traffic deaths in the past 5 months


Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Bali- reports that 222 people have lost their lives on Bali's roadways in the past 5 months, underlining the tragic consequences of failing to follow traffic rules and drive carefully on the Island's roads and streets..................................................

Anyone else afraid to hit to roads in bali each time you need to get somewhere? I am................................ Been in alot of places on this planet but bali drivers are the most insaine! :shock:


Aug 19, 2004
Hi Gina

No, I am not worried about hitting the road in Bali. I find riding a scooter quite easy around Bali except for Denpasar. When going into Denpasar I get a taxi. I find the rules I have been explained to me work very well and as long as you are going slow most accidents can be prevented.

I do agree however that many people do not follow the rules and I find the traffic lights confusing as they allow two lanes to go on a green light into the one, hard to explain but I know when it first happened to my I said, 'that just shouldn't happen'.

I was talking to my partner last night on chat and he said there was a motor bike accident out the front of the internet cafe. He went and checked it out and said a tourist hit a local, the tourist was speeding. The tourist had broken hand, cuts on his foot and face and the local just had damage to his bike.

I think a lot of the contributing factors are tourists maybe with a little too much alcohol (any amount of alcohol when driving is to much) a little too much speed (anything over 20 kmp around Kuta Legian) and unfamilar with the roads. Then there is the normal amount of accidents with that much traffic and traffic jams on the roads.'

I can fully understand people who do not want to drive/ride in Bali but I just hope the people that do, know how to ride a bike and do not just 'buy' a licence and get on and off they go.

I haven't driven a car yet but that will come when I have the need.


Sep 22, 2006
Houston, Texas
Re: trafic deaths in the past 5 months

Wow, I find that number incredible...... Without anybody jumping my ass, i will admit Im lucky not to have been part of that figure :oops: the total damage is kinda funny though 70 something thousand,, scooters are cheap..... I will certainly be more aware and responsible next time, I dont like my head split open like a watermelon....or anyone elses.... enough said......


Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
Re: trafic deaths in the past 5 months

I was very wary on a bike, aware of my vulnerability. I may follow the rules and drive slowly but that won't stop another idiot ploughing into me. I feel much safer in a car but I'm doing so much more driving now that I am not surprised at the number of deaths. The rules - what rules???? Most Balinese buy their SIM and have no idea of the rules of the road and what is safe and not. They seem to be in such a rush to get wherever-that all sense goes out the window.


Active Member
Mar 27, 2007
Re: trafic deaths in the past 5 months

I think motorbikes in bali are very dangerous for the reasons already noted.. Nobody follows any road rules.. That said, a car can also be dangerous, but the odds obviously favour a car.. Last week 3 people were killed in Denpesar when a truck hit a car..

Even though you know you're almost flirting with death when on a motorbike, I still enjoy it.. It's liberating to feel the wind hitting your face (before an oncoming truck does)..



Sep 22, 2006
Houston, Texas
Re: trafic deaths in the past 5 months

Also of considerable mention is the fact that the "helmets" required are a complete joke. I wonder how many deaths were contributed to head injury due to the piss poor "dare i say the word quality" of these things, or not wearing a helmet at all..... Now that would be an interesting# to know..


Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Re: trafic deaths in the past 5 months

When I am here in Calif. The many accidents I have been in all were NOT my fault(not joking here,seriously) I am a verry carefull driver,but it does not help when you have people not following the rules (or yapping on the cell phone and or drunk).This applies for anywhere you drive,not only Bali. But Bali drivers win a prize for insanity!!!!!!! The Worst Tailgaiting I have ever witnessed in Bali- driving on the opposite side of traffic flow(against traffic) only in bali-passing on dangerous mountain roads (blind curves) only in bali-speeding on dirt shoulders not meant for driving only in i need to say more. :roll:

When I was doing homeopathic volunteer work in North Bali (lovina) I witnessed many many many motorbike accidents limping into the clinic for stitches,It was a normal occurance.
And the horrible stories about past deadly :( accidents on that main highway in LOvina-My god is it worth it?I am not talking about tourists,I am speaking of the locals (Lovina at that time right after the first bomb had "0" tourists)...........................................
It was also the first time I witnessed a boy that was "stoned" as punishment,he came into the clinic badly hurt,needing some sewing on his face.I though that went out in midevil days?


Active Member
Mar 27, 2007
Re: trafic deaths in the past 5 months


Your signature says to ask you anything about homeopathy and you've now made a couple of references to your work in this field, so I make the assumption you're reasonably proud of your affiliation with the practice..

You seem pretty dedicated to it. Just curious what your views are on the following statement which has much backing it:

"Claims for efficacy of homeopathic treatment beyond the placebo effect are unsupported by the collective weight of scientific and clinical evidence"

So is it true belief that it works, the money that suckers pay or the cult like embrace that draws people to the practice?



Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Re: trafic deaths in the past 5 months

None of the above surprises me at all.

So-called "helmets" are generally just a joke and even when they're not, have you noticed that most riders don't even strap them on properly? (They sometimes become useful for scraping splattered brain remains off roads, if they can be found, that is.)
...Compared to the same period in 2007 the evidence is that Bali's roads may be increasingly dangerous.
(Bali Discovery Tours) From my observations, it's not a matter of "maybe", more like definitely!

Only last night I was driving home along the By-Pass road in Sanur and spotted a local motorbike rider bearing down behind me at break-neck speed. There was a gap between me and the car in front of less than one metre, (no exaggeration), and the fool took it! Nearly caused me to crash into the other car and the other car nearly lost it on the median strip. Now, I don't usually resort to "road rage", but I was so incensed at this person's actions that I chased him to the next set of traffic lights. They were red and unusually, everybody actually stopped. The idiot was right next to me and I berated his stupidity, was about to get out of my car to do something else and he took off like a bat out of hell. Lucky for him is all I can say.

I can't entirely agree with Tina's theory:
...I think a lot of the contributing factors are tourists maybe with a little too much alcohol (any amount of alcohol when driving is to much) a little too much speed (anything over 20 kmp around Kuta Legian) and unfamilar with the roads. Then there is the normal amount of accidents with that much traffic and traffic jams on the roads...
Certainly some drunken tourists contribute to accidents, but I doubt very much that they represent anything like a major contributing factor. I would go as far as to say that a lot of accidents involve drunken and/or stoned locals with little or no consideration for the safety of others. And they're just the ones that are over and above some "sober" road-users who suffer from the same lack of common sense and basic consideration for others.

My pet hates driving around here for many years include unlicensed children on motorbikes, (and, believe it or not, occasionally cars), and people who drive around at night with their lights turned off.

Some time ago, the government introduced a new rule that motorbikes are supposed to have their lights on from mid-afternoon. There was a lot of confusion regarding that, maybe something to do with a definition of when "mid-afternoon" is supposed to begin. As a result, there was a sort of amnesty for a while when police would simply caution "offenders". I hardly see any motorbikes these days with their lights on as prescribed so can only assume that the "rule" has been overridden (pardon the pun), or simply ignored because it's seen as being too inconvenient and wears out your headlight quicker.

Who gives a stuff about "safety measures"?



Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Re: trafic deaths in the past 5 months

"Claims for efficacy of homeopathic treatment beyond the placebo effect are unsupported by the collective weight of scientific and clinical evidence"

So is it true belief that it works, the money that suckers pay or the cult like embrace that draws people to the practice?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear Ct (balilife)
Its always the ones that have no expierence what so ever in the medical field of homeopathy that spew out rhetoric like this! So let me ask you : ever taken homeopathy,ever been in a clinic /hospital where homeopaths work and see for yourself? Ever read CASE DATABASES with hundreds of thousands of CURED cases? Ever study the principles of homeopathy and how it works,or are you just the typical ignorant Skeptic"?

This has been around for 200+ yrs now,why on earth would it still be around if it does not work?I have many letters from clinic owners how homeopathy has helped their patients,speak for yourself to "IBU ROBIN" at the Bumi Sehat clinic in Ubud,If that is not enough,Watch her work using homeopathic remedies.

Look this is not the place" BALIFORUM" for scientific research on homeopathy,if you are brave enough jump into the forum for professional homeopaths -it has a membership of some 28,000-Send me a PM and I will post the link in your In box.


Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Re: trafic deaths in the past 5 months

I have not seen a message in my PM box from CT regards homeopathy
so here is just a short compact post;
Modern science recognizes that an organism's response to stress occurs in a highly organized and interrelated manner. In homeopathy the concept of homeostatic balance on physical levels is expanded to include the mental and emotional realms as well. In other words, one's body, mind and emotions are viewed as always working to maintain a relative degree of homeostasis or balance. Because the body, mind and emotions respond in unity to stress, the homeopathic approach to understanding disease is holistic. This means an attempt is made to evaluate any problem in the context of the whole person--physically, mentally and emotionally--and to understand how the person is limited.

The homeopathic approach does not combat disease symptoms in the same manner as one would in conventional practice. Instead, homeopathic philosophy states that if the organism is brought back into balance, the symptoms of disease (imbalance) will resolve accordingly. The homeopathic means to this end is unique to each person; therefore, whereas a conventional diagnosis is based on a defined set of common symptoms, and will be treated conventionally with common treatments, a homeopath looks for a broad and unique picture of imbalance specific to each person.....................for more see links:
If links do not work go to
Science and Homeopathy
Homeopathy Forums : Science and Homeopathy

Faq about Homeopathy

Benefits of Homeopathy
Myths about Homeopathy
Life History of Samuel Hahnemann
Scientific Research in Homeopathy
Organon of Medicine ebook
Online Homeopathy Dictionary
Free Introductory Course on Homeopathy
Homeopathic Materia Medica
Homeopathy Repertory
Homeopathy Pharmacology and Pharmacy
Homeopathy Combinations
The Evolution of Homoeopathy
Cost Effectiveness & Efficacy of Homeopathy in PHC Units of Delhi
Homeopathy: The Test - programme summary from BBC
FDA's view of homeopathy
BBC's "Complementary Medicine" article on Hom


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Re: trafic deaths in the past 5 months

Phil I had a good laugh when reading your post, especially when you mention one of your pet peeves, that being,

“and people who drive around at night with their lights turned off.”

Back when Matt was still alive, (I think you knew him too, or at least met him several times) we had a minor encounter one early evening around 7:30 between his infamous beat up Kijang and a hapless local driving a motorbike without his lights on.

The minor encounter was not that injury to the person, but a heated discussion did ensue when Matt finally asked the driver why he was so stupid as to be driving in the dark without his headlights on. His response was classic: He said he didn’t want to wear out his battery! :lol: :lol:


Active Member
Mar 27, 2007
Re: trafic deaths in the past 5 months


Let me see..

1. I haven't tried it, so I can't comment? I haven't tried crack either. Do I need to before I realize that I shouldn't have?

2. "medical field of homeopathy" - this is subjective. I would suggest that it's about as much of a medical field as is voodooism.

3. 200 years? Judaism (over 5000 years), Christianity (over 2000 years) and Islam (over 1200 years) - There's nothing factual in the majority of each of these teachings, but they've survived through time based on faith (some might suggest ignorance), so 200 years doesn't mean a whole lot.

4. Ahhh, what's the point.. I'm done..

Actually, perhaps the point is that, Bali needs 'real' doctors.. Not more witchery, but nice of you to have volunteered anyhow..




Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Re: trafic deaths in the past 5 months

Ct You are showing your true colors,the more you post the clearer it gets!

This is the same "well educated" member who posted this horrid "joke";
"divorce in bali" forum subject,For those of you who have not read it yet:

A young «SO snd SO» man was telling his uncle, that he wanted to divorce his wife.. His uncle, aware that the marriage had it's problems, agreed that such would be best. So he sent his nephew to his lawyer to complete all the paperwork. When he was done, the lawyer handed him a 2 by 4 (plank of wood). The young man asked, "what is this for?". The lawyer responded, it's to finalize the divorce. "I don't understand? said the young man". The elderly lawyer explained, "You go home and firstly demand sex from your wife, when it is over you accuse her of having been with another man and you use this 2 by 4 to beat her to death..".

"Why do I have to have sex with her first?" asked the young man..

The old man paused for a moment and asked... "Why not?".


Why dont you jump into the professional homeopathic forum

And Yes these are "Regular" MD's Who are HOmeopaths Aswell!!!!!!!! (

And make your point,this is NOt the place for your Ignorant rhetoric


Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Re: trafic deaths in the past 5 months

Another enlightning post from CT:

"i don't particularly see any big issue with prostitution.. is it immoral? probably, but hey i'm an athiest, so i don't have to justify myself to a god.. provided the girl is of age, if a guy wants to pay for sex, so be it, it's the way of the world.............................."



Active Member
Mar 27, 2007
Re: trafic deaths in the past 5 months


And?? A couple of snippets that you've ripped from past posts doesn't expain much - it's not even worthy of defence.

As for your Homeo'pathetic' MD's, I have more faith in the designation of 'Raider Superhero' my son was awarded from Kellogs this morning when he opened his box of Coco Pops.


Ask me anything about nonsense and I'll sound like an expert.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Re: trafic deaths in the past 5 months


You jumped at the chance to pontificate about Homeopathy. Most of us are not interested in the subject. If you want to fight take it to PM as your self righteous opinions are not me at least.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Re: trafic deaths in the past 5 months

"your self righteous opinions are not me at least."

Should THAT matter? After all Jimbo, you have most often been the advocate of alternative expression! In fact, you were the ONLY one who felt Markit should be allowed to stay on this forum. So, can you explain please?


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Re: trafic deaths in the past 5 months

I'm glad you got some laughs out of my post, Roy.

The "funny thing" is that it's not really that funny. "Bali road carnage" may or may not be too strong a term for what's going on.
...Back when Matt was still alive, (I think you knew him too, or at least met him several times)...
I did indeed and he was a very funny, entertaining fellow. I particularly remember him driving a KIA at the time because he asked me once:

"Do you know what 'KIA' stands for? ... A Korean Inadequate Automobile."

I remember him every time I see a KIA on the road, (and I don't mean somebody from New Zealand when I say that)...

Back "on-topic", for a moment! I don't see any relevance to it with a new "debate" regarding homeopathy, personal academic credentials, and now, prostitution. Uh-Oh - maybe the latter is a relevant factor, (in mounting road casualties - no pun intended, yet again). Or boy-girl relationships, break-ups, etc.

What I mean by that is that I've seen local guys suddenly lose the plot because their woman is perceived to be "cheating" on them. Suitably lubricated with some Karangasem rocket-fuel, they decide to use their motorbikes as both a statement of power and a weapon of mass destruction.

It's not all bad, though. I remember one guy in the Bangli district who did this kind of thing on a regular basis. Miraculously, he never killed anyone, not even himself. I met him again a couple of years ago and he's totally reformed. Gentle as a lamb, contrite and excusing his previous hormone-powered adolescence. I think he's become an artist these days, possibly living comfortably in an estrogen bubble.

There are still a couple of hundred thousands out there trying to tame their hormones, with little or inadequate "guidance".

Should I :D ?
Or be :shock: -ed?