
New Member
Jul 5, 2011

Recently decided to retire in Bali and to stop myself going insane though I would setup a business selling trailers. This raised a few questions and correctly sequenced events.

(a) I assume the business name will be same as the company name or can be change to whatever we choose.
(b) What is the best type of company considering taxes. Let's say Turnover is $1mil pa
(c) We will be living in Bali so we will need Kitas and I guess it is best to get legal eagles to do this.
(d) What taxes will I and the company need to pay in Bali?
(e) What is the ball park for 500sq say 10k or more from Kuta.

Many thanks Steve


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
Ubud, Bali
Hi Spoon, welcome to the forum.

Recently decided to retire in Bali and to stop myself going insane though I would setup a business selling trailers. This raised a few questions and correctly sequenced events.
I am curious about what sort of trailers you mean - just trailers for transporting goods, or caravans? Anyhow, I have seen almost no trailers of any sort in Bali - maybe they are not even permitted.
(a) I assume the business name will be same as the company name or can be change to whatever we choose.
I am no expert, but think there is no reason why they would need to be the same
(b) What is the best type of company considering taxes. Let's say Turnover is $1mil pa
The company types are PT CV and PMA. Balipod's internal search will not allow 3-letter words on their own, so search the forum using Google with a search string "site:balipod.com pma"
(c) We will be living in Bali so we will need Kitas and I guess it is best to get legal eagles to do this.
take a look at Visas and Documentation - Information on working documents for expatriates in Indonesia
(d) What taxes will I and the company need to pay in Bali?
Yes both. If you look at Requirements for Expatriate Work and Stay Permit - Jakarta, Indonesia you will see that NPWP (tax number) is one thing they need
(e) What is the ball park for 500sq say 10k or more from Kuta.
don't understand the question
Many thanks Steve


Active Member
Sep 7, 2006
Trailers in Bali?


Recently decided to retire in Bali and to stop myself going insane though I would setup a business selling trailers. This raised a few questions and correctly sequenced events.

(a) I assume the business name will be same as the company name or can be change to whatever we choose.
(b) What is the best type of company considering taxes. Let's say Turnover is $1mil pa
(c) We will be living in Bali so we will need Kitas and I guess it is best to get legal eagles to do this.
(d) What taxes will I and the company need to pay in Bali?
(e) What is the ball park for 500sq say 10k or more from Kuta.

Many thanks Steve

Have you ever watched a Balinese trying to reverse a car in a small space? Take an esky and a camping chair along, you will be there a long time. I'm not saying they are all hopeless at reversing, but it's certainly not a common skill among the locals. Add a trailer and I think you have a recipe for chaos. A lot of the streets in Bali are so narrow that the only way you can get a truck in and out is by reversing. I really don't think your business idea is very sound. To me it seems like a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. Transporting goods is just not a problem for the locals, they make do with what they have and certainly won't spend money on a trailer when a motorbike will do the same job for them. Have you seen what they carry on motorbikes?

Trying to set up a business like that in Bali would certainly send me insane - good luck if you decide to follow through with it.


New Member
Jul 5, 2011
Have you ever watched a Balinese trying to reverse a car in a small space? Take an esky and a camping chair along, you will be there a long time. I'm not saying they are all hopeless at reversing, but it's certainly not a common skill among the locals. Add a trailer and I think you have a recipe for chaos. A lot of the streets in Bali are so narrow that the only way you can get a truck in and out is by reversing. I really don't think your business idea is very sound. To me it seems like a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. Transporting goods is just not a problem for the locals, they make do with what they have and certainly won't spend money on a trailer when a motorbike will do the same job for them. Have you seen what they carry on motorbikes?

Trying to set up a business like that in Bali would certainly send me insane - good luck if you decide to follow through with it.

Yep, You could be right too.

You know when I first visited Bali I thought they were the worlds worst driver with zero skill level and zero patience. Not so, the opposite is true.

I nor many other westerners have the patience of the Balinese and this reflects in all parts of their life but you alread know that.

Personally I do not see a trailer backing up in Melasti Street more like making one trip instead of three to cart rice on a 4 hour drive.

Crazy, maybe and many people will agree with many risks business take.

Also fancy bike trailers :icon_biggrin:

Many thanks for you reply


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
There are many little trucks around that you can rent for what I expect to be very cheap, so I also wonder if there is any demand for trailers in Bali.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
I would love to buy a trailer, but as you cannot buy a tow bar & ball trailers are not a big seller.
Lots of pig trailers here on big trucks & small trailers on bikes that are held on by rope. The only bike trailer I have seen is owned by the Harley dealer & the tow bar was imported. Not sure if you can rego a trailer here? As sam said if you want a good laugh go down to the police station & watch people try & get there driving license:icon_mrgreen:.


New Member
Jul 5, 2011
I would love to buy a trailer, but as you cannot buy a tow bar & ball trailers are not a big seller.
Lots of pig trailers here on big trucks & small trailers on bikes that are held on by rope. The only bike trailer I have seen is owned by the Harley dealer & the tow bar was imported. Not sure if you can rego a trailer here? As sam said if you want a good laugh go down to the police station & watch people try & get there driving license:icon_mrgreen:.

Many thanks for the reposnse Fred.

Tow bars will be a problem so we'll be installing those as well.

A good idea to do a full range of trailers too.

I figure if boat trailers are registered then box treailers should not be a problem.

One thing for sure, this black duck I will not be going to the Police Station to register trailers.

Only one thing worst than a Bali que and that is a Politician, bureaucrat or a copper who wants me to stay for a few hours while he works out his income suppliment fees.

Maybe I just give him 100k for Expediated Processing Fee and be done with it.

Thank you

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
ehm...back in NL we have several categories for your car-drivers license.. Now maybe in Indonesia they would have that too? i.e. car with trailer needing a different license then just a car, and then only till a certain weight..then one would need a car strong enough to actually pull the trailer.

Don't know about registration boot-trailers in Indonesia, but
I have a jetski with a trailer (duh) and there's no registration/paperwork on it.

fuel in diminshing supply??


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
I think by the time you import all the things you need to build the trailer & tow bar the cost will be too much. But I would love to see a 1.5lt avanza with 8 people in it towing a box trailer stacked 15 foot high, I wonder which will break first the car or trailer?:icon_mrgreen:


New Member
Jul 5, 2011
ehm...back in NL we have several categories for your car-drivers license.. Now maybe in Indonesia they would have that too? i.e. car with trailer needing a different license then just a car, and then only till a certain weight..then one would need a car strong enough to actually pull the trailer.

Don't know about registration boot-trailers in Indonesia, but
I have a jetski with a trailer (duh) and there's no registration/paperwork on it.

fuel in diminshing supply??
Trailer can be driven with normal drivers licences in Australia.

Trailers are only limited by tow bar capacity and truck size.

So trucks can pull large trailers and cars can pull small trailers and I guess scooters can pull even smaller trailers.

Intead of using licencing as an income stream on various levels, registering the trailers and having paperwork for trailers is a better income stream because only the relatively wealthy will buy a trailer. Trailer must be worked to provide a ROI.

With so little trailers in Bali, I am not surprised there is no registration process.

And Fuel? Well, last I head was the Saudi's had 16 years worth of fuel left. As fuel drys up, the prices goes up.


New Member
Jul 5, 2011
I think by the time you import all the things you need to build the trailer & tow bar the cost will be too much. But I would love to see a 1.5lt avanza with 8 people in it towing a box trailer stacked 15 foot high, I wonder which will break first the car or trailer?:icon_mrgreen:

Tourists in the trailer being towed by a BEMO full of tourists. Now that would be funny.

Sorry, I have been off topic for a few posts.

Warehouses about 10k form Kuta. Any price ideas for say 500sq mtr or larger.

Is 3 years upfront payment common?



Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
3yrs contract is normal but power would be my main concern, most welders are inverters or use generators to run them. trailers are not used here because you can just over load the truck:icon_mrgreen:


New Member
Aug 7, 2011
Hi Fred,

I would love to buy a trailer, but as you cannot buy a tow bar & ball trailers are not a big seller.
Lots of pig trailers here on big trucks & small trailers on bikes that are held on by rope. The only bike trailer I have seen is owned by the Harley dealer & the tow bar was imported. Not sure if you can rego a trailer here? As sam said if you want a good laugh go down to the police station & watch people try & get there driving license:icon_mrgreen:.

I think we unnecessary to go down to the police station to watch people try get there driving license if all of us obey a regulation.



New Member
Aug 7, 2011
Hi Spoon, regards from Bali.


Recently decided to retire in Bali and to stop myself going insane though I would setup a business selling trailers. This raised a few questions and correctly sequenced events.

(a) I assume the business name will be same as the company name or can be change to whatever we choose.
(b) What is the best type of company considering taxes. Let's say Turnover is $1mil pa
(c) We will be living in Bali so we will need Kitas and I guess it is best to get legal eagles to do this.
(d) What taxes will I and the company need to pay in Bali?
(e) What is the ball park for 500sq say 10k or more from Kuta.

Many thanks Steve

Well, as I know, in Bali have no any rule for business name must be same with the company name. Because there is many companies in same business. it should be different.

As Mr Ronb said, The company types are PT, CV or PMA. which is have different type, role and ownership. In generaly, CV is self owned firm that owned by local person. PT is same with Cv but have more comprehensive business permit, such as Limited company in forign. And PMA stands from " Penanaman Modal Asing" Foreign Investment Capital Company which is have more specifically legal and permit. all of them should be have tax, annually.

There is some kind of Taxes you will pay depends of what type company you have and what kind of business you are running and of course how much revenue your company earn. all of them have own calculations.

Just wanna share,


New Member
May 27, 2011
ehm...back in NL we have several categories for your car-drivers license.. Now maybe in Indonesia they would have that too? i.e. car with trailer needing a different license then just a car, and then only till a certain weight..then one would need a car strong enough to actually pull the trailer.

Don't know about registration boot-trailers in Indonesia, but
I have a jetski with a trailer (duh) and there's no registration/paperwork on it.

fuel in diminshing supply??

If I'm not wrong there are 3types of driving licenses, A, B and C

A is for cars,
B for big cars like trucks or what not
C is for motorcycles

I believe trailers fall in the B category