setting up & running a guesthouse


Apr 6, 2009
Anton said:
It doesn't seem to bother Anton but some of his countrymen do get offended.

in aust im a pom well its an agreement we have with the australians that is to say if you fly our flag we will let you call us pom now thats a pretty good deal :p

aquaman im glad you have a sense of humour :mrgreen:

I don't like that agreement :p If i had my way the Union Jack would be removed from our flag asap and I'd run with the Southern Cross by itself. The Republic vs Monarchy debate continues in Oz and but it's only a matter of time before we become a Republic. We just need a few more old POMMIE immigrants to fall of their perch so they can't vote on it :lol:


New Member
Apr 20, 2009
My mind's been absolutley buzzing with ideas since I began this post (thanks for everyones input!), and im thinking more and more about possibilities in a small bussiness in Central Java. With the relatively small savings I own (relative to what would be needed for a guesthouse in Bali) I guess I could make a bigger splash elsewhere.

My Indonesian 'in-laws' have a range of skills I could 'tap into', namely farming and mechanics. (thanks for the idea "KaBIm") Im now pondering over the possibilities of a farming machinery rental bussiness - my relatives have the knowledge of what exactly is used and needed in farming, as they rent the very machines themselves, so why not use that knowledge?! Also theres an uncle who has a very small mechanics workshop and fixes EVERYTHING under the sun, surely something there to spark an idea off. Plus i'd love it if my wife and I could employ within the family, helping not just ourselves out.On top of that ive begun to look into the Bali Wedding packages, namely DVD production, using my video camera/editing skills.

(Anyone had any first hand experince in Farming machinery rental business? Mechanics workshops? Video production?)

One other thing that has begun to nag at me is the whole 'sponsored by wife' KITAS/P visa status. Anybody had any immigration issues with this? Realize this is something new, is this as sturdy as say, a foreign wife being sponsored by an Indo husband?


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
I like the idea of video production. Not sure what competition you would have in Bali. You could hook up with a wedding company. You could also make videos for hotels and tour companies. At least you probably have the equipment already for this business.

A farm machinery rental business could be tricky. I think you should do what you enjoy and have a passion for. If it's something you enjoy you will more likely be successful in your venture.

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002

The Balinese, at least the ones I know, are not really interested in video's. I shoot video now and then, but my family (or Balinese friends) don't care for it much.

Sideline off.

There are some very good (local) video production companies in Bali, and they also do weddings. I have seen some of the footage, and I can only say that it would be very hard to compete. You would need Hollywood capabilities.

The wedding market is huge in Bali. In the high season of weddings, there are around 10 weddings a day at 20-30.000 USD a package, I heard once. (Excluding accommodation rentals involved). There are people investing millions in this.


Dec 27, 2008
Bert Wrote
there are around 10 weddings a day at 20-30.000 USD a package, I heard once.

Why do people spend so much money tying the knot :shock:

Especially when so many get divorced these days :!: I only hope that they dont make the same mistake i made by not having a pre nup agreement :shock: but its true about the fifty fifty law cos when it came to the house she got the inside and i got the outside :cry:

psyiren said:
One other thing that has begun to nag at me is the whole 'sponsored by wife' KITAS/P visa status. Anybody had any immigration issues with this? Realize this is something new, is this as sturdy as say, a foreign wife being sponsored by an Indo husband?
Concerning this issue, if not done yet, I advice you to browse through the archives of this link: ... y.php?f=39
Quite a few threads answer in details (including a step by step procedure) about it.

Concerning farming machine renting, I would advise to start inquire about the amount required to invest and the setoran (rent) that the people pay to rent the machines. Is that a seasonal need or an annual one...etc?
In my experience (my wife is renting a lot of various equipment) it can be a very profitable business, as long as you set very srict rules with the renters... and with the family... :)


New Member
Apr 20, 2009
KaBIm said:
psyiren said:
'sponsored by wife' KITAS/P visa status. Anybody had any immigration issues with this?
Concerning this issue, if not done yet, I advice you to browse through the archives of this link: ... y.php?f=39

Firstly, to the man of many monikers, a big thanks for both your replies (legalising an overseas marriage & this one) - your helpfulness truely knows no bounds! :D

I guess the reason I posted the above question (after somewhat exhausting the above thread you mentioned) was because of a PM I received on another forum, telling me how troublesome this law is, and I guess I just wanted to know whether anybody had indeed encountered this at all. But hey, if the Double Moniker Himself says its all legit and above board, then im sold! Kitas here I come!

And as for the business(s) it certainly is RESEARCH TIME for us both (although expecting our first child this week, so not gonna have THAT much time me finks!). The machine rental scares me somewhat, as its SOOO not what I do her in the UK, but as said, if you research, research and research, then it should be possible to eliminate part/most of that initial fear. Looks like ive got a date with the interweb to begin some scouring for a some kind of starting point :roll:

We have, so far, 3 business ideas we're going to look into, lets see where it goes!!!! :shock:


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
For the machinery business I imagine you will need to be fairly reliant on your family to undertake research.

For the wedding video business, you could put up a web page outlining the services you would offer with an enquiry form and then drive some traffic to it using Google Adwords. If you get some emails you will know if you are onto something or not.
psyiren said:
Firstly, to the man of many monikers, a big thanks for both your replies (legalising an overseas marriage & this one) - your helpfulness truely knows no bounds!
You are welcome. :)
psyiren said:
a PM I received on another forum, telling me how troublesome this law is, and I guess I just wanted to know whether anybody had indeed encountered this at all. But hey, if the Double Moniker Himself says its all legit and above board, then im sold! Kitas here I come!
I don't believe that the law is troublesome. The Imigrasi is, not the law... :wink:
When time will come, just post here or in other forums I may post, if you have any troubles getting done your KITAS, and I'll help you.
Congrats for your near wedding and wish you to realise your dreams to settling down here. :)


New Member
Apr 20, 2009
Actually been married almost 2 years now KaBIm, with our first kid expected this week, but thanks anyway!

Ok, slight change of questioning / discussion....

So lets say my wife purchases a house/business. My visa status will become KITAS sponsored by wife, so of course I cannot legally work for my wifes business - any kind of operation of the business MUST be actioned by my wife (marketing, customer contact, dll). I also assume from reading other posts that I cannot 'volenteer' my time to my wifes businness - I must remain clearly 'out of view'.

This of course will be pretty difficult, I would like to work alongside my wife, so what exactly would be the best way of going about this? Surely this is a 'KITAS sponsored by the business of my wife' ? am I right? If so, what is the most cost effective way of my wife being able to legally sponsor me, ie what type of business must she hold? What costs would be involved, and any other associated technicalities?

I guess if it was a guesthouse that was being run (with wife & husband living onsite), it may be slightly easier for a husband (KITAS sponsored by wife) to remain 'off the radar' and not be legally 'working' at the guesthouse, but still pretty risky I would guess!


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
I have been thinking about this very question myself for the past few weeks. From what I understand your wife would set up a company, a PT(?) which is like a Pty Ltd company in Australia and she can then employ at least one foreigner. I think this will cost at least $1200 a year from what I read on previous posts.

If you got a spouse sponsored visa and then bought or setup a business you could not work. Maybe you could do something in the background, but if there was ever a problem or someone took a disliking to you, they could report you to immigration, who could then blacklist you from the country. I thinking someone post here sometime back of a foreigner working in a warung for just 10,000 rupiah a day and they got busted.

Initially I thought $1200 sounds like a lot of money, but if it gives you a one year visa without having to get a proper job or have to visit immigration all of the time and help out in the family business legally, maybe it isn't too much.

Or you could set up a business, get a spouse visa, let your wife do all of the work and she asks for help, you could just say "would love to help but immigration..." and hit the beach :)
psyiren said:
Actually been married almost 2 years now KaBIm, with our first kid expected this week, but thanks anyway!

Ok, slight change of questioning / discussion....

So lets say my wife purchases a house/business. My visa status will become KITAS sponsored by wife, so of course I cannot legally work for my wifes business - any kind of operation of the business MUST be actioned by my wife (marketing, customer contact, dll). I also assume from reading other posts that I cannot 'volenteer' my time to my wifes businness - I must remain clearly 'out of view'.

This of course will be pretty difficult, I would like to work alongside my wife, so what exactly would be the best way of going about this? Surely this is a 'KITAS sponsored by the business of my wife' ? am I right? If so, what is the most cost effective way of my wife being able to legally sponsor me, ie what type of business must she hold? What costs would be involved, and any other associated technicalities?

I guess if it was a guesthouse that was being run (with wife & husband living onsite), it may be slightly easier for a husband (KITAS sponsored by wife) to remain 'off the radar' and not be legally 'working' at the guesthouse, but still pretty risky I would guess!

Sorry, I am a bit busy at the moment. I'll answer to your queries in a few days, if no one answered before.
In the meantime, I'd like to inform you that I did a major update and completed the thread you were refering in other post concerning KITAS forforeign husband sponsored by an indonesian wife.
You may want to check it here (read post #1 et #3): ... php?t=1146


Apr 16, 2008
Sanur/Sunrise Dam Gold Mine
Hey Gilbert, sorry i was away at the mine for a 9 days and didnt see your question about POM's :D The guys answered it very well, although i always thought it meant "people of the motherland" The original convicts from england ( my ancestors :roll: ) are the Aussies of today. POM's are the ones who immigrate -settle here now.
I for one would like to see Aussie become a republic, and get rid of the union jack off our flag. However, the last referrendum voted to remain part of the commonwealth, for the life of me i cant see why....


Dec 27, 2008
Jimbo wrote
Perhaps it is because cousins want to remain part of the family ?

I think its more to do with the general public not really trusting the sneaky politicians motives ! Australian jails are full of high profile bussiness,politicians,premiers,high ranking police,you name it their there so i reality i think until there is real clarity you wont see a republic anytime soon although it will happen but being a republic isnt as simplistic as putting an australian as head of state and although thats all that most people desire in reality there is alot of other things that come with the deal and as we havent seen any member of the royal family in the slammer you can safely say that the system must be working and as for the flag im not sure people will want to loose the present flag as its got so much history something austalia is short of !
I only hope that when australia does become a republic that it is done in a proper manner minus the spin

Just an opinion :)



Apr 6, 2009
Anton said:
Jimbo wrote
Perhaps it is because cousins want to remain part of the family ?
I think its more to do with the general public not really trusting the sneaky politicians motives !

You're out there Anton but I like it :lol: Who does trust a politician?? Without turning this into a nationalistic discussion which I understand the forum doesn't like I do think a bit of idle banter can't hurt while there's not alot of topical Bali discussion happening :?: I think you're a little harsh on my good countrymen who have found themselves on the wrong side of the law. I think we probably pale into comparison with other western/3rd world country corruption etc And I think the royal family has had their fair share of scandal and I can't remember a toe sucking scandal down our way :lol: Maybe a bit of your blue blood is coming to the surface? :wink: As I said in an earlier post about people dropping of their perch it is only a matter of time befoe Oz is a republic but you are right it's a complicated process and with the current crop of potential front runners for the top job I shudder to think who it would be. If Kevin Crudd got the job I'd move to England :lol: Anyway back to Bali discussion for me.,


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA
Goldminer et al,

Want a Republic? We, French, did it 220 years ago (minus 2 months) : LA GUILLOTINE :!: :lol: :lol: