Forum Technical Problems Questions and Answers

It works for me while I'm browsing inside a thread, but in the Thread-list it doesn't work. I've tried with IE 8 and FireFox 3.5.8.
I think too many threads are coming up with the first posts dating from five or six years ago! If people reading them don't check the dates carefully, they get a lot of outdated information to start with and possibly go off on a tangent.

Surely there is some way in your vBulletin software to fix this?

Regarding the PM feature: I see "folders" that supposedly have 50+ imported saved/sent messages from the past but I can't find them. How can I email somebody from my PMs? (Or is that feature not turned on, deactivated at present, or what?)

Is there an option somewhere, like there used to be, to not show my presence after logging in, if that's what I choose?

The repeated message about "the forum has changed", etc, is both annoying (to me) and takes up needless screen space (IMHO). You have all of our email addresses - couldn't you just inform all the registered members that way and be done with it?

I think this site has now become too non-user friendly. I miss the previous format (clear, concise and to the point). Misleading posters with ancient stuff in your face is rather poor management. I'm not saying you're doing this deliberately, or at least, I hope you're not.

KISS is always the way to go.
Keep It Simple Spicy

I think too many threads are coming up with the first posts dating from five or six years ago! If people reading them don't check the dates carefully, they get a lot of outdated information to start with and possibly go off on a tangent.

Surely there is some way in your vBulletin software to fix this?

I don't know why this is happening lately. Maybe more people are coming from the search engines finding the site from various search phrases.

Is there an option somewhere, like there used to be, to not show my presence after logging in, if that's what I choose?

Settings -> Forum Settings -> Use Invisible Mode

The repeated message about "the forum has changed", etc, is both annoying (to me) and takes up needless screen space (IMHO). You have all of our email addresses - couldn't you just inform all the registered members that way and be done with it?

I think this site has now become too non-user friendly.

Sorry Spicy, I know you are doing your best but I said this recently, and still feel the same. I also know of a few other members who feel the same way and haven't been posting.

I know you want to attract new members but it would be a shame to loose your old faithfuls too.
I also know of a few other members who feel the same way and haven't been posting.

That does worry me and that was a possible consequence of changing the forum. So what can be done? Go back to the old style? I think sometimes you have to take a step back to move forward. Or as I read recently about Google buzz, you want to be where the ball is going, not where it is now.

I know there are still a few problems, but I don't think the basic way of making new threads or replying to posts has changed too much? Maybe a guide needs to be created how to log onto the forum, make new posts and reply to threads?
So what can be done?

We can’t go back for sure. The best thing is to improve the forum. It would be nice if the really old threads could be moved somewhere else, and only the one that are about 1 year old show up, maybe the last 10 pages or even less. Have a sub forum for the old threads.

Or have the date in red for the old thread, but I don’t think it will help very much.:icon_rolleyes:
The archives are currently one of most common ways people find the forum. Perhaps if someone replies to a really old topic, with requests for new information, I should just move it to a new topic of its own, like what happened recently with the retirement visa post.

When I was considering moving here, I got a lot out of reading through the old threads - both information and some entertainment :icon_biggrin:
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Hi, Spicy.
I have sent a few private messages to some of the members [you included] and they are not [as yet] showing on my 'sent messages'. Is there a problem or are they getting through?
Hi, Spicy.
I have sent a few private messages to some of the members [you included] and they are not [as yet] showing on my 'sent messages'. Is there a problem or are they getting through?

They should have gone through. You need to select the option to save the message in your sent items for each message or turn it on by default.

Settings -> Forum Settings -> Save a copy of sent messages in my Sent Items folder by default

There is also an option when you send a message to get a "read receipt" so you know if the person has opened the message.
im trying to contact admin but cant for some reason.

im hinakos, but my name and log in got changed.

how can i get hinakos back?

im trying to contact admin but cant for some reason.

im hinakos, but my name and log in got changed.

how can i get hinakos back?


I just sent an email to the address you supplied for the Hinakos account. You might need to check your spam folder if you can't find the email in your inbox.
When viewing a list of threads in a given forum, the next page/prev page buttons don't work. Keep going back to page 1, so seems there's a wacky mod_rewrite rule somewhere not doing what it's supposed to be doing. vbSEO = nasty :)
nothing in any email inbox. i cant pm you until i hit 10, so need to ask you to please send it again from here.

thanks again
Wouldn't it be a good thing to simply lock all the old threads? Like that they can still be searched, but people should get their heads up if they try to respond to potentially out-of-date topics when they realize it's locked. At least they would have to start a new topic on the subject.
Posting a blog:
I am trying to post a blog, but after submitting, nothing happens. Did I miss something? Could it be the length? ;-)
Posting a blog:
I am trying to post a blog, but after submitting, nothing happens. Did I miss something? Could it be the length? ;-)

Are you getting an error or something? I don't think there is any restriction on the length.
Admin: I tried again and again... and I finally got it.
I chose tab "Blogs" & "Blog settings", but...
tab "Blogs" & "Create new post" was needed. A good night sleep does wonders to your w.w.w. intelligence ;-)