikas claim that bali is "oversensitive" to such crimes gives a fair indication of his attitude to foreigners in general.

I wouldnt kid myslef into thinking that the south is far more prone to voilence or nastiness than anywhere else in Bali. All it takes is one desperate person who may need nothing more than food for his family and you can be the answer to that problem one way or another.

Dress down head down doesnt really work when your the only expat living in a local community miles from anywhere.
agree with you to a point but isnt it better to have all these people,scammers,whores,tourists,bintang singlet wearing bogans only confined to just the kuta area?

it means if we dont go near kuta we dont need to deal with them.

might be a blessing in disguise if a few people got the wrong idea and decided not to come back considering the influx in people lately

Nothing personal Mat, but what is it with the arrogant, 'my shit doesn't stink and my place on this island is more deserved' attitude that some expats seem to have? While not all of them are pleasant, I'm sure a lot of these 'bintang singlet clad bogans' that seem to be constantly in the crosshairs of some people contribute a far lot more overall than some of the tight-arsed, penny-pinching expats that are nothing more than an extra (and unneccesary) resource drain on an Island already sinking under its own filth. Unless you are Balinese, you have no more right to be on the island than any other tourist or 'bintang' clad bogan.

Sorry to vent, but I think some people need to have a reality check sometimes. Most of the ugliest of the ugly behaved visitors I have seen have been in designer label clothing (and not in Kuta). And despite it's flaws, perhaps there is a reason why there are more people in the south ie Kuta etc. is because the majority of people actually like this place more than anywhere else? Have some people actually forgotten what makes the cogs turn on this island?

While l agree with Adam to a point. The attitude that westeners have no right to be here is toally wrong. Hey, my wife is Balinese and my kids were born here. When a tourist or a local says you have no right being here , yes l do.We are a family and have every right to be living together.
As for the robberies, a friend of mine had his house and 3 others broken into last week. It was never reported in the papers.The good thing for him, his wife's brother is really high up in the police force, so the case is getting special attention
agree with you to a point but isnt it better to have all these people,scammers,whores,tourists,bintang singlet wearing bogans only confined to just the kuta area?

it means if we dont go near kuta we dont need to deal with them.
:highly_amused::highly_amused:Hahaha what a joke - only confined to Kuta - dream on ,dream on :highly_amused::highly_amused:
Found this to be a good read, scraping the surface a bit regarding some Police officers decision to join the bad elements.

“I was forced to do it because my pay from the police wasn’t enough to feed my family,” he told the court.

Sounds like police is not earning much in Bali
I was told last week the starting salary is Rp500.000 per month for police. They then have to repay the Rp100 juta or so that they borrowed from the family to secure the position in the first place. :icon_rolleyes:
I was told last week the starting salary is Rp500.000 per month for police. They then have to repay the Rp100 juta or so that they borrowed from the family to secure the position in the first place. :icon_rolleyes:

And that's why they try to earn on the side including asking cash for traffic violations and those studip police escorts for VIP's where everyone gets pushed to the side of the road.
I was told last week the starting salary is Rp500.000 per month for police. They then have to repay the Rp100 juta or so that they borrowed from the family to secure the position in the first place. :icon_rolleyes:

Really ? ? Thats crazy . Im not saying its not true but i find it hard to believe . I know they are also supllied housing from the government i have been to where all the poilci live the housing is pretty good by bali standards . .
Really ? ? Thats crazy . Im not saying its not true but i find it hard to believe . I know they are also supllied housing from the government i have been to where all the poilci live the housing is pretty good by bali standards . .

housing: yes on remote islands the unmarried policemen (usually most of them) living together but as much I heard it isn't anything fancy; salary isn't high (I also doubt 500.000 though, just asked my wife she said 1.800.000 / some cousins are in Ambon & Sulawesi)

it isn't much but they get pension when they are retired, 100 million to become a policeman? it's around 60 million for a "simple" policeman, 100 million for special police like BRIMOB, the numbers are 2-3 years old though...

what I know is that a fat stupid guy out of shape with 100 million has a better chance to become policemen than a fit supersporty tall smart guy without any money (every year just one guy, the best of the year doesn't has to pay), that is incredible!
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