House with family temple


New Member
Nov 27, 2023
I hoping someone has some Bali cultural knowledge and can advise me about this. I've seen some houses for sale and rent which have a family temple. Am wondering how that would impact me living in the house since I am not family. Should I expect that a family member would want to come often to place offerings? That family members would want to come to pray? Is it ok that non-family-members stay in such a house? Would I be in some form of spiritual jeopardy? Sorry if I sound ignorant or in some way offensive (it is of course not my intention). Thanks for any insight.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
Hi Roaming,

all Hindu owned houses have some kind of temples. Even a Kos2an outside. Usually an owner would pray outside or put offerings near the entrance. Perhaps they will ask for big ceremonies like Galungan / Kuningan to enter your house but not very likely...generally absolutely no problem. If it'd be an important temple they wouldn't rent it at all or create a separate entrance
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Just ask the owner if he/they will be taking care of all the ceremonies. Usually they will but I have heard places where they don't live near and expect the resident to find some solution as the ceremonies can't be ignored. Usually the alternative is to pay a neighbor to do the weekly/monthly/yearly ceremonies and pay for the chanang (small bouquets). Get used to someone coming regularly to do the business and simply enjoy - they won't come inside the house but the grounds for sure. Welcome to Bali.


Active Member
Nov 2, 2022
Tabanan, Bali
I hoping someone has some Bali cultural knowledge and can advise me about this. I've seen some houses for sale and rent which have a family temple. Am wondering how that would impact me living in the house since I am not family. Should I expect that a family member would want to come often to place offerings? That family members would want to come to pray? Is it ok that non-family-members stay in such a house? Would I be in some form of spiritual jeopardy? Sorry if I sound ignorant or in some way offensive (it is of course not my intention). Thanks for any insight.
If you are buying the house, you can remove the temples. You'll have to speak to the banjar and they will have some local mangku come over and do a small ceremony to remove the temple and all will be well. Personally, I wouldn't do that if I was just renting the house short term though. It can be done though.

If you don't remove it, then expect family to come by occasionally and pray at that temple for the larger ceremonies.


Active Member
Dec 17, 2021
The Balinese owner and family of the villa I'm renting keep a key to access garden and pelinggi to place offering. Gardener take care of the cleanup.