Post your breakfast, lunch or dinner

Feral cats in Australia eat about 2 billion reptiles, birds, frogs and mammals each year, and over a billion invertebrates. I wonder what there impact is on native birds in Bali.
Of course they have an effect on the birds in Bali. There seems to be an attitude here to only give the animals leftover spicy meals. So the cats roam and steal whatever they can find! They are quite sneaky too. They come silently at night into my room looking for anything, but I don't leave food out, so they start a fight under my bed and scare the shit out of me! The only birds here that are safe, are the ones locked up in tiny cages!
Big animals eat small animals (usually). It is called nature.
Now please open a thread about animal wellfare / protection in Bali and Australia if you want....


Apologies, Didn't mean to hijack your thread. Enquiring about eating the cat kind of sequed into eating across the animal world instead of focusing on breakfast, lunch, dinner menus of the two footed species. Rather than being a gourmet my Philistine lack of culture was shown this evening by following a curry with a bowl of raw, quick cook oats (uncooked) with grapes, watermelon and milk.
Yesterday another French breakfast.."chausson aux pommes"
Translated "apple turnover" ?


And lunch at my favorites beach restaurant, pizza, 2 glaces of red wine.
Off course earlier had 2 Bombay Tonic, pensioner's Sunday !

Pizza served "crispy" on demand.
You know how to live Balifrog, well eat anyway. I know this is a bit of a rude question but how much would that have cost you? Two Bombay gin and tonic, two glasses of red ( I hope you weren’t driving) plus the pizza. Maybe the drinks and food were for two? Anyway good on you, enjoy it while you can.
You know how to live Balifrog, well eat anyway. I know this is a bit of a rude question but how much would that have cost you? Two Bombay gin and tonic, two glasses of red ( I hope you weren’t driving) plus the pizza. Maybe the drinks and food were for two? Anyway good on you, enjoy it while you can.
I have a decent pension, after a 49 year career. And yep, socialist France takes care of it's pensioners.
Food is after rent my biggest expense. There used to be a time it was alcohol, party and women....good old days.
And no, I don't drive... Always use Grab or GoCar.

In fact your question surprises me...
It's not like we're speaking about a 1 million lunch in a nice hotel.
If one can't afford a simple pizza and 2 glasses of wine... my goodness...
And I was alone.

I didn't retire overseas to live / lodge / eat worse than in my country and eat local stuff. Nothing wrong with people "going local", simply not my style.

FYI, as it isn't a secret my "food at home" budget is 5M / month (and I nearly always exceed it). Restaurant budget 3,3 M.
The Missus is half of the time with me in Bali, and is included in that budget.
And the two Bombay gins.
I did say it was something of a rude question and I apologise if I pried too much.
You clearly enjoy your life on your terms and I respect you.
And the two Bombay gins.
I did say it was something of a rude question and I apologise if I pried too much.
You clearly enjoy your life on your terms and I respect you.
No mate, I don't take it as rude at all.

Bombay tonic or J.D. coke used to be my regular drinks when out, and believe me 10 y in BKK, 2 y in Saigon, 8 years in HKG ...I had my share of fun.

Age (I am 70) and alcohol prices here have calmed me down A LOT ....
But still enjoying some Heineken at ULU or NesaCombi, or the real San Miguel at Casablanca.
Usually once a week, sometimes more if the Miss is away and I switch to "free style mode".

At an certain age one better enjoy every minute you can !
No mate, I don't take it as rude at all.

Bombay tonic or J.D. coke used to be my regular drinks when out, and believe me 10 y in BKK, 2 y in Saigon, 8 years in HKG ...I had my share of fun.

Age (I am 70) and alcohol prices here have calmed me down A LOT ....
But still enjoying some Heineken at ULU or NesaCombi, or the real San Miguel at Casablanca.
Usually once a week, sometimes more if the Miss is away and I switch to "free style mode".

At an certain age one better enjoy every minute you can !
Life expectancy for French males is said to be just over 82 years so you should be able to fit in a few more snacks and drinks between now and then.
Life expectancy for French males is said to be just over 82 years so you should be able to fit in a few more snacks and drinks between now and then.
I hope to do better than snacks.....

And 82 ? That's a long gamble....I'll go year by year !
My breakfast of champions (Kurt Vonnegut)breakfast.jpgbreakfast.jpg Local tahu (stuffed tofu) crisped up (better than original) in my new air fryer and my first attempt at perkadel (corn fritters) admittedly not the prettiest but damned tasty, will improve with practice. Own brand peanut and sweet chili sauce just o round out the huge bali coffee in a beer mug.