
Oct 28, 2010
Bali, Nusa Dua
Hello All,
my wife moved to Bali in September. Since October my 2 kids (1 and 4) are ill every week or 2 weeks with fever and flue, or infection of eyes.
We do not know kids are ill that often. does anybody has experience with illness of kids connected to bali?
Is it cause of the climate or all so dirty? And does anybody know a good child doctor in bali?
thanks all


Feb 8, 2010
Ubud, Bali
Chris, I'm not a health care professional and can't answer your question but I had only one thought that might help. Are they swimming in the ocean or in any area that may not have clean water? It's the eye infections that made me think that's a possibility.


Oct 10, 2007
Hello Chris!
I have a child 5 years old, I think the flu problem could be from the weather, too hot sometimes, raining, "cold" sometimes, the temperature sometimes changes too much or too quick.............beside sometimes there is a lot people with flu around as well!!!
I started to give Niluh an orange juice every morning before to go to school (the balinese orange juice, the cheap ones!!!) and I think is helping her with flus.
I can recomend you our pediatric doctor, she is very good and we have been with her for 5 years, she is very proffesional and we are very happy with her.
This is her name and addresses, she has two places to praktek

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
Jalan Dewi Sartika 3
telepon 229203
Kimia Farma di Diponegoro, near Matahari in Denpasar

Monday, Wend, Friday
Jalan Merdeka VI/9

I think as well sometimes if you go to the Wing International at the Sanglah Hospital they can call her to come to see you if she is at the Hospital, she works in Sanglah Hospital during the day apart from been a teacher at the University and prepare herself for more studies.
I have as well her movil if you need it send me a pm and I will send it to you.
I live in Ubud but to me it is worthy to go there because I really like her and trust her.
The time for the praktek is after 6 pm.
All the best!!


Oct 28, 2010
Bali, Nusa Dua
thanks to all for information

Hi all thanks a lot for your comment and reply. I will try this with juice and doctor, but water i think hardly possible, my wife is indonesian, she know about water condition and we even bring antiseptic spra and towel for the kids and clean all the time..
as well weather for me is wired as we in germany as well have cold and hot and bali is always hot never cold for germans:)
but maybe from rain? or the difference in temperature from germany to Indonesia?

I read that there is often dengue fever with kids in bali is this correct?


Oct 10, 2007
I don´t know how "often" there is dengue fever in Bali, and not only with kids, but yap, there is dengue fever in Bali every year and the worst is, every year there is still people who pass away from dengue fever!!!
I think the risk period is around January and February probably.
Not easy to fight againts mosquitos!!!!!!!


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Yes, this is true but a simple blood test will confirm or deny this. You REALLY should take the kids to see a doctor, just in case.
Further to this, I had a call from a Balinese friend today. He called to tell me his daughter went to hospital last night, diagnosed with, you guessed it... DENGUE FEVER. Please take your kids to a doctor asap.


Apr 2, 2010
You would know if your kids have Dengue fever, I had it a few months ago and I couldn't get out of bed its that bad. I woke up one morning felt a little tired and with in 6-8 hours was bed ridden and had totally lost my appetite.

If you're using an AC you might want to get it cleaned.

Also YouC1000 is a better source for vitamin C than any orange juice.


Oct 28, 2010
Bali, Nusa Dua
thanks to all of you

Thanks a lot for all this info, AC seem to be good idea, I will check this as soon as i over there . Does anyone living there with kids for serveral years? how is experience? kids like it or feel boring or happy?
And other kids as well ill 5 times with high fever in 5 weeks?


Aug 19, 2010
Bona gianyar
Thanks a lot for all this info, AC seem to be good idea, I will check this as soon as i over there . Does anyone living there with kids for serveral years? how is experience? kids like it or feel boring or happy?
And other kids as well ill 5 times with high fever in 5 weeks?

In my humble opinion the use of AC's can make them sick as well by the constant change in temperature they are exposed to.You really do not need an AC in Bali,maybe only to sleep in the hottest months,januari/februari usually.Adapt your house so plenty of fresh air gets in and live on your porch.Much greener and your PLN bill will be considerable lower.How many Balinese do use aircon at home do you think?

P.S.Things like the antisceptic spray sound a little overdoing it.If your kids never were exposed to any germs,they will never develop any antibodies for them.And do not spray in their eyes.
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Oct 28, 2010
Bali, Nusa Dua
spray in eyes hihih

In my humble opinion the use of AC's can make them sick as well by the constant change in temperature they are exposed to.You really do not need an AC in Bali,maybe only to sleep in the hottest months,januari/februari usually.Adapt your house so plenty of fresh air gets in and live on your porch.Much greener and your PLN bill will be considerable lower.How many Balinese do use aircon at home do you think?

P.S.Things like the antisceptic spray sound a little overdoing it.If your kids never were exposed to any germs,they will never develop any antibodies for them.And do not spray in their eyes.

hi thanks for message, i not think my kids are somehow sterile, in germany my daughter went to waldkindergarten..something were kids only in forest if rain or snow or hot..never in house..the live in forest, so i thought lea (my daughter) has some power to stand illness, but maybe its aircon, we will try without in house, as well cause of PLN:)) We use antiseptic cause my wife from bogor and in her place not really tidy and many chicken runnning around and my daughter always play with chicken and my son alwqays finger in mouth, so of course i worry..but normally we seldom spray in their eyes hhih:))
we will see how things running, but of course dengue fever would be one of the things we not need..


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
Ubud, Bali
we will see how things running, but of course dengue fever would be one of the things we not need..

Dengue fever usually lasts only 7 days (and in most cases is not life threatening). So it is not likely to be connected with these illnesses that have persisted over some months.

Of course, you could get it more than once, maybe up to 4 times, and the subsequent infections have a higher risk of complications. But I would have thought the probability that 2 kids have got multiple dengue infections is extremely low.