Indo enactment regarding Porn

truth sayer

Dec 10, 2005
Roy, I think we have reached what is referred to as a "Mexican stand-off"
(a term used in US and not anyway is it meant offensive). :lol:

I do have faith that one day, the hidden history of our planet, especially thru the Vedas, will come to light. In the meantime, I will keep learning, and trying to learn from others, and trying to serve God, in whatever small ways I am allowed.

Since the origin of this thread was "How did you become a Hindu" well, one final and last word from me on this, is that I became a Hindu, because I could understand that being a "Hindu" (which in an earlier post I did bring up the fact that there is no word in Sanskrit) actually means accepting and embracing all people and faiths, like the Balinese taught me. The world should learn from their example even though it isn' a perfect one. As long as we are in material bodies, we will be imperfect, but as long as we sincerely try to achieve bhakti, then our lives can be perfected. :D


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
I haven’t been anywhere, just economising (cutting back on Internet usage).

Has Telkom been over, on your side of the Ayung to see you? They've been by here a few times, and finally, after four years, it seems new phone lines and some attractive internet connection opportunites are coming our way! In the hills!

truth sayer

Dec 10, 2005
Oops, I was on the wrong topic, so sorry I had to go off my computer and forgot I hadn't changed to the other topic :oops: Can someone fix this to the "How I became a Hindu" topic, please? Maaf!


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar

Please do not think my post was anti Islam in any shape or form was not. Substitute extreme for fundimentalist and you might get a better understanding of what I meant. Islam is a beautiful religion which gives freedom of worship and practices love and understanding regardless of race, color or creed. There is however extreme or in common parlance "fundimental" aspects that are followed by certain people who purport to me muslims that does not follow this.

In Saudi where I am right now islam follows the wahabi sect and it is forbidden to bring into the country any written matter or anything that is symbolic of any other religion. You cannot even bring in a emergency medical kit if it has a cross on it.

The Pancasila gives freedom of religion as well as other excellent points to unify the country and I am a firm believer in this because of that. I hope this clears up any misunderstanding you may have had.


Nov 4, 2004
Has Telkom been over, on your side of the Ayung to see you? They've been by here a few times, and finally, after four years, it seems new phone lines and some attractive internet connection opportunites are coming our way! In the hills!

Only get to see Telkom, when they come to fix the phone line, we do have broadband over this way now, but too expensive for me just now. What sort of attractive internet connection opportunities?

Thorsten will be upset, this is supposed to be about the new anti-porn Bill.

Ok how is the government going to control pornography over the Internet here if this new legistlation come in. That should get us out of trouble for going off topic. :lol:


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Thorsten will be upset, this is supposed to be about the new anti-porn Bill.

Well, you know how those Germans can insistance on organization and all! :D

I know you met him too during his "awakening in Bali" so I think we will both be forgiven! :p I was hoping for more of a "converstion" for him during his time in maybe next time!

Eri handles all of this sort of thing for me, so I don't have details, but give them a call. What I heard was 1.5 mil one time, (for the line) and 200k a month, unlimited local calling, and internet usage. It sounds too good to be true to me...but my Eri has worked miracles before.

Ok how is the government going to control pornography over the Internet here if this new legistlation come in.

Bloody good question, and expanding about Indovision? No more HBO, the Fashion network, Star, etc, etc.? Hell, even CNN and BBC would have to be at least censored, if not outright banned!

The potential ramifications inherent within this bill are truly mind blowing. Even regular non satellite Indonesian TV would have to be completely changed. Jez....half the commercials alone, yet alone regular programming!

Lee, you have Eri's HP number, so give her a call about 10 AM if you would like to talk to her before calling Telkom. You will find her to be totally delightful and very happy to help out.


New Member
Oct 25, 2005
It has been a while since I posted here. But I think the link underneath is worth a look.

The site is setup by Balinese who reject the bill, I got it from an article in the Jakarta post today. Most of the text is in Indonesian but they are working on translations. I hope initiatives like this will help to get this ridiculous bill in the trash bin where it belongs.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Jorzbali, I haven't even considered the points raised on this blog...nor has my Balinese wife and family.

Thanks for your post, and in my view, if you have more that relate to the potentially devastating effects of this proposed legislation....please continue to post them!!!!!

Matur suksuma!


New Member
Oct 4, 2004
Southern Highlands NSW
Smusdar, I will be in Bali April/May :) I also did not mean any disrespect to Islam, when I speak of 'fundamentalist' I am speaking also of the extreme, those that it would appear have a different view of Islam than the majority and one which the majority it would appear often do not understand nor agree with...

It is always interesting how there are some who state that the way a woman dresses is the reason why she has been sexually assaulted. That dressing in a particular way 'sexy' will cause this to occur. However who determines what is 'sexy' and what is not 'sexy'.... At what point does the offender become responsible?

I do agree that we need to respect the Balinese when we are visiting and dress appropriately however if they feel that covering up is going to stop sexual assaults then they are being very foolish.

I also agree that education is they key and that as parents we have a moral obligation to provide this education to our children.



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
I do agree that we need to respect the Balinese when we are visiting and dress appropriately however if they feel that covering up is going to stop sexual assaults then they are being very foolish.

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

SWT...are we talking about the Balinese who need to cover up, or an attitude that you think the Balinese have that others should "cover up?" In other words, who is the "they" that you refer?

This string has become somewhat convoluted, so it’s kind of necessary to be very specific.


Dec 19, 2005
hi folks

Sore om jimbo :)

Why you think i have missunderstanding ? i just wonder why --sorry to say-- western have terminology of fundamentalist, which is in islamic people we never know that term..

Dont worry be happy :D , i dont get offended, just bit busy with job..rrgh

as you wrote :
Please do not think my post was anti Islam in any shape or form was not. Substitute extreme for fundimentalist and you might get a better understanding of what I meant. Islam is a beautiful religion

Yes I agree..with you and also swt ..just wonder, why most people blame this law on islamic people ? we never insist our religion our or rules to non islamic.. we may not do that..
Islam rules/ al quran only for islamic, we do not allow to insit other people to behave like us (muslims)

Smusdar, I will be in Bali April/May I also did not mean any disrespect to Islam, when I speak of 'fundamentalist'
(april? i hope that i will have nice trip to komodo island on april or may..will see..)

well, my sugestion to indo govt (hm, if they heard.. who i am anyway? :( , realize that indo is very multiculture and as i learnt in my law school not only law, but also antropology and sociology, the DPR should make a deep analyse on the draft..get advice from the expert..

GTG now..face the traffic jam of JKT :(

truth sayer

Dec 10, 2005
Tommy wrote:

Please come back to Bali and I'll introduce you to all those Kuta kids who "lost" their morality and faith in Hindu-dharma and I'm sure you'll be quite surprised

I spent almost 3 months last Feb. March and April walking and talking up and down Kuta Square to many of the youth who "hang out" on the streets. You would be hard pressed to show many anything I didn't learn from that experience.

I had a particular interest in that area, because it is where I "grew up" in Bali, and my Balinese husband and family live for generations just around the corner from Mata-hari dept. store. This is a neighborhood near and dear to my heart, and I cared to know about how these youth are spending their lives.

I am not exactly sure what you meant by the above statement, but I took it to mean that you think that I assume all Balinese have lost their morals because of the influence of the West?

In the years that I was not present in Bali, from 1976 until 2005, I would say a resounding yes, morality is on the decline, and from my experience I would say that it is mostly from the influence of the myriad of people who decided to make Kuta their own private hedonistic playground, and also from the people who let it happen. :evil:

On the positive side, there still exist so many wonderful Balinese people who haven't lost their unique and healthy approach to life and keep the traditional Balinese morals intact. My Balinese family is one of them. :D

I do think the proposed bill sounds absurdly extreme. Too little too late, if they really wanted to impose dress regulations they would've had to have started in the 70's. :roll:

I felt much compassion for the young men I spoke with on the streets of Kuta Square, most of them come from poor families, and morality isn't an issue when you are hungry or you have a family to feed. The old saying that poverty makes for a great aphrodisiac is unfortunate but sadly true. :cry:


New Member
Oct 4, 2004
Southern Highlands NSW
Sorry if that sounded a little confusing .... I can be like that at times :))

Firstly I feel that people travelling to any Country should be respectiful and dress appropriately and I have no problem with that .... Secondly regarding 'they'... this refers to anyone whether it be a Westerner or a Balinese or anyone for that matter....anyone who feels that making women 'cover up' is going to reduce sexual assaults is perhaps being foolish...

Smusdar.... not sure why I use fundamentalist, perhaps it is because it is so often used here and that it refers to extreme elemements within a particular group, those that have extreme views.. :)



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Smusdar asks:

Yes I agree..with you and also swt ..just wonder, why most people blame this law on islamic people ?

Smusdar, with all due respects, I truly hope that was a rhetorical question. Have you checked the MPR party, and the authors of this proposed law?

Do you think the Balinese, who know where this proposed law is coming from are so ignorant?

You write, "we never insist our religion our or rules to non islamic.. we may not do that.."

Don't tell me that...rather convince my Balinese family who feels 100% otherwise right now...and for what seems damn good reasons to feel that way.

Among all of this proposed law’s utter absurdity is the reduction in the legal age from 18 to 12. So, tell me as a woman...tell everyone...what do you think of a 12 or 13 year old girl being married?


Roy wrote:

As for child marriages, how do you define “child?” In Bali, it’s still legal, although rare, for a girl to be eligible for marriage after her first period. That’s not pedophilia, that’s a cultural issue.

Among all of this proposed law’s utter absurdity is the reduction in the legal age from 18 to 12. So, tell me as a woman...tell everyone...what do you think of a 12 or 13 year old girl being married?

What is your stand on child marriages Roy? Do you, for example, support the idea that as soon as a girl has her first period she is automatically an adult?

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
I am sure that people from "the west" all would disagree on child marriages, also Roy and you...

But none the less, some cultures do have child marriages...


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Your response Bert is very "diplomatic" but is not the response I made, by any means, because you removed it.

Shouldn't I be able to ask Allan why he dragged up an old post of mine, and decided to quote me out of context when the topic was something else?

Is that something that I am no longer able to do?

If this is where your forum is headed?

Allan! What is your agenda? Why on earth do you drag up an old quote of mine, and place it here in a context wherein it was never written?

If you have something to say Allan, then say it. No more pussy footing around games. Either get it off your chest, or knock it off! Fair enough?

And Bert, it may be best than you let this go where it may...i.e. ignore it!