George Floyd's Revenge?

The problem is does emotion trump common sense?

I suspect that in our modern age there are lots of people giving of their emotional take on any situation without having the faintest idea what the reality actually would be like. And with all the various outlets on the internet and social media these emotive people have been led to believe their opinion is somehow important and meaningful.

When in fact it's just more writing on a digital toilet wall.
Part 1
You'r in the kitchen making coffee, the wife is watching TV, the dogs laying on the floor(a normal family in the USA).
The front door gets knocked opened the dog jumps up and runs to the door, shoot ring out the dogs dead. The wife runs to a bedroom for safety but gets shoot down. Mean while shots come from the back door and and you are on the floor in pain from the bullets. So the wife is dead , dog dead, you shot a numbers of time on the floor in pain. sounds like a robbery???
Part 1
You'r in the kitchen making coffee, the wife is watching TV, the dogs laying on the floor(a normal family in the USA).
The front door gets knocked opened the dog jumps up and runs to the door, shoot ring out the dogs dead. The wife runs to a bedroom for safety but gets shoot down. Mean while shots come from the back door and and you are on the floor in pain from the bullets. So the wife is dead , dog dead, you shot a numbers of time on the floor in pain. sounds like a robbery???
Sounds like bullshit too me! Come on get to the point! We all know your going to say it was the government wanting to give you a vaccine. Why don’t you all grow up and get over this crap. Your acting like children afraid of the big bad wolf. Your doing exactly what the rich and powerful want. To control you with fear. It’s worked for centuries, Why stop now!
Sounds like bullshit too me! Come on get to the point! We all know your going to say it was the government wanting to give you a vaccine. Why don’t you all grow up and get over this crap. Your acting like children afraid of the big bad wolf. Your doing exactly what the rich and powerful want. To control you with fear. It’s worked for centuries, Why stop now!
Not sure what drugs your taking but there not working. These people were killed by the police, the officers shoot into the building and hit their own officers nobody inside shoot anyone.
You are more likely to be killed in the USA by police.
Not sure what drugs your taking but there not working. These people were killed by the police, the officers shoot into the building and hit their own officers nobody inside shoot anyone.
You are more likely to be killed in the USA by police.
Sorry, As you know the only drugs you can here is Paracetamol and Ibuprofen and of course lot’s of anti-biotics. And an assortment of drugs for high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, and all the problems people have due to their diet here. It seems folks forgot that Bali has a huge range of fruits and vegetables and wild plants. Now it’s white GMO rice, Mackerel, and chicken only. The pork is too expensive, and the beef is as tough as boot leather. Lots of pop mei and sadaap, processed crap from the factories and soft drinks and candy. Not many fruits or vegetables in the diet, and they wonder why their sick so much. Don’t worry the doctors have plenty of chemicals to fix them up.
Yes you are right about the police in America. You put a uniform on someone and they become a slave to the system and lose all rational thought. Just obey orders! There are way too many guns there and the corporation’, politician, lobbyist love it. It greases their pockets. They even say automatic military rifles are fine and a good way to protect yourself. What a sad world this has become. As long as the dark forces are in power, nothing is going to change. Peace
Sorry, As you know the only drugs you can here is Paracetamol and Ibuprofen and of course lot’s of anti-biotics. And an assortment of drugs for high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, and all the problems people have due to their diet here. It seems folks forgot that Bali has a huge range of fruits and vegetables and wild plants. Now it’s white GMO rice, Mackerel, and chicken only. The pork is too expensive, and the beef is as tough as boot leather. Lots of pop mei and sadaap, processed crap from the factories and soft drinks and candy. Not many fruits or vegetables in the diet, and they wonder why their sick so much. Don’t worry the doctors have plenty of chemicals to fix them up.
Yes you are right about the police in America. You put a uniform on someone and they become a slave to the system and lose all rational thought. Just obey orders! There are way too many guns there and the corporation’, politician, lobbyist love it. It greases their pockets. They even say automatic military rifles are fine and a good way to protect yourself. What a sad world this has become. As long as the dark forces are in power, nothing is going to change. Peace

A recent trip to Jakarta would back these ideas, while it's marginally better than anything I could get my hands on foodwise in Australia still, portions got smaller and more westernized, more expensive or cheap and very very small here in Bali. That is the first thing I noticed in Jakarta, the freshness of everything, the size of the portion, the delicious array of tastes and flavours. I remembered Bali was this even just a few years back, can already feel the flames coming but it's my honest view. We let this happen in the west already are we really going to let Bali succumb to the same fate? If you're willing to cook alone you can still pull it off though most of the stalls at the markets for the cheap and fresh ingredients are closed.
A recent trip to Jakarta would back these ideas, while it's marginally better than anything I could get my hands on foodwise in Australia still, portions got smaller and more westernized, more expensive or cheap and very very small here in Bali. That is the first thing I noticed in Jakarta, the freshness of everything, the size of the portion, the delicious array of tastes and flavours. I remembered Bali was this even just a few years back, can already feel the flames coming but it's my honest view. We let this happen in the west already are we really going to let Bali succumb to the same fate? If you're willing to cook alone you can still pull it off though most of the stalls at the markets for the cheap and fresh ingredients are closed.
Yes you right about cooking for yourself. I noticed awhile ago, I wasn’t getting enough vegetables in my meals, so I set up my own kitchen, tried to grow food, but I live near the coast and the weather only allows certain things to grow. I learned eggplants, chilies, lemongrass, Thai basil, , and a new one for me, Malabar spinach, red Amaranth which they call bayam merah, like that climate. If you want to grow green veggies you have to live up in the hills. In the small village the market is still going, but it is over by 8 o’clock in the morning. I forgot before to mention that you have tofu and tempe, which is a nice alternative to meat for your protein. Whatever works for you is OK. Everyone has an opinion, which they are entitled too. Everything is subject to change, if you have an open mind.. Peace
Tofu and Tempe are great, but ultimately not as filling as meat. I try to keep 2-3 of my meals a week vegetarian now and usually grab some peanuts to top it up later for nibbles. I find in wet season literally everything grows but outside of that most can no longer handle the brutal sun and UV anymore. Seems to be morphing back in to wet season from where I am sitting in Denpasar at least, the few degrees less are quite welcome to me a lot more productive and getting out a bit more rather than just hiding inside.
Yes it does seem we are getting a little more clouds, Good! Over in Karangasem it is still quite hot, but there are a few clouds coming there also. Where I stay, the children run the town now. The parents are all busy watching their grandchildren. The kids just play all day and get absolutely no education. They don’t even learn Bahasa Indonesian. If you ask them where is Ubud, Sanur, or Kuta, they think they are in Java. They will spend their entire lives in the village. Maybe they will go to Klungkung once in their lives. And to think these people will make more just like them, and repeat the cycle of ignorance. I am not judging them , It just seems there is more to life than that. I don’t know, I am just a tourist, that lives here. Maybe they happy to be this way. Sorry if I have offended anyone.
Yes it does seem we are getting a little more clouds, Good! Over in Karangasem it is still quite hot, but there are a few clouds coming there also. Where I stay, the children run the town now. The parents are all busy watching their grandchildren. The kids just play all day and get absolutely no education. They don’t even learn Bahasa Indonesian. If you ask them where is Ubud, Sanur, or Kuta, they think they are in Java. They will spend their entire lives in the village. Maybe they will go to Klungkung once in their lives. And to think these people will make more just like them, and repeat the cycle of ignorance. I am not judging them , It just seems there is more to life than that. I don’t know, I am just a tourist, that lives here. Maybe they happy to be this way. Sorry if I have offended anyone.

I see this manifest in my Mrs family in your region, school has became 1 day a week in real life, classes are about 1 hour a day come by whatsapp and the homework is forwarded to the oldest one. But I'm unsure are we going to end up with a dumb as shit generation (fairly likely) or what's better? Look at the 60 and 70 year olds now that worked their lives away just to watch Foxtel every night and a pay a mortgage and just has they hit "success" as defined in our culture die of heart attacks and strokes from all the shit they have to do to get there. Or is there just such a huge cultural gap? Which we don't see the benefits they get of not being trapped by school a 9-5 etc. I watched a German news reader reading about the storms this morning, his body and body language showed he was stressed to the hilt. Many in the village live to very old age, but low education standard by western. But then look at the west these days. Interesting times we live in indeed.