Questions about the retirement visa


New Member
Jan 6, 2010

I am interested in using the retirement visa to live in bali
I can fulfill the criteria on the list
I shall release some equity from my property in the uk to live on
I am sixty this year
I am thinking of renting for this period and buying afterwards
I cannot find an application form for this visa can you help
I am also need to budget for day to day living etc.


Renny Tasker presently living in Australia


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
I don't know a lot about the visa, but there is some info here:

I thought the Indonesian embassy in the UK would have something about it, but I couldn't find anything.

I suspect it might be easier to come here on a tourist visa and then get an agent here to help get the retirement visa. It wouldn't hurt to call your local consulate/embassy and see what information they can provide.

Perhaps someone who has done this recently can provide some advice :?:

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
welcome rennytasker :) ,

Why don't you give the embassy in the UK a call, ask them to mail you the applicationform.
or if you live close to the embassy, swing by in person.
get all the things needed for the application and drop it of at the embassy...don't see why they wouldn't process it.

ofcourse spicy's suggestion works too (come here and do it from here) and is maybe (almost sure it is) alot easier.


Oct 10, 2007
Gilber maybe I am wrong, but I wonder if he needs to be first inside of Indonesia to apply for the Visa, get all the papers ready first from here and after go out of the country and finish the process out of Indonesia and enter the country with the retirement visa already?????????????
At least to apply for a Kitas is working that way I think!!! it is not possible to arrive to Indonesia already with the Kitas.
Have a look of all post as well, I think Johnny Cool has wrote about this Visa before and he has one or has been on the process to have one recently, I am quite sure you could write and pm him asking information about this.


Sep 17, 2008

If you apply for the retirement visa using an agency you can get in touch with a Bali agency. They will tell you exactly what you need to provide(to the agency)and also what you have to do.

When all done you fly to Bali and report to the agency first and they will take you to the immigration/police within the giving time. By using an agency it will be very easy.

Don't need to apply b4 coming to Bali



Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
Ubud, Bali
rennytasker said:
I cannot find an application form for this visa can you help

I did this 3 years ago. Came first on a social budaya visa for 6 months, used an agent (Bali IDE) and then left the country and came back. Very easy.

rennytasker said:
I am also need to budget for day to day living etc.
Search the archives and you will find plenty of discussion of rental prices from high end villas down to budget village accommodation. Other threads discuss internet costs (expensive), electricity costs (similar to Australia) and various other items.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Not wishing to be mean or particularly nasty but why is it that people who obviously have important and life changing plans and intentions before them, generally seem too fecking lazy to go and do a few minutes research into the archives here but expect the good denizens of this forum to repeat again and again the same old BS?

As a lesser rant, why is it that the good denizens of this forum seem to have so little to do that they answer the same old BS lagi, lagi, lagi (again, again, again)?


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Ahhh Markit old is called human nature :D I have been shot down in flames before for daring to say this but the other thing I can never understand is why one would accept as gospel (kitab, koran) that the information given is correct especially on legal matters.

However having added to your rant if you go to the emabassy websites it does not even mention retirement or how to apply for it. Try phoning them and you get ring ring for ever and they never reply to emails. At least the embassy in the UK does not.

What you actually have to do is to apply for a temporary residents visa of 1 year and that gets you into Indonesia after which you can apply for the retirement visa. It is such a problem and even more so outside Bali that we are thinking of Maria reverting back to Indonesian citizenship......but that is another story.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Not wishing to be mean or particularly nasty but why is it that people who obviously have important and life changing plans and intentions before them, generally seem too fecking lazy to go and do a few minutes research into the archives here but expect the good denizens of this forum to repeat again and again the same old BS?

I understand your point, but the person is just new to the forum. They took the effort to register and post a message, so I think the least we can do is be friendly and helpful with whatever they question they have about Bali.

Please remember we were all new here once. Yes, there is information in the archives, but that can still get out of date fairly quickly. Part of the question was about downloading forms from the Indonesian embassy website in the UK. I had a look also and they had various forms for different visas, but couldn't find any information at all.

As a lesser rant, why is it that the good denizens of this forum seem to have so little to do that they answer the same old BS lagi, lagi, lagi (again, again, again)?

I suppose those people you are referring to are just giving back from perhaps helpful information they received in the past. Without these kind of people posting, the forum would die off fairly quickly.

Like any community we need new members coming in all of the time and we need to hope that the people who do decide to come to Bali do keep visiting the forum and posting their experiences here.


Feb 8, 2010
Ubud, Bali
Yes, beautifully said, Spicy. We are planning to move to Bali in a few months and I've spent many hours every day for the past couple of weeks trying to find the information we need to make the move.
One of the things that has taken many hours of searching (and I still don't have definitive answers) is how to import our dogs. I did see a couple of terse replys saying that the information has been previously covered and with a helpful link to the archives. But when I tried the link, repeatedly, I got the Safari page saying it couldn't find the page.
We live in Australia. I've been to the Indonesian site looking for any information at all about the retirement visa. Couldn't find a word. Sent them an email. Didn't get a response. Calling them is hopeless. So I understand exactly why Renny tried asking his question here.

Now - all that said, I want to say "Hi! :) " This is my first post and I come here in great excitement and anticipation. I imagine most of you know what I'm talking about. We're also feeling trepidation about moving from the culture we know and love to one that is unfamiliar to us. I hope someday to be the person who is taking time to answer questions from people who are feeling all the same emotions I'm feeling right now. :)


Active Member
Nov 4, 2007
Perth W Australia
Markit said:
Not wishing to be mean or particularly nasty but why is it that people who obviously have important and life changing plans and intentions before them, generally seem too fecking lazy to go and do a few minutes research into the archives here but expect the good denizens of this forum to repeat again and again the same old BS?

As a lesser rant, why is it that the good denizens of this forum seem to have so little to do that they answer the same old BS lagi, lagi, lagi (again, again, again)?

Markit , I believe when you first joined this forum there was a few questions you asked which had been covered before :)

I remember some interesting verbalising between you and a departed ( though not dead ) fairly prolific poster of past on this forum.

I find your humour a little oddball at times , though amusing , and your posts have gone from strange in the past to quite informative of late.
Please allow for the newbies as we all were once :)



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Hi rennytasker
A warm welcome to you.

I see that several posters have jumped in boots 'n all and have failed to see that you are currently in Australia (not the UK). Your user profile on this site doesn't mention where you are in Australia.

If you're near a major centre, (Sydney, Melbourne, etc), go to the Indonesian Embassy or Consulate and ask for the information about procedures, forms, and so on. It is extremely unlikely that you'll find accurate and up-to-date information about what you need on web forums, or even 'official' Indonesian government sites, for that matter.

I know this because I've been there and done that. I am currently on my 5th year of a retirement KITAS. I pay Rp 6 million/year (about AUD 750).

A 'budget' for day to day living is hard to estimate. It depends on the person, location, life style, available funds, and so forth.

If you rent a place, of course there will be the rental to consider (most landlords require a year's rental up front). Electricity, water, telephone, gas, house repairs, occasional banjar fees, transport, sometimes a driver, sometimes 'security', sometimes a 'gardener', sometimes a pembantu, all add up.

It is all do-able. I've got 15 years under my belt so far.

Please feel free to send me a PM. I'm not exactly an 'expert', but I am doing it right now.



Feb 8, 2010
Ubud, Bali
JohnnyCool, thanks for your post to rennytasker. The info is also helpful to me since I'm in Oz and planning to move to Bali in June if all goes well.
We are hours from an Indonesian Embassy but I'm trying to decide on an agent to use to help us through the maze. I contacted Bali IDE but they can't help us because they aren't licensed to help us with our two dogs. They gave us the name of another agent who assures us that we can ship the dogs to Jakarta and then bring them overland to Bali.
It's reassuring to see from you that it's all do-able. And thanks again to you and everyone else who is on this forum talking us through this life-change.


Apr 24, 2008
Hi Pollyanna,

I enquired regarding bringing my dog to Bali and I have some info for you.
I was put in contact with a Putu Ernawan
email is
phone number if your calling from overseas to Bali
although probably best to email and they can email you all the info.

they also have a contact in Perth called Shirley.

im still in Oz,, (wish they had one of those banging your head against the wall emoticons on this forum. )

anyway, goodluck and please let me know how you go.


Feb 8, 2010
Ubud, Bali
Chilli, thanks heaps for this contact. I've just now sent him an email and will let you know what comes of it. If we had more details about Shirley I'd also make a phone call. We'll see what we get back.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
FYI there are:

Searching for "retirement visa" - 41 pages available

gtrken said:
Markit , I believe when you first joined this forum there was a few questions you asked which had been covered before :)

Care to be more specific? I referred to many topics and asked for clarification of subjects that I was interested in and was unable to find the information in the archives that I needed. And I still do :lol:

But nobody searches the archives for a reply to something in an ongoing thread do they? I sure don't.

pollyanna said:
how to import our dogs

How did we go from "importing a pensioner" to "importing a dog"? Did I miss something? :lol:


Oct 10, 2007
How did we go from "importing a pensioner" to "importing a dog"? Did I miss something? :lol:[/quote]

Good laugh for starting the day!!! :lol: