Valentines Poll: Expat Balinese Romances

Can an expat and a Balinese find true romance and be soul mates?

  • YES: I prefer them to my own culture/country because they are beautiful.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NO: They are out to get you.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Aug 8, 2005
Davo said:
Pooochie. Apink rose means friendship doesnt it?

Well thats what i'd like to be doing that day.

Or maybe I'll be bold and give her red roses.

nothing ventured nothing gained.

Hi Davo

Hold on we need to consult our Balinese Oracle on the subject of Balinese love....... :D

Roy said:
Another hint I can share about Balinese women is that they just LOVE to be massaged. You can almost hear them purring like a cat. Forget flowers, they already have more than they need. Strong but sensitive hands drive them wild,

Well that's says it all. No flowers. So get practicing with those strong and sensitive hands :lol:

Good luck and lets us know how it turns out. Don't be shy to ask any questions, we are all here to support you through these trying times :lol:

Best wishes

Ni Luh


Jan 4, 2006
Adelaide, Australia
Ni Luh, muched love greetings to you. thankyou for your response.

Shall i now have to learn how to massage. Well, occording to you i must. Now you shake my confidence. But you are quoting Om Roy. So i will take a slow breath that he does not know everything about Bali woman.
Is the girl worth it? Yes i say, and yes i have no idea.
I guess i will have to do my best on my own wits, which i think are not to bad or probably way off base. lets face it if you fake yourself your a loser. Just have to see what happens.

however the fowers! Well each rose petel laid on a womans body can surely lead to some were?

And you bet i will keep you guys posted. hopfully some pics to. love


Nov 30, 2002
Psst Davo,

just a hint, remove the thorns of the rose before you play with it on her body!

best regards

PS: forget this hint in respect to ???, guess she will love the thorns :oops: :wink:


Jan 4, 2006
Adelaide, Australia
Dear Thorsten, thanks for the hint.

As for your PS, you are a naughty boy.

Just 4 days to go till im back in Bali, woohoo. Will be hanging out in the Legian area to start with then who knows where. I will post my bali phone number when i get there. cheers 8)


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Davo, if you are not into, or able to give a Balinese woman a massage, then "go for the gold." It costs a lot more, but Balinese women LOVE their jewelry, and the men that provide it. Once again...forget the roses. A gift of a kilo of coffee and sugar for her family's compound would go much better than a dozen roses...I assure you...and it's a very "neutral" gift.

As flowers go, roses are no big deal, nor do they hold any significance here. If you insist on laying petals upon a Balinese woman's body, I suggest jenpiring, which is a flower of great beauty and an intoxicating erotic scent...much like a gardinia. That will get their attention, I assure you.

You write:

So i will take a slow breath that he does not know everything about Bali woman.

This would be a very bad bet on on your part. :p :p :p


Jul 30, 2005
Alexandra new zealand
glad this post is back to romance...

I have a song being sung to benny at his work & a heart cake being delivered at the same time ...

poochie, not just Bali women that like the massage ... :lol:

got shown how to do Bali massage last trip (guess who showed me ), but had to be shown many times L O L :lol:

not hard to do really Davo, but more fun being shown


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Davo....I think your doubts of my "expertise" with Balinese, and other Indonesian women is being slowly laid to rest...and by the women themselves.

If you're still thinking roses, then you haven't been the women!
:p :p


Jan 4, 2006
Adelaide, Australia
Re: RE: Valentines Poll: Expat Balinese Romances

OK, OK (Davo makes a note). 1/ No flowers for Indonesian woman. 2/ get massage lessons from Roy. hahahahaha

Roy said:
This would be a very bad bet on your part. :p :p :p

Well Roy now that you put yourself up into this relm. you can expect to be my help desk when im in the dog house. :wink: :lol:


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
No rumah anjing, (dog house) for you. Pay attention to what the women are saying here...that's all you need. The fact is, that's all we ever need, flowers, jewelry and massages's their voice and words that matters the most.

Geez! I should get paid for this! :D


Jan 8, 2006
Negara Salju
Somebody, QUICK-Photoshop up a snap of Roy as cherub brandishing Cupid's bow and arrow!

Davo, massage is a must! Get those hands in shape.

One thing that was always a request while still "courting" my wife...Good chocolates! just make sure that you deliver them before the balinese sun works its magic.

Best of luck, Bli Gede.


Jan 4, 2006
Adelaide, Australia
Bli Gede, your right about the Balinese sun on chocies.

but i confess now about the flowers. I had jawa g/f for one year and i brought her flowers she looked at them once, then her eyes bright-end and said OH i can take them to church as offering. They did not impress her at all. live and learn hey bli?

rest asured i am doing finger ups to be ready to give a really good teasing massa, massage, woo. now im teasing myself.


Aug 8, 2005
Bli Gede said:
my wife...Good chocolates! just make sure that you deliver them before the balinese sun works its magic.

Dear Bli Gede

Please don’t take this wrongly as I for one has been very much impressed by your indulgence in the Indonesian language, culture, etc at our Warung Kucing and you certainly have your merits when it comes to Indonesia. Unfortunately I have to beg to differ with your good-self re. chocolate.

As a matter of courtesy to Davo I should like to quote my beloved Oom Roy (inclusive of Ibu Eri)

Oom Roy said:
As for chocolate, my whole family hates it. My wife in particular finds it way too sweet, heavy in her stomach and not pleasing.

I am in agreement, a bit, with Ibu Eri as I too find chocolate slightly too heavy for my liking too, not to say I don’t appreciate a good chocolate. I do have to admit I enjoy Belgium chocolates and indulging in some strawberries dipped in Godiva chocolate.

Dear Davo

Davo said:
Bli Gede, your right about the Balinese sun on chocies.
It would be prudent of me to give my own thoughts on this as I am half Balinese and Javanese. If I may, I would not recommend you bringing chocolates for your Valentines girl.

Davo said:
Is the girl worth it? Yes i say, and yes i have no idea.

I take it you really want to charm this girl.

Davo said:
lets face it if you fake yourself your a loser.

I am in agreement with you as my learned mother always told me to always trust my instincts.

Davo said:
and yes i have no idea.

Massage lesson is a must………..I must also quote my Oom Roy once again

Oom Roy said:
but Balinese women LOVE their jewelry, and the men that provide it……………… then "go for the gold." It costs a lot more

As you are from Australlia I would imagine Opal is not as expensive to say diamonds so why don’t you get her a beautiful gold opal ring. I for one don’t believe in expensive jewellery. I must admit my late mother-in-law’s exquisite Australian opal ring is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen and I have since replaced my original wedding ring, with my husband agreement, to this ring.

It is my pleasure to see a happy couple. If you would be so kind as to please take some pictures and post them in Oom Bert's picture site and let us know.

Ni Luh


Nov 10, 2005
Ah! She says she does not like chocolates.

Well last valentines we were at the manufacturerrs of the following:


And she loved it... :D

Even the Netherlands do some good Chocolate Cake (Amsterdam) as Bert and some other fellow Netherlands people will confirm 8)


Jul 30, 2005
Alexandra new zealand
True love does not need money ... It's all about...
what you say ,
when you say ,
& how you show her ...
all that will last far longer than any flower or chocolate

make a memory to last a life time

but that choc strawberry looks very good just need the champagne :D


Jul 30, 2005
Alexandra new zealand
I might add ...

one of the reasons my hubby & I have split is becouse he forgot all the small mushy stuff & just took me for granted

life is to short to be sad & lonley


New Member
Dec 15, 2004
Dorset, UK
I voted for number 2

YES: love is love and relationships can form anywhere

I met Vera in Philadelphia, we were both on holiday there, and we ended up spending the whole holiday together.

This was 3 years ago now, we only see each other twice a year, but we are in contact every day. We both cry when its time for her to return to work in Bali, or I have to leave Bali to return to the UK.

I never dreamed of finding romance in the USA, I went there to holiday with a US friend and do some firework shows with him for July 4th. (hence my profile picture)
We were engaged before Vera had to go home again :D

No Valentines day for us this year as Vera is away on an island with no phone or internet access, but come next Monday (20th) we will meet up again. I feel like a kid waking up on Christmas morning every time we get back together :D

Incidentally - if anyone fancies a quiet drink at the Jayakarta Hotel and Residence on Sunday night - then let me know, Vera wont be back on Bali until the Monday, but I arrive Sunday lunchtime, so I'm free that night, but wont feel much like exploring after getting there.

To steal a well known ending -

'Thats it'


Feb 16, 2010
a cultural thing?

Hi all

Much has been said about love and romance and how it could work here in bali with a balinese partner or not.

I want to share my experience which- hopefully - does not match to many of the expat s comments here

Balinese generally marry very young( actually when the girl is pregnant so the family of the boy has the prove that she is able to have children).

If you meet anyone over 25, the chance that he or she is married is quite big.

Nevertheless it is also very common that specially the men- but also the women u have pacars( lovers, affairs)- infact it is almost certain that everybali man at least has one.

So if you want to be sure that your relationship is a serios one, you must have been( no way avoiding it!) Introduced to your partners family( father , mother and descendants- without that- you can be sure that there is something hidden.

Any stories that the future partner might tell you( on the way to divorce, his wife or husband is only like a friend and they don't live together anymore etc) needs to be checked by you.

Sorry to say but balinese men are normally dangerousely unfaithful.

Let me share some experience with you;

My best friend, a young swiss girl, was desperately in love with a balinese man who is married and has two children.
He lived together with her for 2! Years, sharing house and bed every night and he promised her that divorce is on the way and takes long in bali.
She even met his parents.they tried to have a baby.
As after two years there have been no dicorce progresses she did some research and find out;
That his wife did know about her and accepted it, but that dicorce was never a raised issue at his home.
He informed her after her researches that he never had the intnention to leave his wife and kids.

Another girl from java I met during a dinner with her balinese boyfirend. Asking her if they plan to marry she smiled and informed me that he is already married to a balinese woman having a 1 year old baby at home and apart from her, he is the boyfriend of an australian expat he only keeps for money reasons.

I met putu, a beautiful balinese woman married to a rich balinese man and having a son together. She is having a balinese driver as boyfirend additionally and is officialy together with an older german businessman here in bali. He just bought her a car. The family is happy about..

My friend anne is married to a balinese man and was expecting her second baby with him while she found out that he had a young balinese girl as lover and additionally betrayed her with a western woman who is staying in bali.

Myself I was in love with a balinese man and he wanted to marry me and have a baby together.
As I did not agree to that so fast, we split and I found out afterwards that he was married and had a son and is currently trying to convince his new australian girlfirend to settle with him in melbourne after marriage.

This is of course not only a balinese thing, it happens everywhere in the world- but it seems to be somehow more common here- as love would just not mean the same as in our culture and is more of a
Option than a promise.

If you want to find a good and relaible love with balinese people, I think it starts by finding somebody more or less true and ready.

Just be careful as also Aids is not ignoring bali because of its gods.

And please also keep in mind that a ship who has already left the harbour( marriage) is not worth to get o
n , you might be drowning by trying it.

I only know one balinese man who really and succesfully divorced for an expat woman but he also had not yet any kids.
I don't know any balinese woman who did the same.

Good luck to all of you, still believe in love and reach for it- but with an open heart and open mind and with looking through the pink clouds.
