Gee whiz......

Speechless in West Oz......

Must I say I'm a tad tired with the term 'Islamification'. It's not 'Islamification' its 'Arabisation'. Shift the Middle East to Mars and see what happens then....I'm sure we'd observe the rest of the worlds Muslims will behave in quite a human manner.

Just MHO....
Gee whiz......

Speechless in West Oz......

Must I say I'm a tad tired with the term 'Islamification'. It's not 'Islamification' its 'Arabisation'. Shift the Middle East to Mars and see what happens then....I'm sure we'd observe the rest of the worlds Muslims will behave in quite a human manner.

Just MHO....

So few words.......................but it sumed up everything I think I was trying to say.
Sorry Markit, this is not the topic but reading about Judy´s post and replies from lumumba and sully, I have to say that I have the feeling or impresion that what Judy is writing can be part of balinese woman´s life............
I have not much idea about these things, but I afraid that balinese woman as many of you know has not much, following and going to live to the husband´s compound, maybe I am wrong but I think balinese woman has nothing at all (at least the most woman, the traditional ones), it is like if they divorced or want to separated they have not place to go, just hoping that her original balinese compound still want to help them and it is not too busy and crowded, if is too crowded they have nothing, because the man are the ones who has the land and the houses........
Would be nice if Kadek or someone who knows closer about balinese woman´s life, could share with us about all this
Have a good day!!
quite the rant, and on a sunday
understanding what is fair or not fair is always a matter placement privilege and perception
from what i can see
as far as bali is concerned, there are much worse places to be, even as a construction worker,
glad you got whatever you neede to off your chest tho..... nothing like haveing a big slanted vomit from time to time to help us see the balance that is really here, not the one we think should be here
Help me out here but over half of the population of this wonderful planet are women and let me say at the outset that I love you all because, if for no other reason, you smell good – what I’m trying to understand here is that with that kind of ratio what-the-feck is going on?

I mean, if you look around this beautiful island of the Gods (I’m reliably informed it used to be called “Island of Demons” but the marketing people got their hands on it - as usual….) you will see that the fair sex (can only have to do with hair color!) – women, are doing so much of the shite work here it really is a screaming tragedy.

I employ a construction team and their make up (male/female) is dictated by their boss. He is a very nice and possibly understanding granddad of a little girl that sometimes also works on the site in her school holidays.

Now, even this little girl, just as a reminder – the boss’ granddaughter, does nothing all day but carry stuff – from A to B, up and down, around over and thru. From 8 in the a.m. till 5 in the p.m. just like all the other women employed on my site and probably all of Bali and the rest of the 3rd world (and, to our shame, also some of the 1st) excepting possibly government employ.

My actual point to this rant is coming, keep with me please.

I was raised in the 60s and 70s by a reasonably intelligent English lady from a British working/middle class background in the good old United States of America – just to set the scene – and she (sorry but it was my mum) had a good life in America and enjoyed health care, food (no rationing, anyway) and raised 3 kids in the typical way. She made it clear to all 3 boys that women were easily as good as men, if not better. (think the smell of almonds mixed with marjoram) Sorry but I’m still setting the scene – if you want to go out for a smoke or something, feel free. The point was that we and they are equal and I will believe that till my dying day – as much as I would sometimes like to treat them/you differently, I can’t!

It’s just not possible for me to turn away or cast a blind eye to what goes on – be it here on Bali or anywhere else on the planet.

That is finally my point!

If you look around the Bali expat forums and community outlets (or all other Balinese “News” organs that I know) you will see that soft soup serial articles like “Doris does Denpasar” or some such shite has a following stretching back years! And tips on fashion or local ceremonial traditions are a dime a dozen. And “the girls” get quite exercised about some western man’s way of talking about his (yes HIS) wife or other “female” peeves are aired on a regular basis. Care of school aged children is talked about and “help the poor” and recycling plastics are regular themes. Is this as good as it can get?

If I landed on an island where all the men were treated like second class citizens and basically only good enough to carry heavy things – well, me personally I would start a fecking riot!

What do the women here do? Feck all, nothing….

By all means lets help the poor (mostly women) and do something for the kids too but here on Bali we have masses of unemployed western (rich?) women that want to do GOOD be it Tantric Healing, Yoga, Tai Chi or (snigger) “find” themselves!

Well, why don’t you help WOMEN here on Bali?

Is it me or what? You have female circumcision, complete live mummification called the hijab, yashmak or burka, and here on the Island of the Gods complete female relegation to the outer limits of life and all the girls are suddenly united. And silent.

“You want to chop off my daughter’s clitoris with a rusty can? Hell yes, let me hold her down!”

“You want to consign all the women of this country to menial,low paying and hard jobs and complete social meaninglessness? Why not, I have my Yoga lessons in a minute.”

“Mama I want to dress like my brother does because I’m hot and uncomfortable!” “How dare you even suggest it you shameless 12 year old slut. God hates the sight of your hair and knees.”

But lets save all the stupid, pest ridden, rabid dogs.

Where are the screams of injustice? The calls for change? Dare I suggest it – the NGOs or groups of outraged westerners looking to support or start local attempts at equality or justice?

Silence! Nothing out there…

If it was men getting shat on and abused I guarantee you blood would be flowing. Shame on you girls.

And to a much lesser degree – shame on us men for allowing it.

Ummm, actually no I'm far from over it and could easily add to it but will not completely alienate the female readership of this illustrious forum with more ranting "intelligence". Or what I see it to be...