Mug Shots

hey marcia

where is your photo :?:

You are the only one from us, which are representing 50 %
of the nominees on the latest Baligeek poll without a mugshot :wink:
Hayyum Bertie!

Wadda ting widdaah haht-sheet? Whyent ju jas gih evrywuun a haht? Mayk ittah Zydaco Hootananny whahnaht? Misser Roy may'nt be altahgedda mahty pleesed tu loos hes brain surgery bandage thang 'n awl, 'n summa dem Euro boys be loookin a lilbih chili an een needa some trahpicel armatuure 'o such. Buht...

'N whilst ju aht it, cuhd ju plees setta me up widda great Elvis pompadoor and mutton-chops, whaht collah wouldunna be bad needa. Tink a da Pope's flipped up like.

P.S. 'N Weh yoh hat dun gon be at? ...and don't be pullin no funny an givin me lahk wun pontif poiny ting now, right?

P.S.S. I am only posting in inbred, deep Bayou Cajun from now on.


sorry, couldn't resist - but... an original Elvis cut :!: :D

pssst..... anyone else in need of another look? :twisted: :lol:

Are you in the Velvet Underground?

P.S. thanx for the luxuriant pompade, (or 'Tuckie Joe' as the 'Juju' boys in west Africa used to call it).
Can I ?

Get the hat in pink? The straw doesn't go with my outfit? Thanks for the lend Py? Promise I will return the favour one day. You can borrow???? ummm
good choice, ringo!

MWill looks equally at home among the Pendet dancers as she does with the Arizona landscape in the background. But Ringo, why did you pull the plug on Santa Claus? He hasn't had his big day yet, and we don't have our presents yet!

Bert, who is the little person on your shoulder in your latest pic? Is it Chip?
Re: good choice, ringo!

behemoth said:
Bert, who is the little person on your shoulder in your latest pic? Is it Chip?

No, that is Nila. She is 16 and I think I love her. Fortunately she thinks the same about me.

We both realize its an unequal relationship, but I already asked her to help me grow up. She is thinking about it.
Re: Ok mwill....

mwill said:
Me, me, me...! LOL...
Ringo said:

Pendet dancers

ooooo eeeer i want one of those pendet hats to go with the judy davis face. Let's all have one , very xmassy yer know.

Will put a pic up as soon's i find one thor- there's one gathering dust somewhere, from last june i think.
Re: Ok mwill....

marcia said:
ooooo eeeer i want one of those pendet hats to go with the judy davis face. Let's all have one , very xmassy yer know.

Will put a pic up as soon's i find one thor- there's one gathering dust somewhere, from last june i think.

Why not? good idea! You search your pic, I'll search for a suitable X-mas one.... :twisted: :D

behemoth said:
But Ringo, why did you pull the plug on Santa Claus? He hasn't had his big day yet, and we don't have our presents yet!

The beard got a bit ichy.... promise to change again with X-mas..... :wink:
I shaved off my beard too Ringo

but I think the new hairstyle isn't right for me. Maybe a perm would lift my spirits. Ringo I loved your website by the way.
Re: I shaved off my beard too Ringo

Warwick2 said:
but I think the new hairstyle isn't right for me. Maybe a perm would lift my spirits. Ringo I loved your website by the way.

Errr..... and that without a warning! :eek:

You are forceing me to work overtime :lol:

(great to hear you love WB, thanks!)