Moving in May


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Ok, my bad, I assumed we were a group of moderately intelligent grown ups.

So let me break it down for the terminally slow of uptake:
"Absolutely! My entire masculine "house of cards" rests completely on the size of my motorscooter."
Excessive positivism - denoting probable appearance or Sarcasm!!!
Indicating, in truth, a very shaky grasp on the subject
Clearly not true, indicating the dreaded appearance of Irony!!!
I do hope my little explanation will make it easier for some of you to actively join in with adults when they are discussing "big - people" things


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA
I got my new scooter on Monday, with a bit of luck the plates will be done by the time I get there. I'm looking forward to riding the hell out of it. Doing my usual crazy things like waking up in the morning and riding totally around the Bali coast line in the one day. Great fun..
The way I figure you're going to drive on your new scooter, you'll go so fast, you wont need plates. You'll go so fast, the cops wont have time to notice if you have plates or not...


New Member
Jun 15, 2019
Just a hello, nothing to say yet. Im retiring in 21 days, but whose counting. Have no idea where im going live in Bali yet. Too many places to choose from. Going to stay with a friend until my visa gets changed to the Kitas. Got my new scooter on order so hopefuly its ready when i arrive. So its nearly time to say goodbye to the old life and hello to the new life.
Kakek Bolis
how exciting!! good luck

Kakek Bolis

New Member
Apr 8, 2019
Well, according to the time frame previously indicated I presume Kakek Bolis is here by now. How has it worked out? And for Kimmarie.... it's a rather awful thread but a sobering one, if your future plans include scootering.
Hi Harry
It has worked out great moving to Bali. Its been 7 months now. Im getting a hold on bahasa indonesia but bahasa balinese is a bit harder.
I have ridden bikes, now a scooter most of my life. I have ridden around Bali two times now clockwise and anti clockwise. I have friends in Singaraja i go there once a week for coffee.
To ride around Bali in one day you dont have to go fast , you just dont stop. I guess i average around 50kmph to 60kmph it took 11 hours.
Having a lot of fun in Bali. I am now looking for a house to buy.
Ok cheetah
Kakek Bolis


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2016
Do you have an international permit and a current motor cycle licence from your home country? Potentially an awful lot of grief if something goes wrong as without a licence or permit any insurance including health insurance becomes invalid.

" I am now looking for a house to buy. " I trust you have read all the threads on house or land purchasing. A regular minefield but I guess you are aready aware of this.
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Kakek Bolis

New Member
Apr 8, 2019
Hi, yes i have an Australia motor bike licence (49 years and riding for all those year) plus an Indonesian licence (Sim) Riding in Bali keeps you on your toes. Hehe Though Jkt and BBk is an experience riding around. Keeps the heart pumping. Hehe.

Actually i find buying a house easy part. Finding the house is the hard part. I like the areas of Sempidi, Mengwi, Dalung, Gianyar and Bangli (Apuan). My bank is my notaris and my old friend of 39 years Nyoman will have his name on the title and the house is his when i die.

What im trying to find now is where i can find good medical place. Want to have a PSA Test and get a good Urologist. I need 12 month check up to make sure the cancer is still at bay. I dont want to spend lots of money going back to Australia for this.
Ok Cheers Hope you had a nice Christmas.

Kakek Bolis


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
The house is his when you put his name on the title.

Some wonderful "friendships" have come to a screeching halt for much less.

You might want to reconsider how you do it...

Kakek Bolis

New Member
Apr 8, 2019
The house is his when you put his name on the title.

Some wonderful "friendships" have come to a screeching halt for much less.

You might want to reconsider how you do it...

Yes i am fully aware the house will be Nyoman's.
The title deeds will be kept in the my safety doposit box.
Our friendship has stood the test of time for 39 years. Why should i reconsider my decision
We have trust

But thank you for your input.

Damn 50 minutes more and im older. Crapy day for a birthday. Hehehe


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Yes i am fully aware the house will be Nyoman's.
The title deeds will be kept in the my safety doposit box.
Our friendship has stood the test of time for 39 years. Why should i reconsider my decision
We have trust

But thank you for your input.

Damn 50 minutes more and im older. Crapy day for a birthday. Hehehe
Keeping the title deeds in your strong box is only marginally protective. To get a new certificate issued your "friend" need only go to the police and report the old one stolen. You will not be informed of the change.

I would suggest a "belt and braces" solution by also creating a long term leasehold agreement - that at least is enforceable in law here.

Kakek Bolis

New Member
Apr 8, 2019
Keeping the title deeds in your strong box is only marginally protective. To get a new certificate issued your "friend" need only go to the police and report the old one stolen. You will not be informed of the change.

I would suggest a "belt and braces" solution by also creating a long term leasehold agreement - that at least is enforceable in law here.
You are a very negative person. You never have anything nice to say. Plus it seems you have friends who would do this to you or maybe you do to them.
My friends are honest.

Your opinions are unwelcomed


Active Member
Sep 11, 2018

Markit is, how can I best put it, a colourful fellow for sure, but as someone once said of Donald Trump, I don't like him, I didn't vote for him, but that doesn't mean he is wrong about everything.

Putting a lease in place which gives you an unquestionable legal right of abode for the property is very sound advice . It is not expensive and protects you (and your heirs) from all manner of adverse outcomes beyond a hypothetical breakdown in the friendship between you and the nominee.

I have witnessed both successful and failed nominee agreements, and the common thread that seems to lead to failure is extreme financial distress on the part of the nominee. It takes uncommon strength of character to let yourself drown when a lifeboat is bobbing beside you just meters away even if it belongs to your friend.

Let us however simply accept that your friendship with the nominee as sacrosanct and presents no risk .

Let us assume that you have taken steps to ensure there is no risk should your friend (God forbid) pass away or become incapacitated, that the house is left to you (giving you 1 year to find a new legal owner) or that your friends heirs are willing and financially able to pass up owning a very valuable property on the basis of a generally considered illegal nominee agreement that they were not party to.

Let us now assume the Government does not decide to intervene as they indicated the might back in 2015 when the Agrarian minister triggered the so called nominee crisis by declaring that they would systematically and proactively cross reference ownership, tax and residence information to work out the relationship between the person staying at a property and its rightful legal owner. In such cases where they found a nominee relationship, they proposed they would tear it up. I don't know that they ever followed up on this, I suspect not but who is to say this may be proposed again in the future.

If all of the above assumptions are true then you will be just fine. If not, well then only you can determine the impact on your future.

Just my penny's worth.

All the best & Happy New Year


Active Member
Jun 11, 2016
I can’t count the number of times the issue of land ownership comes up on this and other sites.
The issue is quite clear, nobody other than Balinese can own land in Bali, simple. You can twist and turn and dodge and weave but that is the fact and it seems Western people simply won’t accept that fact. Now Markit can be somewhat blunt in his advice but in this matter is he is correct.
The only legal status you can have over land is a lease and at the end of the lease term the land reverts to a Balinese. We have leased some land in Penestanan for 25 years with a 10 year option for a further term. We paid all the lease fees upfront then built a three bedroom villa with pool and all the bells and whistles. We can do what we like with the villa while the lease is in place but after the 25+10 term the property reverts to the Balinese land owner, his heirs and or successors. It’s so simple but it’s goes against the grain of us westerners to give something like a house away but you must realise you never owned it in the first place.
Deals with friends etc are regrettably fraught with so many unknown factors, particularly death of the dear friend, then his or her heirs might not be so honourable. I and others are not being disrespectful to you or your friend but we speak the truth and have heard or seen too many arrangements end in tears.
My 2 cents worth...take a long term lease from the original land owner and sleep well for years to come.
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Kakek Bolis

New Member
Apr 8, 2019
Thank you all for the good advice and i do understand you are looking out for my welfare.

I am not buy any villa with a pool or having staff cleaning for me.

Im just getting a small 2 bed room or 1 bed room local style house 500juta - 800juta. Not much money. If my friend turns out to have a dark side i dont know about after 30 odd years and takes the house from me. Then so be it. If my friend pases away before me the house still goes to his family. As you all may have read im looking for oncologist and Urologist. So add it up i do not have a lot of years left.

I am an expat trying to live local style. Not an expat living the western style in Bali.
I mentioned the bank is doing all the paper work for buying the house. If the bank suggest i take a lease on the land as you all have suggested then i will do it. But im not going to do it if not advise by the bank. To me it is saying to my friend i dont trust you. Call me a silly old fool. But thats just the way i am.
Once again thank you all for the input.
Happy New Year