George Floyd's Revenge?

But I think we can all agree this one is worse

Australians are all convicts. Travesty that the policeman ended up in jail - anyone viciously slapping a cop car deserves everything they get. Plus she worked as a spiritual healer & meditation coach - ridding the world of another "eat, pray love" should be commended
But I think we can all agree this one is worse

Australians are all convicts. Travesty that the policeman ended up in jail - anyone viciously slapping a cop car deserves everything they get. Plus she worked as a spiritual healer & meditation coach - ridding the world of another "eat, pray love" should be commended

No there is toooo many to say thats the worse.
What about the poor police woman coming home to find a large black man in her house eating ice cream, she draws her hand gun as you would and blows him away.
Then thinks ...........This is not my house????
Of course she did not ring 911, just anther cop to ask what should I do
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In a country awash with firearms which means every cop is really one bad reaction away from killing or being killed you have to ask yourself who would want that job!

The type of mentality required for the job should pretty much preclude that person actually getting it but someone has to do it so they get a lot of slack but the question is where do you draw that line between doing a good(ish) job at law enforcement and total mental instability - I've known some US cops.
In a country awash with firearms which means every cop is really one bad reaction away from killing or being killed you have to ask yourself who would want that job!

The type of mentality required for the job should pretty much preclude that person actually getting it but someone has to do it so they get a lot of slack but the question is where do you draw that line between doing a good(ish) job at law enforcement and total mental instability - I've known some US cops.
I recall Norman Mailer summed it up when he said the mentality of police is basically the same as the criminals. The potential excitement of the job attracts a lot of switched on people who are drawn to violence and power. Rather unkind to the many decent people drawn by a sense of public service. As you say, a country awash with guns, so police are at the edge when they attend a potential crime scene. Nonetheless societies recognize the need to be protected from police as well as criminals so there are rules. Voltaire said, hang an occasional admiral as an encouragement to the others.
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I always thought my generation grew up fucked up, but I don't really think you can judge a black guy (or a white guy for that matter) in the states for being high to be honest, look at cities like Detroit or Chicago if you grew up in the projects drug dealing might well have been the only career for you and a quite lucrative one at that. Is what the tobacco companies do here really any better? Big pharma? The prison system needs slaves for all the cheap factory goods and the cycle goes on. I know GF was Minneapolis but I feel like many of the American cities suffer the same problems.

The world is fucked, but we all need to be the best person we can and care about the environment, animals etc and try and make change. No use sitting behind a computer or phone just typing the world is fucked and doing nothing about it.

Edit: Yeah I was the same sort of thought twice before I decided to participate in the thread some people are just so pushy/hardcore their view is the only view that's right but if you took the steps to move to Bali you obviously desire some freedom from the western system.
Very well said!
Yes Amerika is screwed up. I was raised there in Memphis Tn. I was raised by a black woman because my mother was so beaten down mentally by my abusive father and the system, she hid in a fog of pharmaceutical drugs that the doctors gave out like candy. remember Elvis! I was there when Martin Luther King was shot, and I was there when Kennedy was shot. The best thing that ever happened was when Kennedy stopped segregation and opened up the schools for all the kids to go to school together. The redneck white parents hated it. Thank goodness the hippie movement started. They opened our eyes to peace and love. Yes we experimented with drugs. We wanted to seek higher knowledge, then the yoga, meditation, vegetarian movement came Along. Remember then there were no computers, smartphones yet. Now look at this world, everyone is glued to their smartphones and it killed conversations with a stranger. It is the electronic narcotic now and the system loves it. I may be old fashioned but I would recommend to remember Mother Earth and grow more organic food. We have to stop the corporate world from making petrochemical plastic and use biodegradable oils instead. Maybe I just a dreamer . I can’t wait for the comments to come. Peace and Love, Dennis
Yes Amerika is screwed up. I was raised there in Memphis Tn. I was raised by a black woman because my mother was so beaten down mentally by my abusive father and the system, she hid in a fog of pharmaceutical drugs that the doctors gave out like candy. remember Elvis! I was there when Martin Luther King was shot, and I was there when Kennedy was shot. The best thing that ever happened was when Kennedy stopped segregation and opened up the schools for all the kids to go to school together. The redneck white parents hated it. Thank goodness the hippie movement started. They opened our eyes to peace and love. Yes we experimented with drugs. We wanted to seek higher knowledge, then the yoga, meditation, vegetarian movement came Along. Remember then there were no computers, smartphones yet. Now look at this world, everyone is glued to their smartphones and it killed conversations with a stranger. It is the electronic narcotic now and the system loves it. I may be old fashioned but I would recommend to remember Mother Earth and grow more organic food. We have to stop the corporate world from making petrochemical plastic and use biodegradable oils instead. Maybe I just a dreamer . I can’t wait for the comments to come. Peace and Love, Dennis
Pretty much my CV too but grew up (wrong choice really - got older) across the mid-west from Indiana, Illinois, Michigan down to Texas then moved to England (in the 70s, was wonderful).

I will always believe that the college based hippy, political, anti racist, free love movement so terrified the powers to be (Chicago convention anyone?) that they set out to destroy any chance of an intelligentsia coming along by fecking the education system.

I mean look what we have now?!!!!??

When is the first harvest?
Yes Amerika is screwed up. I was raised there in Memphis Tn. I was raised by a black woman because my mother was so beaten down mentally by my abusive father and the system, she hid in a fog of pharmaceutical drugs that the doctors gave out like candy. remember Elvis! I was there when Martin Luther King was shot, and I was there when Kennedy was shot. The best thing that ever happened was when Kennedy stopped segregation and opened up the schools for all the kids to go to school together. The redneck white parents hated it. Thank goodness the hippie movement started. They opened our eyes to peace and love. Yes we experimented with drugs. We wanted to seek higher knowledge, then the yoga, meditation, vegetarian movement came Along. Remember then there were no computers, smartphones yet. Now look at this world, everyone is glued to their smartphones and it killed conversations with a stranger. It is the electronic narcotic now and the system loves it. I may be old fashioned but I would recommend to remember Mother Earth and grow more organic food. We have to stop the corporate world from making petrochemical plastic and use biodegradable oils instead. Maybe I just a dreamer . I can’t wait for the comments to come. Peace and Love, Dennis

Sorry to be pedantic but Kennedy did not stop segregation although in 1961 he signed an executive order requiring government contractors to treat all employees equally. In 1062 he banned segregation in federally funded housing and gave his famous civil rights speech in 1963.

In 1954 the Supreme Court ruled in the Brown vs Board of Education Topeka, Kansas which led to the famous Little Rock Nine enrollment of black students and the subsequent ugly chaos which led President Eisenhower to order the National Guard and US army to protect the students.

Whatever, these monumental steps achieved much for black Americans even if there is still a long way to go. What amazes me is how patriotic are many black Americans. Spending time in the ghetto in Youngstown I was touched at how many people would reach out to be kind and accepting. It helped, I guess, being Australian. On another historical note, during WW11 in Australia where there were brawls between black and white US servicemen, Australians often stepped in to side with the black Americans. Ironic given how appallingly we were treating our own black people.

So do you and Markit still have a touch of American accents? Maybe you and he can still become buddies. The funny thing about friendships is they can form despite huge differences. I have long time friends who I would describe as right wing conservatives while I am socialist oriented but definitely not Communist.
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So do you and Markit still have a touch of American accents? Maybe you and he can still become buddies. The funny thing about friendships is they can form despite huge differences. I have long time friends who I would describe as right wing conservatives while I am socialist oriented but definitely not Communist.

Happy to be "buddies" with almost anyone and me and some mates can be found most Wednesdays around 3pm in Candi Dasa in a small warung (cheap beer) next to Crazy Kangaroo - it shares a building with Hero Vapor. You'all are welcome but bring a thick skin and a sense of humour. Capture.PNG
Sorry to be pedantic but Kennedy did not stop segregation although in 1961 he signed an executive order requiring government contractors to treat all employees equally. In 1062 he banned segregation in federally funded housing and gave his famous civil rights speech in 1963.

In 1954 the Supreme Court ruled in the Brown vs Board of Education Topeka, Kansas which led to the famous Little Rock Nine enrollment of black students and the subsequent ugly chaos which led President Eisenhower to order the National Guard and US army to protect the students.

Whatever, these monumental steps achieved much for black Americans even if there is still a long way to go. What amazes me is how patriotic are many black Americans. Spending time in the ghetto in Youngstown I was touched at how many people would reach out to be kind and accepting. It helped, I guess, being Australian. On another historical note, during WW11 in Australia where there were brawls between black and white US servicemen, Australians often stepped in to side with the black Americans. Ironic given how appallingly we were treating our own black people.

So do you and Markit still have a touch of American accents? Maybe you and he can still become buddies. The funny thing about friendships is they can form despite huge differences. I have long time friends who I would describe as right wing conservatives while I am socialist oriented but definitely not Communist.
Whoa, very well said Harryopal. Sorry I made of had my dates wrong, but I was there and saw the results I thought it was a time when the world would change for the better. I guess it was me who had changed. since then I have had a curiosity about what is going on in this world. I went to India five times and sat with holy men that the locals would kiss their feet. No way I would ever do that. And you know the holy men would look at me and smile. They knew I had the same power as they did, as a young man. But I know I am just a child living in this world of wonder, nothing more, nothing less than anyone else. Yes I can talk Tennessee like a country boy still if you want. Dang shucks cousin! You mean to tell me Markit speaks American? I would love to play a game of pool, or have a beer with him if the time was right. Thank you Harryopal. Dennis
Doesn't have a damned thing to do with Bali but does anyone else think that the cop just given 23 years jail for the death of the above is being hung out to die(dry)?

I'm for sure not anti black or anything even similar but George Floyd was passing fake money, had a arrest ticket as long as your arm, was on every drug known to man and had a history of trying to escape arrest.

Now if the cop that is getting essentially life for doing his job but being seriously unlucky in choice of venue for it, had simply blown old George's few remaining brain cells all over the sidewalk with his service revolver he would probably have been exonerated and still doing his job - IMHO. How can any of this be right, correct or fair?

Perhaps I'm so out of touch it isn't even funny anymore living here on Bali for 14 years but I do try and keep up with the world's events BUT I'm beginning to think I'll just stay here in my hole and pull the top down.

What a fecking world!

I think the knee on the neck was overkill but certainly I doubt an uncommon practise or an intent to murder. Yes absolutely he was hung out to dry. I don't condone what he did and certainly not how we want the police to behave but I feel safer with police willing to use force where needed.
In a country awash with firearms which means every cop is really one bad reaction away from killing or being killed you have to ask yourself who would want that job!

The type of mentality required for the job should pretty much preclude that person actually getting it but someone has to do it so they get a lot of slack but the question is where do you draw that line between doing a good(ish) job at law enforcement and total mental instability - I've known some US cops.
I would suggest the following: IF I have time we will do a little play. I will knee on your neck, exactly as the killercop did, for 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 minutes.You tell me aftrwards - if you still can - how it felt.
Happy to be "buddies" with almost anyone and me and some mates can be found most Wednesdays around 3pm in Candi Dasa in a small warung (cheap beer) next to Crazy Kangaroo - it shares a building with Hero Vapor. You'all are welcome but bring a thick skin and a sense of humour. View attachment 3493
Hey Markit, thanks for the invitation, I am close by and would love to sit and have some beers and speak some English. Here in Padangbai, it is mostly Bahasa Bali and Indonesian., thats OK, I am used to it. I just spent a couple of days in Ubud. It was refreshing seeing some nice restaurants, with good food and drink. Very good staff also. They all speak English well and provide good service. Unfortunately the government imposed the lockdown at 8 o’clock. I don’t really understand what difference that time makes than any other. they also are threatening the tourist with deportation if caught out at a restaurant after 8. It seems they want to completely make Bali bankrupt, and the children uneducated. It was a-nice dream to think the place was going to open this month, but that dream is gone for now. I hope everyone stays safe and no one gets sick. Good luck to all. Peace
I would suggest the following: IF I have time we will do a little play. I will knee on your neck, exactly as the killercop did, for 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 minutes.You tell me aftrwards - if you still can - how it felt.
Sure I'll play along but I also get to have 10 or 15 friends standing around waiting to kill you too.
Hey Markit, thanks for the invitation, I am close by and would love to sit and have some beers and speak some English. Here in Padangbai, it is mostly Bahasa Bali and Indonesian., thats OK, I am used to it. I just spent a couple of days in Ubud. It was refreshing seeing some nice restaurants, with good food and drink. Very good staff also. They all speak English well and provide good service. Unfortunately the government imposed the lockdown at 8 o’clock. I don’t really understand what difference that time makes than any other. they also are threatening the tourist with deportation if caught out at a restaurant after 8. It seems they want to completely make Bali bankrupt, and the children uneducated. It was a-nice dream to think the place was going to open this month, but that dream is gone for now. I hope everyone stays safe and no one gets sick. Good luck to all. Peace
Can't sit in a bar and drink either - only take-out. Raincheck until after "lockdown" ends then.
But I think we can all agree this one is worse

Australians are all convicts. Travesty that the policeman ended up in jail - anyone viciously slapping a cop car deserves everything they get. Plus she worked as a spiritual healer & meditation coach - ridding the world of another "eat, pray love" should be commended
Thank you so much for your enlighten comments. I mean Really! how dare someone as you say,Viciously slap a police car. Oh my goodness, that’s so bad. And to teach people to calm their minds and be healthier. Oh we just can’t have that. It would destroy all that the pharmaceutical companies worked so hard to achieve. Can you imagine we are healthier and calmer and don’t need so many chemicals and stress and not have obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, teen suicides,corrruption. I agree we just can’t let that happen. we have to keep the world in this matrix.
So, you think 9 or less minutes will kill you, but for Floyd it was o.k.? Eh? No!? Huh? What does this even mean?

This is getting a bit silly.

OK if I ever get all drugged up and try to pass some counterfeit money I'll insist that you Hadodi be the one to kneel on my neck , OK?
This is getting a bit silly.

OK if I ever get all drugged up and try to pass some counterfeit money I'll insist that you Hadodi be the one to kneel on my neck , OK?

I have worked in situations where I have had to rely on 4 to 6 security guards to ensure I was safe to do my job. I have seen guards overact to a threat, I have also been injured in a situation where a more forceful approach might have prevented my injury for just doing my job.

I can't pretend to know what was in the minds of the police in attendance or of Floyd's, What I do know is sometimes force is needed and with adrenalin flowing it not also ways easy to ensure lines don't get crossed. Not through malice but through being in a scary situation with a threat of harm.