
Many Balipodders are already familiar with the attack and robbery we experienced in December but for those who haven’t seriously considered home security in Bali this interview by Bali Manual may be useful. I’d like to spread the word so a big thanks to Bali Manual for getting the information into the expat community.
An Australian woman was found dead in her home yesterday, near Ubud, suspicious circumstances apparently. So that is a timely post Polly, we all need to be careful anyway, and especially women that live on their own.
Thanks for letting the Balipod members know about this Pollyanna. I am the owner and sole content producer of BaliManual and I conducted this interview with Pollyanna. I wanted people to realize that these sorts of things could happen in Bali and that it is a good idea to take necessary precautions. A firsthand account of something like this was the best way to accomplish this in my opinion. Pollyanna was a great sport throughout the whole thing as I know it probably wasn't the easiest thing for her to talk about.

Scout - do you have any more information about the woman found dead yesterday? This is the first time that I'm hearing of it, although it did just happen yesterday.
It's unfortunate that these things happen in Bali, but I hope for everyone's safety. For those living in Bali, one of the best ways to be safe, among many other things, is to try to develop and maintain strong bonds with people in your community.

Because family and I live in LA, our homes in Bali are rarely occupied except for when we are there on vacation. Thus our home is an ideal target for robbers. One night a burglar broke into our house in Denpasar, but my neighbor saw it happened from across the street. She screamed, "maling" and in about a minute, a lot of people from my neighborhood went in, beat the burglars and turned them to the authorities. Nothing went missing, and a lot of people voluntarily kept a close eye on my house while we are away and the rest of the neighborhood afterwards. Thus...having a good and close relationship with your community is key to safety.

Also, if possible and if your neighbors are willing, consider forming a neighborhood watch as a deterrent to future robbers.

Again, may everyone in Bali stay safe =)

- Robin
Scout - do you have any more information about the woman found dead yesterday? This is the first time that I'm hearing of it, although it did just happen yesterday.

Yea any info on this scout I stil havnt heard anything ?
A bit off-topic here, but a news item on balidiscovery.com quotes "Bagus Sudibya, a Bali tourism entrepreneur" as saying, "Disappointed at the proliferation of foreign workers and villas in Bali, Bagus Sudibya said villas are being constructed in village area, in locations inappropriate for foreign residences."

Is the government now dictating where foreigners can live on Bali. Are we only supposed to stay in expat housing estates?

Full story here: Bali News: Master of the House
Well, technically there are certain places where foreigners are not allowed to stay in such as kos2an although it is almost never enforced. I've never read a law book on the subject although have talked about it at length with locals with degrees in law etc. kind of a stupid rule, good thing it's not one that they waste their time enforcing.
It has more to with the reporting of foreigners staying on the island, probably a law that was made before there was an influx of foreigners actually living here and most just staying temporarily in hotels and villas etc.
Well if any of you guys ever have problems with the law in Bali, feel free to contact me, I have family and close ties in the military, police, government, and judicial bodies and I will be more than willing to help as best as I can.
An Australian woman was found dead in her home yesterday, near Ubud, suspicious circumstances apparently. So that is a timely post Polly, we all need to be careful anyway, and especially women that live on their own.

any updates on this? is true? what was the cause? where?
Yea any info on this scout I stil havnt heard anything ?

Copied from FB page of BARC (9th April 2012)

my God, today was a doozie our beautiful doggie friend Anna...was found dead in her room this morning... she is our darling friend who donated 30 thousand to us for our sanctuary,she also ran our op shop a couple of days a week , she was loyal to our cause and we loved her, her poor daughter and son in law and grand kids arrived today for a holiday here with her, but they were told as they drove in a taxi to ubud, that they were too late, that Anna had died during the night , so of course it has been a nightmarish day for all concerned ...she was and is such a wonderful big strong compassionate woman..... poor lovely girl ...i only hope she is in the after life and her husband was i hope waiting for her, we are all so sad she is gone though,we will miss her so very much.Thankyou Anna we love you ... and all our doggies and all the people here who knew you will always remember you and your kindness.....

No more news at this stage; her body was flown back to Australia for post mortem, as the family didnt trust the system here to give an accurate report. I am in Australia currently, so don't have any further updates, when I do, will let everyone know the status.
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