Indosat 3.5g 3.6 Mbps???


New Member
May 9, 2007
Boston, USA

I was at the pcMax (Apple Store) in the Carrefour building yesterday and I saw a big advertisement about Indosat's 3.5g internet service, with which they claim up to 3.6 Mbps. This is a huge leap above any of the speeds in the round-up done at the beginning of the year.

Has anyone seen / used this? Im going to try and go to their office tomorrow to see if I can get a demonstration, but any personal experiences shared would be greatly appreciated.

Some related links: ... p_brochure - Official Indosat page on the service ... x-part-ii/ - Blog post in Bahasa (don't understand it) talking about all 3g services including Indosat[/url]


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Hi sud0n1m

Has anyone seen / used this?

I was at the Rimo centre in Denpasar yesterday and had a chance to try this out. It's supposed to be up to 3.5Mbs download and roughly 300Kbs uploading. I got a 1.2Mbs download speed, which is probably much more realistic.

The Indosat representative offered me the following deal:

The modem is free.
Installation is free.
Monthly fee Rp 350,000 (plus 10% VAT)
1 GB monthly quota (extra charged at Rp 0,5/KB)

It seemed much faster than my current Telkom Speedy ADSL connection. Maybe 9 times faster. I'm thinking about it.


Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Aaargh 1gb quota?

I use 1gb+ a day!

If I calculate this correctly 1024*1024*.5 is 524288 rp per day?

This would mean that if you would download a DVD, it would cost 2 million rupiah! (I do, also HD movies)

But I am thinking to get the Indosat laptop modem for when I am in the south. If it works on Vista :)


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Hey Bert

...I use 1gb+ a day!... If I calculate this correctly 1024*1024*.5 is 524288 rp per day?...

I'm not sure what you calculated there. Maybe you mis-read something. While IndosatM2 is far from perfect, I'm not sure it's as bad as you make out (compared to what else is available for those of us who can't afford fancy satellite connections and the hardware that goes with them, plus monthly fees).

I quoted the price for their basic service. They have two others:

Pro!: 2GB monthly quota for Rp 625,000 (plus 10% tax)
Max!: 3GB monthly quota for Rp 900,000 (plus 10% tax)

If I had my way and could afford it, I'd like 10GB/second (or better).

So, by my calculations, the basic service costs about Rp 12,800/day. What's that?...roughly USD 1.42/day which ain't too bad for Indonesia, so far.
Of course, with any of their packages you'd have to pay more, IF you want to download movies and other huge files. They charge Rp 0,5/KB over the quota.


Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
I don't say its "bad", I just say its expensive, for me.

I have done some calculations, and if I would use Indosatm2 the same way as I use my connection right now, I would pay about 28 million a month.

Yes, you don't read it wrong 28.000.000 rupiah a month.

Suppose I would use the bandwidth Indosat offers, and not mine, it would be around 70 million a month.

Ok, I am a heavy user... but still.... If you have the bandwidth, but in order to use it fully, I don't want to think about ...


Hi Chris

I'm just wondering if the XL service is 3.5g. What download speed are you getting?

BTW my wife and I are going to Jakarta tomorrow but we will be back to Seminyak on the 19th. Maybe we could meet at Cafe Mocca for a coffee.


Dec 21, 2004
Fremantle, Australia
Hey Sanurian,

I agree that IS pretty good for Indonesia - (for an everyday user Bert). In Australia I would pay AUD40 (RP 280,000) for a similar deal - but faster of course - say 10GM+. Can get for say AUD30 if bundled with a phone service etc.

But still.... gotta be better than Telkom speeeeeeeddddiiieeee..
And you wouldn't pay pulsa with this service right?

So the gap is getting closer. I remember 7 years ago when Australia didn't have ADSL, seeing how cheap broadband was getting in the USA - and dreaming of the day we would have affordable, high speed internet.

It just takes time. And the great thing is, it just gets better and cheaper the longer you wait.



Jan 2, 2007
Hi Allen,

the XL 3G version officially supports HSDPA, that is 3.5G in my view. They sell HSDPA cards as bundle options as well and show HSDPA coverage separately on their network maps.

However, where I live (Seminyak/Kerobokan) I only have 2 bars out of 5 network capacity, so definitely I don't get the full bandwidth possible.

Still I have downloads speeds around 15-50kbps currently, which is already a hell of improvement compared to Indosat Dialup I used before...

Sure we can get have a coffee next week! But have a great trip first! ;-)


May 21, 2007
Hi Chris,
Thanks for the detailed description of the XL 3G service on your webpage link. One thing that you might want to know is that you can get the same XL service for a lot cheaper using Centrin online as your provider. Both the monthly fee and the modem/data card are a much better deal, and we're talking unlimited access.
Don't ask me how they can do that as I haven't understood the business logic behind this deal: basically Centrin is competing with XL while using XL's network, go figure. Why would XL let this happen and why would anybody sign up for XL 3G service when you can get the same from Centrin at half price, unless maybe they really like to wait in line for hours at XL office??If someone can explain, please do.

Check my post on the other topic "Bali ISP roundup - Broadband Wireless only" for a description of prices and services. By the way, If there is a way to combine these two very similar topics that might help some people.


Jan 2, 2007
Hi O, thanks for the additional information regarding Centrin, that sounds even more attractive! Have to check that out soonest.

Usually the XL Office in Sunset Road is quite deserted, so I guess a lot of people are on their way to Centrin already.... ;-)


the XL 3G version officially supports HSDPA, that is 3.5G in my view. They sell HSDPA cards as bundle options as well and show HSDPA coverage separately on their network maps.

However, where I live (Seminyak/Kerobokan) I only have 2 bars out of 5 network capacity, so definitely I don't get the full bandwidth possible.

That doesn't sound like 3.5g. Sanurian said he got 1.2Mbps which sounds right for 3.5g.

Anyway I will go to RIMO and check it out on Friday. Chris can you pm your mobile number?


Jul 18, 2007
Hey, am new to your fabulous forum, thanks for all the well organized and informative threads!

Our plan is to move to Ubud in Sept - my husband and our 4 year old son and I. Internet is a big concern as we work online. What is the most reliable and fastest way to have unlimited internet in Ubud? I have contacted a few satellite providers and they want about $5000 US to get us set up. Does this sound reasonable? The broadband company I contacted wanted about $500/month for the top package. Also, we are planning to rent and will not find a place until we get there - is it a long process to get established with an internet connection?

Our only other big concern right now is to do with visas. We are going to come on the Social visa, but my husband trades stocks online. I know the capital gains taxes are next to nil there, but if he is doing this as his livelihood are we risking any trouble with the government and visa violations?

Thanks folks, look forward to meeting some of you in Ubud!

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Prices for a "private" sat system sound reasonable.

I think the area of "work online", such as your husbands, is a very gray area, not only for over here, but for everywhere.

Your husband could work everywhere, even in a plane, or in any country.

I suppose he is / has a legal entity in Canada, if he remote controls it from here, either by phone or by internet, it stays there.

If he however would start an investment company here, he would be eligible to pay taxes here.

Maybe Ian Sommers has more info about that.


Jul 18, 2007
Thanks Bert. Yeah, it is gray. We are trying to kick our CND residency though, as Canada taxes heftily on capital gains. we are attempting to set up residency in a tax haven and then "work remotely" from Bali. If anyone has any experience with this I would love to hear what you have discovered.