George Floyd's Revenge?


Well-Known Member
Doesn't have a damned thing to do with Bali but does anyone else think that the cop just given 23 years jail for the death of the above is being hung out to die(dry)?

I'm for sure not anti black or anything even similar but George Floyd was passing fake money, had a arrest ticket as long as your arm, was on every drug known to man and had a history of trying to escape arrest.

Now if the cop that is getting essentially life for doing his job but being seriously unlucky in choice of venue for it, had simply blown old George's few remaining brain cells all over the sidewalk with his service revolver he would probably have been exonerated and still doing his job - IMHO. How can any of this be right, correct or fair?

Perhaps I'm so out of touch it isn't even funny anymore living here on Bali for 14 years but I do try and keep up with the world's events BUT I'm beginning to think I'll just stay here in my hole and pull the top down.

What a fecking world!
Doesn't have a damned thing to do with Bali but does anyone else think that the cop just given 23 years jail for the death of the above is being hung out to die(dry)?

I'm for sure not anti black or anything even similar but George Floyd was passing fake money, had a arrest ticket as long as your arm, was on every drug known to man and had a history of trying to escape arrest.

Now if the cop that is getting essentially life for doing his job but being seriously unlucky in choice of venue for it, had simply blown old George's few remaining brain cells all over the sidewalk with his service revolver he would probably have been exonerated and still doing his job - IMHO. How can any of this be right, correct or fair?

Perhaps I'm so out of touch it isn't even funny anymore living here on Bali for 14 years but I do try and keep up with the world's events BUT I'm beginning to think I'll just stay here in my hole and pull the top down.

What a fecking world!

Build your walls high and wide my friend and batten down the hatches. This world we live in is nuts and it's not getting any better. Any good liberal would tell you the reason George Floyd had an arrest ticket as long as his arm and was on every drug ever known to man at the time of his death is due to systemic racism.

The system is designed in a way to keep these minorities on drugs and in prison so it was really no fault of his own he was in that position in the first place. That's what the far left thinks anyway.

I for one think the cop may have used a bit of a dodgy maneuver to keep him down with the knee thing and all but then again, how else are you supposed to protect yourself against a man on PCP, etc. who does not respond to logic or commands?

The fact that they are now erecting statues of Floyd as if he is some sort of civil rights martyr disgusts me. The western world is going to the shitter quickly and I for one am glad to be over here.
I don't normally respond to posts like this one but this time I feel i must because having moved to Bali it seems I'm now among like minded expats.
I'm not racist, I wouldn't be here if I was would I but I really do think the world has gone bloody mad. Statues being removed because the person was supposedly part of the slave trade, even Cecil Rhodes statue has been targeted and look at the good things he did for the British Empire (as was). It's high time that the past was recognised as the past and move on.
I'm bloody glad I have found somewhere to get away from the constant bullshit that is generated in the Western Press about the BLM movement.
I always thought my generation grew up fucked up, but I don't really think you can judge a black guy (or a white guy for that matter) in the states for being high to be honest, look at cities like Detroit or Chicago if you grew up in the projects drug dealing might well have been the only career for you and a quite lucrative one at that. Is what the tobacco companies do here really any better? Big pharma? The prison system needs slaves for all the cheap factory goods and the cycle goes on. I know GF was Minneapolis but I feel like many of the American cities suffer the same problems.

The world is fucked, but we all need to be the best person we can and care about the environment, animals etc and try and make change. No use sitting behind a computer or phone just typing the world is fucked and doing nothing about it.

Edit: Yeah I was the same sort of thought twice before I decided to participate in the thread some people are just so pushy/hardcore their view is the only view that's right but if you took the steps to move to Bali you obviously desire some freedom from the western system.
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It may be tiresome to have our noses continually rubbed in the mess of racism and made to feel guilty for being white when most of us do not feel we created the system and are not directly responsible for the continuing disadvantages and experiences of racism for minorities living in the US, Australia or predominately white countries. But if this is felt as a burden it really doesn't begin to compare with experiences of non whites who daily live with insult, ingrained disadvantage or being on the hard end of policing.

Since the beginning of recorded history it has been the nature of powerful tribes and nations to dominate the less powerful. Hardly an intrinsically or uniquely white phenomena as shown across the millennia but perhaps rather acutely with the Japanese occupation of major parts of China before WW11. However, historically for several hundreds years it was predominately the white European powers with the military technology that enabled them to spread around the world colonizing non white countries, plundering their resources, often resorting to genocide and enslavement of the "inferior" races. We sought to justify this with pseudo science that "proved" the conquered were lesser if not subhuman. Unravelling the inherited cultural sense of superiority that white people have enjoyed has still not been possible even if science has established that the supposed genetics of racial superiority is nonsense.

There is certainly some irony of feeling free from the current pressure of the of the Black Lives Matter focus by living in a country where up to a million people were enslaved by the Dutch. Choosing to live here does not of itself indicate we are not racist. One does not have to go very far through the various expat forums to find that there are a substantial number of expats who are shown by their expressed views to be in fact racist. I should add that of course Indonesia has its own percentage of citizens who also hold racist attitudes.
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It may be tiresome to have our noses continually rubbed in the mess of racism and made to feel guilty for being white when most of us do not feel we created the system and are not directly responsible for the continuing disadvantages and experiences of racism for minorities living in the US, Australia or predominately white countries. But if this is felt as a burden it really doesn't begin to compare with experiences of non whites who daily live with insult, ingrained disadvantage or being on the hard end of policing.

Since the beginning of recorded history it has been the nature of powerful tribes and nations to dominate the less powerful. Hardly an intrinsically or uniquely white phenomena as shown across the millennia but perhaps rather acutely with the Japanese occupation of major parts of China before WW11. However, historically for several hundreds years it was predominately the white European powers with the military technology that enabled them to spread around the world colonizing non white countries, plundering their resources, often resorting to genocide and enslavement of the "inferior" races. We sought to justify this with pseudo science that "proved" the conquered were lesser if not subhuman. Unravelling the inherited cultural sense of superiority that white people have enjoyed has still not been possible even if science has established that the supposed genetics of racial superiority is nonsense.

There is certainly some irony of feeling free from the current pressure of the of the Black Lives Matter focus by living in a country where up to a million people were enslaved by the Dutch. Choosing to live here does not of itself indicate we are not racist. One does not have to go very far through the various expat forums to find that there are a substantial number of expats who are shown by their expressed views to be in fact racist. I should add that of course Indonesia has its own percentage of citizens who also hold racist attitudes.

Great point and very well articulated. I love you
Thank you for all your opinions openly expressed and well grounded.

I understand the liberal "flow" running through most of them but wonder how deep that actually goes. In my experience opinions expressed in a group generally bear little resemblance those expressed at a personal level and this holds exponentially true for keyboard opinions where no one knows you.

Be that as it may I still struggle with the level of liberal acceptance we are all expected to show and defend because it's Politically Correct.

When I'm making a judgement call about another person that, for instance, I am just meeting I base it on the way that person walks, stands, talks, looks and acts and none on the color of their skin. I remember a African-American woman I met here telling me she was shocked how she was treated here by the locals (badly) as her skin was shades lighter than those of the locals she railed against. I didn't have the heart to tell her it wasn't because she was black but because she was a woman :rolleyes:
When I saw the video, this killer cop kneeing on Floyd‘s neck I was shocked and could not believe that this was a human being . No, this police officer is a cold blooded killer. If Floyd was a criminal it does not matter. He should have been arrested and got whatever the law says, but NOT being killed by this psycho, who finally got what he deserves - due to my opinion, not enough.
I don't normally respond to posts like this one but this time I feel i must because having moved to Bali it seems I'm now among like minded expats.
I'm not racist, I wouldn't be here if I was would I but I really do think the world has gone bloody mad. Statues being removed because the person was supposedly part of the slave trade, even Cecil Rhodes statue has been targeted and look at the good things he did for the British Empire (as was). It's high time that the past was recognised as the past and move on.
I'm bloody glad I have found somewhere to get away from the constant bullshit that is generated in the Western Press about the BLM movement.
You mean you are happy to close your eyes and ears and put your head in the sand? I am ashamed of our history, killing millions of Jewish. And I would be ashamed if I were American who obviously learned nothing from their terrible past!
When I saw the video, this killer cop kneeing on Floyd‘s neck I was shocked and could not believe that this was a human being . No, this police officer is a cold blooded killer. If Floyd was a criminal it does not matter. He should have been arrested and got whatever the law says, but NOT being killed by this psycho, who finally got what he deserves - due to my opinion, not enough.

Geee I wonder what you all would have done if you had to restrain a 2 meter tall, 100kg, muscular, drugged up man from trying to get away from you in a crowd of his compatriots who mostly shared his inclinations to see you dead?

The world looks so much different from behind a safe, dry, clean keyboard, doesn't it?

I actually suspect Derrick was trying to do George a favor by kneeling on his neck - instead of blowing his brains out for resisting arrest.
Geee I wonder what you all would have done if you had to restrain a 2 meter tall, 100kg, muscular, drugged up man from trying to get away from you in a crowd of his compatriots who mostly shared his inclinations to see you dead?

The world looks so much different from behind a safe, dry, clean keyboard, doesn't it?

I actually suspect Derrick was trying to do George a favor by kneeling on his neck - instead of blowing his brains out for resisting arrest.

When Markit is the only one who is actually right, you know the world's gone completely mad
Thank you for this clear statement and not wishi washi. The cop is a killer and should me sentenced life without parole
Of course cops are killers, that's in the job description.

I just wonder how you would feel if that "killer" was the only thing standing between you and a muscular, drug crazed 2 meter tall black man.
Of course cops are killers, that's in the job description.

I just wonder how you would feel if that "killer" was the only thing standing between you and a muscular, drug crazed 2 meter tall black man.
Pretty much my train of thought too Markit. Very easy to come down on the cops in this situation. Yes maybe the level of restraint was excessive but unless you were the cop in question how can you say that it was completely unwarranted without knowing exactly what the circumstances were at the time.
“Yes, maybe the level of restraint was excessive” ?
He took 9.5 minutes to kill him ffs!
He was handcuffed, on the ground, not struggling with at least four other officers to assist him.
Markit I think you should read that message you print at the bottom of your posts about God and apply it to this situation.
“Yes, maybe the level of restraint was excessive” ?
He took 9.5 minutes to kill him ffs!
He was handcuffed, on the ground, not struggling with at least four other officers to assist him.
Markit I think you should read that message you print at the bottom of your posts about God and apply it to this situation.
If the cop had wanted to kill him (and god knows he must have been tired of George popping up on the wanted lists) he only needed to have drawn his service gun and blown George's few remaining brain cells out.

Please remember the cuddly little chap George held a loaded revolver to a pregnant woman's stomach and got 5 years for that.

This was the very best thing old George could have done with his life from his fams point of view - they got $27 million to pay for his funeral.

Sorry this whole thing is insanity bathed in stupidity and political correctness.

If you fail to understand that then even I (in my heavenly display) can't help you!
So you are saying that the police man was entitled to weigh up the prisoners past record, assuming he had all the facts in his head, and unilaterally decide that this prisoner should die here and now.
The bloke was a piece of shit but in our western society he is entitled to a trial and his fate decided by a jury. There no point in talking about his past record, appalling as it is, and saying “oh well so what if he’s got a terrible record let’s just kill him here and now, bugger the trial “
The fact his family got a huge, and frankly ridiculous payment, is nether here nor there, it’s what the American system of compensation thought fit to pay his relatives for a wrongful execution by a policeman who decided to play judge, jury and executioner.
There is no political correctness involved.
So you are saying that the police man was entitled to weigh up the prisoners past record, assuming he had all the facts in his head, and unilaterally decide that this prisoner should die here and now.
The bloke was a piece of shit but in our western society he is entitled to a trial and his fate decided by a jury. There no point in talking about his past record, appalling as it is, and saying “oh well so what if he’s got a terrible record let’s just kill him here and now, bugger the trial “
The fact his family got a huge, and frankly ridiculous payment, is nether here nor there, it’s what the American system of compensation thought fit to pay his relatives for a wrongful execution by a policeman who decided to play judge, jury and executioner.
There is no political correctness involved.

Firstly the cops all knew old George from past experience.

You really should inform yourself a little more about stuff you so clearly hold very dear.

Who's to say old George wasn't tired of his silly existence and was trying to do suicide by cop, happens all the time :)

We aren't gonna agree on this and frankly I don't think old George was worth above half the time we've spent on him so I'm done and RIP George and RIP Derrick (sacrificed so we can have BLM on our tshirts)
Sorry Markit but you cant just cut and run like that, casting wild aspersions that have no fact or merit, as you walk out the door. 1)What relevance is there as to whether the policeman new George or not? His actions were wrong in any circumstances
2) Thats a very arrogant assertion that he make when you imply that you are so much better informed on the case than myself. It certainly not borne out by your comments.
3) It’s justice that I hold dear and a fair go for anyone who comes before the court.
4) Your comment about possible suicide is simply ludicrous and frankly shows what a weak position you hold.
5) Your racism is there for all to see.
Sorry Markit.