I would like to make this forum

Helping Bali

This maybe not exactly what you had in mind for tips and tricks, but it's something that should be discussed in this current climate.We are hearing many sad stories regarding the poverty the Balinese have been plunged into but beware of the shrewdness of some, who are very tourist wise.When a crisis like this instantly deprives a peoples lifestyle, already hard, but now intollerable, they will do anything to survive, and not lose face. They are a proud race, but their scruples don't always fit the western way of thinking.But if we walked in their shoes, would we be the same? Someone asked me today, how can I give money sensibly? My advice was this....if you have a reasonable sum to invest...for example...$500...put it in an Indonesian Bank ( we recommend BNI) and at 12-14% interest that is enough to feed a Balinese family with basic needs, example rice. The investor still keeps the capital but the amount of interest is given to a family or whoever.Someone asked me today, how they can help individual families which they have befriended on their holidays, I suggested this. There are so many scams happening right now, poverty has struck at almost everyone in Bali, there are thousands of "victims".Don't let your heart rule your head,but,.....consider everything first. Sorry if this post is not what tips and tricks was intended for, my next one will be more appropriate...I promise.....G...
Since you mention it Gloria

...you are right. This is the best and proper way to 'adopt' people in Indonesia. I'm doing exactly this for the past 9 years with an amount of US$ 20.000 with BNI, where the interest goes to the education needs of 4 families children in North Sumatera. I have never regretted it.
a) what should you do if police stops you with your rented car

ask him how much he wants

b) what should you do if you cause an accident

pay blood money

c) where to get emergency help when you are wounded in an accident or bar brawl?

yourself, rub your front with your hair, it will relieve pain if you have a head injury.

If your limbs got chopped, hope you will be turned into an offering very quickly

d) what to do in case of a bill dispute with your hotel?

come back and burn it down

e) what to do if you have been cheated on a purchase and want a refund?

tough luck, loser

f) what should you do if you loose your passport?

spend a long time in jail
Yes, Alexandre, you are so right on all accounts, in every one of your posts...so now, why don't you crawl back under your rock? :evil:
Well I would like to make this forum like this.

A, What should you do if you take a picture of a perfect sunrise/little Balinese kid smiling in his dad’s arms
B, What should you do if you tip a waiter and the restaurant gives you a gold pass with 10 percent discount for you and your family whenever you come to Bali
C, What to do if you help someone back to their hotel room after they have had a big night and they loose their wallet and have checked out in the morning and left the country
D, What to do when your hotel throws a party for you because you are so nice
E, What to do if a Balinese trader gives you an extra tee shirt when you have bargained them up for the first one
F, How much you should give someone when you drop your purse in the street with your passport in it.

There are a million more issues like this apart from where to stay but if well done then this forum can become a well frequented place for those who want to find about the positive side of touring Bali

What do you think

Btw now now Dan… let’s be patient! :mrgreen:
Sorry Jimbo but after reading thru Dasha's "What would you do" list my advice would be to Click your Ruby slippers 3 times because you are in Fecking OZ :lol: :lol: :lol: .
Hi dasha,
A, What should you do if you take a picture of a perfect sunrise/little Balinese kid smiling in his dad’s arms.....realise where you are, and be thankful you are here to witness it.

B, What should you do if you tip a waiter and the restaurant gives you a gold pass with 10 percent discount for you and your family whenever you come to Bali..... Realisticly, that means you don't have to pay the extra 10%service tax, since you're tipping them. But appreciate the geisture.

C, What to do if you help someone back to their hotel room after they have had a big night and they loose their wallet and have checked out in the morning and left the country.... And you have their wallet? Then ask the hotel for a copy of their passport, wherein an adress is mentioned and you can contact them. If you ment that ypu've settled the bill for their big night out, and they skipped the country, Surley they didn't leave the hotel to run away from the saint who helped them, so just feel good that you helped someone, without expecting anything in return.

D, What to do when your hotel throws a party for you because you are so nice.... Be realistic and realise they throw that party from money you have spend there, but enjoy it nevertheless.

E, What to do if a Balinese trader gives you an extra tee shirt when you have bargained them up for the first one...Guess you mean bargained the price for the first tshirt down and then got the second for free?...again be realistic and realise you still overpaid for the first one, which gave the seller the opportunity to 'give' you the second, and still make a profit.

F, How much you should give someone when you drop your purse in the street with your passport in it......If that would hapen to me, I would give that person 100 ribu, and make their day(week), as that person just saved me from some nasty paperwork.

At least that are my humble opinions regarding Dasha's 'questions', Take care y'all.....friendly greetings, Gilbert.
Hi Gilbert

Ok let’s go

From the top

A, Did you know that in my country, and many other western countries we don’t see a child under 2 yo in it’s father’s/aunt’s/grandmother/uncle/cousin/second/next door neighbor/friend from up the road /etc arms unfortunately as we don’t have the luxury of living in poverty. Instead we employ nannies/ child minding centers to do this for us. Accordingly we have lost the plot when it comes to things as important as taking very good care of little and big children. As you can imagine we are very F*&$ed people in this regard.
Now what we do to our older folk is we put them in retirement villages and well …. pretty much do the same thing to our younger folk. Which is , totally destroy the family unit which only capitalism can do at it’s best.
The reason that I have always been such a strong advocate of the way Indonesian people live is because they have worked out very simply what we so called know it all capitalists have failed to do. Yes believe it or not my friend you are living in a country with purity. Trouble is dickheads from where I come from think they know better.

Ok…. With me so far Gilb?????

Now you are talking about sunrises. And the taking of there of.

Check this http://www.flickr.com/photos/22370474@N03/3169441393/

Did you know you live in a country where this happens almost every day of the year? How glad I would be to live in a country like yours and be able to sit with a man who does this each morning.

Does not happen in Australia unfortunately!!!!!
Btw feel free to poke around my folio and soak up the freedom brother.

So regarding your comment be thankful you are here to witness it…… ahhhh ummmmmm …. I think I know a bit about that stuff

Ok???? So far?

B, Have you ever stayed in a hotel Gilbert where the other guests come over to your table in the morning and tell you to stop being kind to the local Balinese who are serving you? I am talking about filthy stinking rich Germans and other Europeans who cannot stand the fact that my wife and I not only tip the staff more than a weeks pay(why because that is what normal touring western tourists should do btw) but actually be polite and smile at them and ask how their family and village is going and then go and visit them .. I will not even begin to tell you the story about my eldest son who wanted to arrange a killing of a tourist who was impolite to the ever lovely staff who always take care of us with a local Balinese gang (of which my son is the only white member) for doing this last year…. That’s another story. How does he do it? He only drinks with locals when in down town Kuta – probably knows more about the Balinese underbelly than you will learn in a lifetime. Know what I mean? He is a soul bro and you will be privileged to meet him if you are lucky one day!

So I know you appreciate the gesture but let’s move to topic C,

C, Perhaps you missed my point Gilbert. So I will help you out. Occasionally you do get the odd tourist who cares about things in Bali. ANNNDDD they check out after doing good things and leave the wallet , let’s say under the mattress – like the one we found in 97. Turns out this guy chipped in 30 k US to an orphanage work


Elizabeth Sovirity
Eben Haezer Orphanage

mobile 62-856 370 9883

work [email protected]
home [email protected]

birthday 27 September 2004

work Jln. Palapa IV / No. D2
Denpasar 80223 - Bali

As a matter of fact.

The only way we knew this is because we did not rip his wallet and handed it over and learned the story.

So as far as feeling good goes Gilb – we just do this cos that’s the right thing o do!!!!!

Going ok yet brother???

D, Hotel Novetel Solo Java. Date Feb 28 2007. Hotel threw a party for my wife. You know why. Because they loved her. Ring them if you feel inclined and they will give you the story. It was her birthday.

E, Guess how much I pay for a shirt gilbert? Ask anyone you care to ask on Poppies 2 on the guy from Australia known as Mr Kino. Close as poss to the bounty hotel. In fact go to the Bounty and ask for Oka. Head Satpam and ask how his 2 kids are going in school. Then take yourself down the road the Claude Graves place….. original setter and guy that first brought power to Kuta in 71 and ask about the …. Wait for it…. 35 thousand kids he is taking care of in Sumba. I challenge you Gilb!!!

F, Your’e a saint but I think you aint been round the block yet pal!!

I’d drop the friendly greetings line Gilby if you are going to be a smarty pants. Cos guys like me will rip you apart.

Grow up understand what I am saying like commanders of this world like Jimbo have (let’s get things positive on the BEF) and get that that huge chip off you shoulder buddy.

God bless’s ya. :mrgreen:


Hello Dasha,

what happened? did you get out of bed with the wrong foot first? or did you slip in the shower, hit your head and then decided to react to my post?? Because to me it makes absolutely no sense why you are hostile towards me. Maybe you should re-read my post from a different angle...it's not negative and not directed towards you. I gave my opinion to situations (sketched by you) one can encounter, that's it. Why you are taking it personal is a mystery?
But since you have made some statements directly towards me, I will react to those statements directly to you now. So in your words " Let's go"....

Dasha said:
A, Did you know that in my country, and many other western countries we don’t see a child under 2 yo in it’s father’s/aunt’s/grandmother/uncle/cousin/second/next door neighbor/friend from up the road /etc arms unfortunately as we don’t have the luxury of living in poverty. Instead we employ nannies/ child minding centers to do this for us. Accordingly we have lost the plot when it comes to things as important as taking very good care of little and big children. As you can imagine we are very F*&$ed people in this regard.
Now what we do to our older folk is we put them in retirement villages and well …. pretty much do the same thing to our younger folk. Which is , totally destroy the family unit which only capitalism can do at it’s best.
The reason that I have always been such a strong advocate of the way Indonesian people live is because they have worked out very simply what we so called know it all capitalists have failed to do. Yes believe it or not my friend you are living in a country with purity. Trouble is dickheads from where I come from think they know better.

As you have re-read my post, we see pretty much eye to eye on this one. I dont understand how parents can put money(double-income) before the upbringing of their own children? SO I stand by what I've said....If you see what you described in your post, why should one not praise him,/her-self lucky to witness an intimate moment between a bali kid and parent. As you yourself say you dont witness that in your own country?
As for putting your parents or grandparents in an retirement home(village), that's typical for the western world. Me personally I didn't do that and some other time I will write about how or what I did, but now that's to far off the topic we're discussing.

Dasha said:
Did you know you live in a country where this happens almost every day of the year? How glad I would be to live in a country like yours and be able to sit with a man who does this each morning.

Does not happen in Australia unfortunately!!!!!
Btw feel free to poke around my folio and soak up the freedom brother.

So regarding your comment be thankful you are here to witness it…… ahhhh ummmmmm …. I think I know a bit about that stuff
???I think you again agree with me? You yourself say you are thankfull to be able to witness it, so what is wrong with me saying so? OK???
Yeah I fully realise where I live, so why would I need to soak up freedom from a pic??I am here and can if I so choose to witness it every morning. Although from my location(where I live) the sunset is more enjoyable.

Dasha said:
B, Have you ever stayed in a hotel Gilbert where the other guests come over to your table in the morning and tell you to stop being kind to the local Balinese who are serving you?
Nope never happened to me, I have some kind of 'posture' or 'aura' that other people do not dare to say something like that to me. And if it ever would happen (I doubt it) I hope for that guest there's water in the pool.

Dasha said:
I will not even begin to tell you the story about my eldest son who wanted to arrange a killing of a tourist who was impolite to the ever lovely staff who always take care of us with a local Balinese gang (of which my son is the only white member) for doing this last year…. That’s another story. How does he do it? He only drinks with locals when in down town Kuta – probably knows more about the Balinese underbelly than you will learn in a lifetime. Know what I mean? He is a soul bro and you will be privileged to meet him if you are lucky one day!
Hmmm, arrange a killing...don't know how to react to this one. But your right about the Balinese Underbelly, don't know anything about that. And since I am planning to live here peacefully I would like to keep that that way. Dutch, German(Turk), Russian and turkish Underbelly is a very different story. And I think it's the other way around (privileged to meet), since I am a little bit higher up that ladder. But since B was about the ten percent discount, if given to me I would simply appreciate the gesture...Like I stated before and see nothing negative in that???

Dasha said:
C, Perhaps you missed my point Gilbert. So I will help you out. Occasionally you do get the odd tourist who cares about things in Bali. ANNNDDD they check out after doing good things and leave the wallet , let’s say under the mattress – like the one we found in 97. Turns out this guy chipped in 30 k US to an orphanage work
Yeah..what is your point??? now and in the previous post? Again what I wrote is in no way negative, as I would try to track down that person like I stated. So what the hell is your point exactly, and what has the 30 k donation to do with?
Dasha said:
So as far as feeling good goes Gilb – we just do this cos that’s the right thing o do!!!!!
And what I wrote is not the right thing to do? I don't get you or what you mean.

Dasha said:
D, Hotel Novetel Solo Java. Date Feb 28 2007. Hotel threw a party for my wife. You know why. Because they loved her. Ring them if you feel inclined and they will give you the story. It was her birthday.
If you would have mentioned in the first post it was a birtday, I hate to burst your bubble, but that's very normal that the hotel does something on that date. At least the hotels where I stay it's considered normal, since they have the passport (or made a copy), they know there's a birthday in the period I am staying with them, and do something special, be it a cake or bottle of bubbles.

Dasha said:
E, Guess how much I pay for a shirt gilbert? Ask anyone you care to ask on Poppies 2 on the guy from Australia known as Mr Kino. Close as poss to the bounty hotel. In fact go to the Bounty and ask for Oka. Head Satpam and ask how his 2 kids are going in school. Then take yourself down the road the Claude Graves place….. original setter and guy that first brought power to Kuta in 71 and ask about the …. Wait for it…. 35 thousand kids he is taking care of in Sumba. I challenge you Gilb!!!
I would know how much you pay for a shirt...and I dont care either. Again... I was commenting on the get two shirt for 1 price, normally that would mean the first shirt is overpriced and therefor the merchant can give away a second shirt...Agree??? I don't know why I would take the time and talk to some satpam and ask him how his two kids go to school???It totally doesn't relate to the post made by you. I do understand what you mean probably...you pay for their education, if so I don't see anything wrong with that, and I even applaud you for it...( FYI, I pay for the education of 8 kids) Again I do not see how a guy who takes care of 35.000 kids relates to this post??

Dasha said:
F, Your’e a saint but I think you aint been round the block yet pal!!

I’d drop the friendly greetings line Gilby if you are going to be a smarty pants. Cos guys like me will rip you apart.

Around the block??..you dont even know me..where I grew up, schooling I've had, and what I have accomplished in my short life. As for me being a saint....you couldn't be more wrong, I'm more of an angel...a fallen one that is, who's trying to get up again. As for smarty pants...Don't get that one, it refers to what exactly? hahaha, rip me apart you say...verbally or physically? Ah either way i think you beter think twice for challenging me on that one.

Dasha said:
Grow up understand what I am saying like commanders of this world like Jimbo have (let’s get things positive on the BEF) and get that that huge chip off you shoulder buddy.

God bless’s ya.

I totally agree let's get positive things up, But I stand by things I have said...I don't see anything negative about what I have written in my post, or anything what would be negative or hostile towards you?? And overhere is no chip on my shoulder, or monkey on my back for that mather.
Take care of that head or get out of bed on the other side next time.
Friendly greetings as allways..........Gilbert.
bla,bla,bla, Dasha.

Do you understand yourself?? Think your still suffering from the slip :?:
:lol: :lol:
A simple yeah your right, I misunderstood you Gilbert would have been sufficient, and we could continue being positive, Or start "ripping me apart"
Instead you choose to be ignorant :roll: . Not only ignorant to my post, but to your own hostile post to me as well (which again btw, makes no sense at all).
Choosing to be ignorant is fine, because that's your perogative, but it's obvious who's the real "smarty-pants", judging from your last post.
Btw, no need to pray for me, as your prayers will only be heard by deaf-man ears.
Instead of praying, you might want to explain yourself....since I dont get it, and others probably also don't get it. If that's too much trouble for you, OK. But please also refrain from stupid one-liner remarks like, "didnt get it, did you Gilbert?"
sorry for the off-topic to other forum members!!
So to bring it back to the topic head line......
I think the forum is good as it is, whatever one wants to ask or wants to share, there's a directory for it...Banking, living, Visa's, Business, etcetc.
Don't know what, if at all anything has to be added? But since the original post dates quite a while back(couple of years), I don't know if it's relevant anymore?
So to close my contribition (so far) to this thread...Let's be positive :) .
Thanks and as always, friendly greetings......Gilbert.
Dasha's response was one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read. I don't know what made him think Gilbert was saying anything negative to him, to me Gilbert's answers to the situations were just fine, and realistic.

I don't understand how it's important to say that you don't get sunrises like that in Australia, your son is in a balinese gang (which Bali doesn't need), or all the other pointless crap that was posted. A lot of it actually seemed like bragging right (paying for schooling of balinese, tipping a week's wage etc). The most absurd part about it all, is that it seemed pretty unprovoked.
Dasha, same here, i dont understand what provoked you about Gilberts post.
He seems a very amiable and amicable kind of guy who was only responding in his sincere manner. Also i dont know where you live, but maybe open your eyes to the sunrises here in Australia and as for not holding ones babies and small infants, i see this everyday, so am not sure where you live or maybe you hang around with the wrong crowd.

Dasha perhaps you could put some of your holy and giving divine actions to use in Australia too. Try tipping the waiters here more than usual. Try holding some babies . Be an example, and do so in silence. Your post came across as some big pumping feathered up peacock sprouting how wonderful he is.

SydneyMike, many "adults" are here on this forum who can read.

and stop insulting Gilbert, he is a breath of fresh air.
I can't help but wonder about the "old forum" many of you keep harping back to. I've only been here a little while but have contributed a fair share and I was always surprised in the "old forum" what levels of recrimination and argument even the simplest statement or request for information caused.

I finally came to the conclusion that many of the members (most of whom, thanks be to the Force, are no longer with us) were only here for the confrontation they could cause.

Further, they misused the forum for a welcome daily or hourly break from having to be reasonable and responsible adult members of society.

Sadly there are still some of these around. WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE :roll: