
Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Sorry for the short notice. There will be a total lunar eclipse tonight, 15 June 2011 (actually, tomorrow morning). What makes this one particularly special is that it'll be the longest one in eleven years. Also, it'll be visible from Bali and if we're lucky, might get a bonus colour shift because of the volcanic eruption in Chile.

These are the times for Bali:
(Penumbra = partial shadow, Umbra = full shadow, degrees = the height of the Moon above the horizon.)

start penumbra: 01:25 am ( 67 degrees)
enters umbra: 02:23 (58 degrees)
mid eclipse: 04:13 (32
leaves umbra: 06:02 (7 degrees)
end penumbra: 07:01 (-5 degrees) (below the horizon)

You just need a reasonable vantage point looking West. Also beautiful to see lately is the configuration of Jupiter, Mars and Venus, almost is a straight line (you have to look East for this.)

I hope it doesn't rain...

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Apr 16, 2008
Sanur/Sunrise Dam Gold Mine
Sorry for the short notice. There will be a total lunar eclipse tonight, 15 June 2011 (actually, tomorrow morning). What makes this one particularly special is that it'll be the longest one in eleven years. Also, it'll be visible from Bali and if we're lucky, might get a bonus colour shift because of the volcanic eruption in Chile.

These are the times for Bali:
(Penumbra = partial shadow, Umbra = full shadow, degrees = the height of the Moon above the horizon.)

start penumbra: 01:25 am ( 67 degrees)
enters umbra: 02:23 (58 degrees)
mid eclipse: 04:13 (32 degrees)
leaves umbra: 06:02 (7 degrees)
end penumbra: 07:01 (-5 degrees) (below the horizon)

You just need a reasonable vantage point looking West. Also beautiful to see lately is the configuration of Jupiter, Mars and Venus, almost is a straight line (you have to look East for this.)

I hope it doesn't rain...

Particularly at work in the mid eastern goldfields of Western Australia, the Jupiter,Mars and venus configuration is very visual and has been so for a week or two. As for tonight, well is raining, cloudy and the Chilian volcano ash is so strong ,the airports closed and i might not be able to fly to work :icon_razz: , I dont think i will see the moon,,


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Sorry to hear that, goldminer

You're not alone, of course. I just heard from friends on the East coast (of Australia), that it's pissing down raining North of Sydney. But who knows? Maybe it'll clear up.

Two of my children were born during eclipses. My daughter during a partial solar eclipse and my son during a full lunar eclipse. Not sure what that means (if anything). My interest in matters astronomical goes back a very long way - to days when I built my own telescopes, etc.

I'm going to have to drive somewhere later tonight for a decent vantage point.
I hope it doesn't rain here - I've been super unlucky with weather affecting celestial events, (like meteor showers), for a couple of years now.

Good luck...



Apr 16, 2008
Sanur/Sunrise Dam Gold Mine
Sorry to hear that, goldminer

You're not alone, of course. I just heard from friends on the East coast (of Australia), that it's pissing down raining North of Sydney. But who knows? Maybe it'll clear up.

Two of my children were born during eclipses. My daughter during a partial solar eclipse and my son during a full lunar eclipse. Not sure what that means (if anything). My interest in matters astronomical goes back a very long way - to days when I built my own telescopes, etc.

I'm going to have to drive somewhere later tonight for a decent vantage point.
I hope it doesn't rain here - I've been super unlucky with weather affecting celestial events, (like meteor showers), for a couple of years now.

Good luck...

They are now saying the volcanic ash will/maybe enhance the eclipse...better get outside in the rain and see what i can see....


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
They are now saying the volcanic ash will/maybe enhance the eclipse..
I was thinking the same thing.
(I'm still writing now to try and stay awake - the road outside of my lane has been dug up for days - laying new pipes for something or other, which, as usual, most of the locals don't seem to know what for.)

Hope you trip over a giant gold nugget and don't hurt yourself.



Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Thanks for the heads up. It was very nice to see.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Glad you saw it, spicyayam.

I'm ashamed to say that I didn't get to take any photos myself - I was about to, then remembered I'd forgotten to charge up my camera battery. And after that, (around 3:35 am), the clouds rolled in.
