
Dec 17, 2010
Hi guy's, anyone had any experience of trying to do this here in Bali. Getting older so trying to put a few things in place. We all feel like we'll live forever but at the end of the day you never know what's round the corner. Just been trying to do the POA for accounts in Australia and it's a load of hassle.


Jul 22, 2012
Perth, Sanur
I think any lawyer in Bali would do a new will for you. Not sure how you can use a power of attorney without physically showing the original. Any dealings with oz banks from Bali can be a hassle. Phone ids, answers to secret questions, etc. Good luck.


Dec 17, 2010
I did this few years ago via the lawyer of our Embassy.

Very sorry for my late response guy's. I am still trying to organise the Australian end, they don't make it easy. Thanks hadodi I'll try the Australian consulate for this end.

Steve Rossell

Apr 18, 2015
Very sorry for my late response guy's. I am still trying to organise the Australian end, they don't make it easy. Thanks hadodi I'll try the Australian consulate for this end.

I never tried to do this from Bali but in Oz I simply went through a trusted lawyer and have given power of attorney to a very well trusted person. This way I can contact my "very trusted person" to modify my will with ease. Legal documents that need signatures that need a valid witness can be witnessed at the Oz embassy in Denpasar for a fee but you can't just rock up and take a number. By appointment only.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
Ubud, Bali
An Aussie friend here in Bali "fell off the perch" or "went to the big paddock" or <insert euphemism here> in January, and I, with friends, have been watching over the Indo end of her wishes. A trustee is appointed in Oz in accordance with the wishes in the Will and when probate is granted this trustee has control of assets in Australia. If the deceased has assets in other countries and if the Will expressed wishes concerning these, the Aussie trustee can try and help but that's about all. Our friend had granted Power of Attorney to someone in Oz, but this arrangement terminates on her death. She had intended to do some Power of Attorney like deal in Indonesia, but never did. If anyone has info on doing some arrangement like Power of Attorney in Indo concerning Indo assets and affairs, I would be very interested.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
My wife organized this for an expat in Lovina. He was sick, but well enough to get everything sorted out. And sadly not long after that he passed away. His daughter later came to take control of his assets.

I don't know the exact procedure, but it is something like get a will organized here in Indonesia and register that with your embassy. Appoint someone who has POA. I think it can be a foreigner also.

I read some people's experiences on FB trying to get access to their family's bank account after they have passed away and it seems like it is very, very difficult if you haven't made any plans for this.
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